Tuesday, October 26, 2004

What A Joke

Few political gimmicks for y'all to smile and chuckle.

This website is interesting. This is amusing and alarming because they are not "distant" cousins. They are GW Bush's second cousins, just like Mary (Li*La*Lo) and Sandy (Sandy) from Tennessee are my second cousins. And they just launched a website, urging the undecided voters not to vote for their cousins. Says a lot about GW Bush's relationship with his relatives.

Deaf Republicans also launched a website of its own. It made me chuckle. If you look around carefully, you'll realize that it is full of shit. Know why? They do not have the links to ADA, Education, Health Care and Kerry's Record. Only Bush's Record and Captioning. Whoopee!

As you guys may heard, Fidel Castro fell and possibly broke his leg or arm or whatever it is. It always bothered me that a communist country ruled by Castro was absolutely *hated* by our politicians to a point where our government figuratively and literally crushed Cuba. There are people in Cuba that played basketball games without socks. I guess, our government actions were very noble. 50 years of punishment is enough. Why do we condemn Cuba for its communism government while we are pals with Vietnam and China?

And for Mr. Boucher, the spokesman for State Department to say "No" to a question by the press corps who asked him if he wished Fidel Castro well. This is fucking silly, Mr. Boucher. Even my unborn kids behaved better than you, u dumbfuck. Let's be mature and work something out with the Cuban government. Let's just perestroika (sp?) the Cuban government like we did with the Soviet Union. Castro outlived many United States Presidents! Our government may be the most powerful in the world but we lacked the common sense, that is for sure.

Cuba is insignificant nation with devastated economy but proud people -- let them go -- drop the economic sanctions. And no, that does not make me a Communist, thank you very much.


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