Wednesday, May 18, 2005

C'mon, It is SNL!

I was informed by a certain reader that the NAD found the scene on Saturday Night Live during the Paula Abdul's appearance (which is 2 weeks ago, I believe) where its Weekend Update had a fake deaf character who made racist jokes towards the interpreter who is black, who in turn made fun of deaf guy instead.

Andy Lange, the President of NAD said, "It's stupid and disgusting! The NAD strongly condemns this kind of thing."

Then Andy Lange encouraged members of the deaf community to write and complain to the NBC and FCC about its racist stuff.

My take on this: This is FUCKING Saturday Night Live! Its goal is to entertain people of all backgrounds and sometimes it included making fun of other's tendencies. To me, it implied that the folks now saw us in the mainstreaming world and decided to poke fun at us. That is quite a compliment, all right.

Andy, stop chasing after women whining and be productive about something else -- like working to educate the Republicans about William H. Pryor before he attains the judicial seat in the 11th Circuit of Appeals.


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