Sunday, March 20, 2005

What Is Wrong With ABC?!

Desperate Housewives is very popular in the United States, United Kingdom and even, Australia! Why are the ABC keeping on doing the fucking reruns and put many different shows on it such as the Academy Awards and others -- I am losing patience with this show.

Now I was looking forward to see the new episode of Desperate Housewives because I was curious to see the aftermath of shocking revelation with Bree's son. But today, they ran the old show. Me so disappointed. What were they THINKING -- trying to turn the viewers off? They probably did.

Wojnar asked me what I thought of this -- I could not react because I was not aware of this until he mentioned it. Now I'm curious to see how she fits in Wisteria Lane. According to her website, she will be in Desperate Housewives on April 3. Who is she? She is the one that many Deaf people loved to bash, hate, love and protect her. Like it or not, she is the Diva of Deaf Community as much as we deny it.

I met her once in the bookstore at Gallaudet, she was bit abrasive ... perhaps because she was annoyed by gawkers. Using the derogatory sign name to identify her in front of her. I knew of a friend who banged on the window to tell me that I am standing behind her (at that time, I did not know it was her), she turned to look at me and said, "He was talking about me. Satisfied?"

My reaction was, "Oh, ok."

I wish that idiot did not use that derogatory sign name in front of her.

But few years later in Los Angeles, I got to meet her again right before the captioned film at a local theater. She was very nice, funny, animated and tough chick. I actually liked her.

So naturally, I look forward to see her on April 3.

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