Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Reagan Sucks

I find it bit eerie that Ronald Reagan dropped dead last Saturday after I made fun of Nancy Reagan on May 27. If you observed over the years, I indirectly killed famous persons: Princess Di, Gianni Versace, John Denver, John F. Kennedy Jr and now Ronald Reagan. Each time I visited their hometowns, they dropped dead in matter of weeks.

Friday is the Federal Mourning Day, which means all federal buildings are closed.

Reagan may be a decent man but he never did a thing for gay people. In fact, it was during his administration that the AIDS exploded on the scene and he kept on associating AIDS with gays, thus lacked the means to get funds to find a cure. I believe that his administration remains No. 1 in AIDS deaths than any administration. In other words, Reagan was a fuckin' homophobe. When I learned that he had Alzheimers Disease 10 years ago, I smirked and said to myself, "He is finished."

Karma is magnificent. It always take care of things on its own, sooner or later. When Reagan refused to acknowledge that AIDS do not discriminate, Karma takes his mind away slowly. I think it was such a poetic justice.

But there are few things that I admire Reagan. For instance, the Berlin Wall. It was Reagan who said, "Mr. Gorbachev, take down the wall!" And the walls tumbled down on my birthday.


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