Thursday, December 09, 2004

Death & Naughty Santa

I noticed two things about the Holidays. People tend to die on or around the Holidays. My Drandpa died on 24th before X-Mas some years ago. My friend's grandma died few days before Thanksgiving. Stuff like that made me wonder why people dropped on the floor died on or around the Holidays. Is it the blues that made them go?

Sarah and I discussed about the customs of Southerners at the wakes and funerals. I wonder if the Civil War left a huge psychological damage to The South to a point where many generations continue to have an odd fixture with the death itself?

Dad still has a couple of pictures that were taken at the funerals or wakes. I remembered seeing some people taking pictures of dead persons in the coffin. That made me cringe. Drandma once told Mom, "When I'm dead in whatever I am wearing, do not change my clothes. Just leave it alone. Why am I getting a nice dress just to lay in the coffin year after year? What is the point? Don't put the make-ups on me. Nothing at all. And do not open the coffin to anyone else except for the family members."

At that time, I wonder why. But now I know. It is because of these odd people who brought the cameras to the funerals and wakes, taking pictures of corpses.

Remember the odd lady who had a daughter at Kendall Demonstration Elementary School? The lady took the daughter to stand next to Chanda's coffin and took a picture. Erik and I confronted the lady, her response was: "My daughter never saw a dead body, it is her first time. I want to take a picture of her with the woman in the coffin."

Needless to say, we kicked her out.

Another thing about the Holidays, I noticed that people tend to move in or out near or around the Holidays. I guess it has something to do with the lease which is 12-month, at times.

Either way, there will be several Holiday Parties starting tomorrow evening and few more next week. A part of me is Ebenezer Scrooge, a part of me is looking forward to it. Only time will tell if I enjoy it or not.

I might go to Hopelesswell, a small town in Virginia about 20 miles southeast of Richmond for the Holidays, just to make my parents happy.

Speaking of parents, I just read the article on AOL that the parents in Enterprise, Florida are on strike, leaving their teenagers (17 and 12) on their own since the teenagers refused to do the chores, so the parents had their tent outside along with the TV set. Lots of neighbors loved the parents and the parents had to console their kids, many media are picking the story up as we speak. Very cute.

Enjoy the picture by naughty Santa.


Wednesday, December 08, 2004


There are things in life you simply do not allow your parents to know. I happen to think that my blog is an outlet of my thoughts.

When I first set up the blog, it was for friends to read and be amused. But in a short time, I realized that there will be a time that the loved ones and enemies will find their way to my domain. Including my parents.

Today, I had a talk with my parents on the SVRS, it was nice. Blah, blah. Then Mom said, "Mary told me that you write something on the Internet, what's up with that?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah."

Mom asked, "I want to see it. What is the URL?"

"Mom, you'll piss have a heart attack if you read my blog because it is so filth, full of humors about everything else."

"Really? You talk about your gay sex?"


My eyes darted to Dad who rolled his eyes and sighed.

Mom then said, "Are you going to embarass me out there? I should castrate your damned penis!"

"Mom, you already embarassed yourself a long time ago. So why do you worry? It is my life. I can give you the URL but you have to respect what I wrote so far."

Mom smiled and said, "You crazy dumb ass."

Sure, whatever.

Here is the photograph of Hrandma. The hearing grandmother on my father's side.


Using Voice In Front of Deaf Peers

Remember the folks in the cafeteria at Gallaudet -- these losers that tend to sit in the corner among the weirdos and with hearing graduate students. mcconnell probably hangs over there all the time. Which is why he resented Gallaudet as of today. Which is why he resented Deaf students who lambasted or attacked hearing people (or hard of hearing students, for that matters to mcconnell) for using the cell phones in the cafeteria.

Let's be realistic -- the world is 99% hearing-dominated society. It is always offensive and discouraging when a hearing person picks up the cell phone and yakked in front of us, leaving us pretty much clueless. Whereas if we chat with each other, and they can read us because they knew ASL. But when they talk with the voice, they talked because they knew that we cannot hear nor lipread what they said. Is that rude?

Of course it is.

So it is my duty to make sure that the cell phones or using the voice in a "deaf-dominated places" are discouraged. Period. If you fling at me with that bird, you can bet there will be an uproar out of Deaf people.

For once, Gallaudet is ours. Not yours. It is Deaf place, not hearing's. We have to endure these offensive behaviors of hearies outside of Gallaudet campus, but at Gallaudet, let us have these rules in our own backyard.

No cell phones or using the voice -- use ASL at ALL TIMES.

It is common courtesy, like it or not. You want to bark with that disgusting mouth of yours -- go to the bathroom but not in front of us, dickwads.

On second thought, I have a question for some Gallaudetians, did you notice that people who sits in the corner of the cafeteria by the windows tends to be very bitter, pessimistic and/or resented at Gallaudet, even years after they left or graduated from Gallaudet.

For the record, I always sit in the center of the cafeteria -- which is the hub of drama.

