Friday, September 02, 2005

Katrina Exposed Our Incompetence

Michael Brown Is Delusional: FEMA Director Michael Brown said that "people are getting the help they need." Last night, one FEMA spokesman said that things will be organized in the next 3 days. 3 days?! Where have they been in the last 5 days when NOLA disintegrated?

An Idiotic Deaf Wannabe-Blogger: One Pro-Bush Deaf Blogger listed the hyperlinks to the websites for the victims to obtain the information on how to get help and all that shit -- is he stupid or what? One cannot pop up the internet connection at some coffeehouse in New Orleans and obtain the forms and walk over to the FEMA's booth and say, "Here it is!"

GW Bush Shaking People's Hands While People Are Dying: What the fuck? I'm watching the LIVE report in Mobile where GW Bush was listening to the lying fools then spent his time shaking people's hands. Saying that little poor Trent Lott's home was emptied by Katrina, and that they will build a fantastic home for Trent. Will he says the same thing for some black who is 79 years old in New Orleans? Fat chance -- Bush will never meet them at all.

FEMA Are Stupid! It was reported in Houston that FEMA tried to get the victims to register and provide the social security so that they can figure out the logistics and do the direct deposit to their banks so that they can have food, medicine and housing assistance. Many victims do not have the banks for the FEMA to do the direct deposit. Remember, the majority of victims are poor.

Remember Jesse Jones? A certain former but populat student at Gallaudet, Jesse Jones hailed from New Orleans. He is OK, his family are OK. But they lost everything else.

See Any Resemblance? When the United States beats Iraq, the first few days, Baghdad plunged into anarchy and chaos because our government did not have the plan to operate the nation as well. Now, Katrina came and went, New Orleans is in flames because nobody is prepared. What have the Bush Administration been up to in terms of strategy?

Vacation For Everyone! It was reported that GW Bush had his summer vacation in Crawford, Texas for 4 weeks. I learned that Dick Cheney was on vacation as well in Jackson, Wyoming. I also learned that Condi Rice has been on vacation for a week until many bloggers relentlessly bashed Condi's activities in New York. There is a rumor that Dick Cheney is ill which is why everyone keeps it under the wraps.

Tate: You're On My Shit List: Tate Tullier wrote that on his Xanga that he considered Katrina to be on his shit list -- very cute. Very cute, what about GW Bush and his administration's lackadaisal efforts to do something? What about YOUR own state that neglected to fix up the levees in the first place? Why did not the city of NOLA tells people to supply their food, medicine and water when Katrina was coming? Only to issue the evacuations or what?

All in all, NOLA is destroyed. GW Bush said that he is determined to bring it back to what it was in the first place -- I nearly farted. It will take decades to do so!

Governor Barbour Is Liar: He mentioned to the press that he was not aware that Katrina was category 5 until few hours before its arrival. What? Where did he has been? At some dirty adult bookstore? The National Hurricane Center issued about it 48 HOURS prior to its arrival! Even the media talked about it for days before it reached the Gulf Coast. What a liar. That's what you get for voting Republicans. I guess it is a blessing in disguise.

UPDATE: Two tidbits from friends of mine -- Lee Trevathan has a beachhouse in Biloxi, Mississippi is virtually gone. He and his ex cannot get to the property because they have to canvass the dead bodies first. Since his property was close to the beachfront, it is likely that it was demolished by the storm surge. Lucky for him, he has the insurance. It was also reported that Garrett Bose who is living in DC and hailed from New Orleans -- his mother's home was destroyed as well.



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