Monday, July 25, 2005

Lousy Interpreters

My close friend, after a lengthy open discussion about different subjects, brought up the issue of qualified interpreters. The person went on to say that despite the fact that there are laws, requirements and code of ethics that pertains to the relationship between the clients and interpreters, there are still not well-qualified interpreters out there!

And when there are bad or lousy interpreters that cannot sign very well, read ASL very well, read fingerspelling well, tends to add information to the dialogue that was not mentioned by the hearing person and/or interpreters subjugated the deaf clients to their likings, not many Deaf people actually reported or complained about the shitty interpreters.

What can we do about it?

My friend smiled, "You could blacklist them on your blogsite for the world to read, as long as you have the valid information that they are that horrible. You could set the headline that reads Blacklisted Interpreters where others can email you with valid information about their experiences with interpreters. Then you can add the names on it with links to the identified interpreters that does not deserve to interpret for us."

I thought it was such a wonderful idea for us to assert our rights to ensure that our access to the interpreters should be better than just good, we should turn the tables on interpreters and put the fear in them! They are there to serve us, not us to serve them!

Any comments on this subject before I could decide whether to go ahead or not with the newest list of Blacklisted Interpreters!



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