Never mind that her high school, not college had a senior class trip outside of the United States. An urban high school senior class in The Bronx will never have that opportunity to visit Aruba. But I digress.
I'm amazed at the attention she is getting at this moment. Even all cable news networks mentioned her frequently. The local news channels mentioned it again, again and again. How sweet.
But if Natalee was not pretty or rich, will she get the international attention? Of course not. If she is deaf or blind, will she get attention? Of course not.
So when I heard that she vanished, tough shit. Boo hoo. I knew of a person who was killed in Cancun during the college break more than a decade ago, she was not mentioned in the national media at all. Just a blip in Honolulu's obituary page.
Nice to be affluent and pretty, is it?
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