Sunday, October 23, 2005

Megastorm ... or Fujiwhara?

Last night, Sarah mentioned about the possibility of Wilma merging with Alpha on Monday just off from the coast of Florida -- I find the idea to be intriguing and interesting. Historically, when two hurricanes/tropical storms are situated nearby to each other, they often drained each other out. But you never know how it goes with the weather.

According to the National Hurricane Center in Miami, I had been comparing two maps and I decided to pull it and put it together -- took me about 30 minutes to do that, not bad, eh?

AS you can see the map, both storms are going to meet or end up draining each other on Monday afternoon just off the coast of Florida. When two hurricane/tropical storm got closer to each other, they rarely merge. They often danced with each other, stalled each other from moving on its own. It is termed as Fujiwhara.

Either way, it is interesting subject, is it?



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