Thursday, September 08, 2005

UGH! Sometimes You Want To Strangle 'Em!

Last night, went to Center City with Jason just for the heck of it. In fact, I mentioned that I saw an advertisement that there will be an event called Bulge at The Bike Stop which enforced the un-dress code. Turns out that you had to wear white underwears, no colors allowed. Only white ones. No jockstraps allowed, no boxers allowed. The event is a carbon copy of Manhattan's TigerBeat Underwear parties hosted by Daniel Nardicio first at The Slide, now at Boysroom. I'm not sure if it is still running or not.

Since I wore the black boxerbriefs and Jason wearing a white boxer -- that was no-no! But we got to mingle a little before we stumbled upon two Deaf gay fellas, Yossi and Rob. Good thing, I was buzzed -- did not have to deal with them directly. Both were abrasive, rude and embarrassing. In fact, the bartender wrote a note to me, saying that "this guy (Yossi) do not buy anything when he comes here at all."

I attempted to ask Yossi why he does that. He kept on saying, "DEAF CULTURE! DEAF CULTURE!" I was ready to bash him, serious case. His name is Yossi, which is Jewish -- but he said, "I am Jewish Christian!" -- whatever suits him the best. He said that he will fuck guys until he's done with it, then marry a woman. Yossi remarked, "Because it is the right thing to do. Mom said so."

One word: Whatever! Yossi, you are one, big stupid fuck. Get lost already!

Then later, Jason and I went to Woody's which is popular in Center City. It is OK to me, I miss Nowhere, The Cock, Urge, The Slide, The Hole, Boysroom -- now that is MY type! However, Yossi followed along and came straight to the computer area -- yes, they have three monitors for any drunk fools to check emails in the bar -- and Yossi stayed there until the closing time -- not even to buy a drink or anything at all. Oh, god.

Then there was this deaf guy named Rob -- he talked too much. In fact, he was signing excessively to a point where he repeatedly shoved people around him. I can see that Jason wanted to cruise a little around the room and mingle a little. When I saw a cute guy walking by, I attempted to tell Jason to look at how hot he is -- suddenly, Rob went ballistic and said, "I'm not DONE talking with him!"

Ahh, he was talking non-stop for about 30 minutes! Take it easy, Rob. Anyway, I saw one cute guy who waved at me, then he walked to me and hugged me. Very hot. Name is Justin. But thanks to Rob's constant interferences, Justin gave me a look that can read like, "Sorry, but he is too much, bye!"

So he vanished. But at least, he bribed me his email address on a small note without Rob's sight.

Thanks a lot, Rob and Yossi. You're the classic example why sometimes I am embarrassed to be Deaf Gay man and that is why I restrict my time with 'em. Grow up a little, for my sake!

Otherwise, my evening with Jason was fun and interesting.

Another Note: I got an email from Teri, a volunteer interpreter at the Astrodome, trying to refute the hoax email. At first, I was bit suspicious with her cold, callous email blasting me about my comments. I attempted to ask her what she meant by that, she quickly clammed up and said that I do not have to be "semantics". The tone of her e-mail which she volunteered and "helped" Deaf people at the Astrodome -- I can paraphrase what she wrote, "too bad the community that PROFESS to support them". To me, that was more of plantation mentality -- "See? I have to help them because they cannot do anything on their own! That's why I'm volunteering myself over there!"

I shot back to tell her that her tone of plantation mentality is not appreciated and needed in our community. She went ballistic on her last email and told me that she will block me. And in turn, she runs off to McWeenie for some kind of moral support. McWeenie claimed that I sought after Teri for information which I never did. In fact, she emailed me first to notify that the "17 Deaf Dead" email was, indeed, a hoax.

Guess what? Do I give a fuck? No, not at all. These stuff will happen ALL the time, no need to work up on this subject but to act like you HAVE to help them because their community does not provide the support they claimed to is offensive, simply put.

And fuck you, Teri and McWeenie.

One More Thing, McWeenie: McWeenie, you wrote an entry before you quickly deleted it -- the one that you decried me for snickering at the CNN video of Deaf man being melodramatic -- grow a spine, McWeenie.

I had Gus to watch the CNN video and I stood behind him to see his reaction to the facial expressions of this deaf man's melodramatic expressions. When the scene of Deaf man's expressions appeared, Gus quickly smiled and coughed a laugh. See? I rest my case. That was a simple response to the facial expression. Get a fucking life already. If you want to do something for Katrina victims, more power to thee. But I reserve the right to comment my own toughts whether if you like it or not.

I see that Patti Raswant gave her few words to McWeenie on her DeafSurvivors' blogsite, I had been trying to locate Patti for some numbers of years -- I attempted to ask that from McWeenie, he went on the series of tirades on the emails on me. What do you expect from a conservative, Republican prick?


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