Sunday, April 17, 2005

This Reminded Me ...

After reading this, I do not feel safe driving in Seoul, South Korea. At least, I do not live there. Not my problem.

But this reminded me of Korian "Koko" Thomas who is legally blind, he flashed his driver's license which he got it in his homestate, Texas. I was horrified because this guy really has very, I mean, very limited eyesight. He always bumped into guys (Is it because they are guys?) in the dorms and cafeteria. Even he was let go from Gallaudet football team because of his deteriorating eyesight.

I am always amused by Koko's theatrics at times but when he flashed his driver's license -- what was the state of Texas thinking about?! If he hits a pedestrian without seeing the pedestrian at all, and the cop pulled him over and asked him if he was "aware" that he hits a pedestrian -- Koko will say that he is NOT aware because he did not see him at *all*. Legally, he would be have to prosecuted with something if he knew or saw.

IN a way, he can get away with a murder on his hands. O-boy!


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