By that, it is blessed life to be surrounded by weirdos on the south, reclusive hearies/hard of hearing students on the east, all fraternities/sororities/SBG/TC/BnB folks on the north, and the normal folks on the west. African Americans and wiggas on the southwest. Such a variety -- often I sat with my back on hearing people -- of course, I turn 'em back.

Except for Jim McCann. He was the exception.


Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Last night, I went to Chipotle's with Sarah. Read her entry about our evening, yapping about almost everything else.

I told Sarah about someone I knew in DC, a hearing Arab from United Arab Emirates, who is also gay. Sarah laughed out of her mind when I told her about this tale and she said, "You should blog this!" So here it is. The hearing Arab was cool, sweet and nice. One day, he paged me and said he wanted to see me and play a little. I came down to his hotel and saw him lying in bed, watching the television with a cast all over his left leg.

What happened? I asked.

He smiled and explained. I did not expect what he said.

You know, in the United States and Canada, millions of people swerved or unfortunately hits a deer or two in their lifetime in the darkness, right? Well, in the Arabian Peninsula, it is common for the people to drive and crash into ... a camel who streaks onto the traffic.

That is what he did, he strucked a camel. Can you imagine a camel bleating then collided with your car?

Thanks for everything, Sarah!

After that, I went home to change clothes -- I had to rabbit down to The Cock to meet Corey who was holding my sweatshirt which I forgot to pick up last week (Remember, I was drunk last week).

Some interesting drama emerged from the bar as well. After the treatment I got from The Phoenix last Friday night, I was not exactly in mood to deal with hearies. But I was in mood to make fun of them in a discrete manner.

The Cock Bar (you dirty mind, it is named after a rooster, not your penis!) is dark and sleazy at times. For a Deaf person to talk in the dark is quite a challenge. Last night, someone kept on using the digital camera to flash anything, anyone and anywhere to a point where I cannot see clearly.

You twerps hearie bastards, don't you know by now that my eyes are my ears? I was ready to break the Asian's digital camera. Instead, I signed so fast that they did not have a chance to recognize anything else.

Then one guy behind me asked me how to sign "IDIOT TOO BAD BITCH". That guy reminded me of Matt Damon but with a goatee. Very irresistible. So I obliged.

Bad mistake.

He kept on saying, "IDIOT TOO BAD BITCH" to everyone else.

I sighed, a cute guy with a light beard was next to me introduced himself. Saul is his name. Yes, he's cute. We talked a little. He's from Los Angeles, moved here to NYC. I smiled then looked around ...


I rolled my eyes and acknowledged Corey who pointed at the bag of my sweatshirt. I smiled -- suddenly, this Matt Damon-type guy chortled at Corey: IDIOT TOO BAD BITCH


I groaned and wished I did not teach that to a dude. They are hopeless bunch of primates. Corey asked me what it meant, I explained. He frowned, I told him that he's just a dickwad.


One guy asked me how to sign his name.


You do not ask that. People who know each other tends to give each other their sign names. Do I know the dude who asked me how to sign his name? No.


I gave him his own sign name. He was proud and walked back to his friends and signed his new name. Any Deaf person would recognize what he said -- he signed, "Me retard".


Sometimes I love this life.



Monday, December 06, 2004

Boy, This Is Good

I saw two commercials by Nike -- one riveting and crazy. One somber, that made me applaud its choices.

This one ... I was like, "Whoa, stop the game, stop. Stop. I say, STOP!" But it never stopped.

This one .... very simple and sweet. Made me go sigh. Some stuff are made for the eternity -- this is one of 'em. It raised my hair on my arms. Wow.

Since we are on the wavelength of Sports ...

No. 18 Virginia Cavaliers (8-3, 5-3) will play Fresno State (8-3) MPC Computers Bowl in Boise, Idaho. It is scary to play Fresno State than to play Miami (FL) or Florida State. Richie, plans to show up in Boise to see my beloved team play?

Virginia Cavaliers WBB is now ... 5-3. Don't ask me.

Connecticut Huskies WBB's Head Coach Geno Auriemma lashed out at UConn fans as "the most spoiled brats and that I hope we lose the next ten games." The next game, UConn routed Holy Cross by 39. Go figure.

Virginia Cavaliers MBB team is ranked No. 24 after a great start at 6-0. Go Cavaliers!

Speaking of Virginia Cardinals, my alma mater, VSD Girls BB finished 2nd in Virginia Classic. Tennessee winning the 1st. But Kim Fuller of VSD was the star of the tournament as she averaged 31 points per game in 3 games. Kim Fuller is the niece of Rosemary Fuller, my sister's high school nemesis. Either way, Kim rocks.


No Bullying ... Except for Three

Ahh, bullying is normal. It is part of high school process, is it?

Well, here is the answer: A Big Fucking NO!

At Gallaudet, I remembered people bullying some people even in college. It was appalling. Good example: Jeff Kurz made fun of gays and ridiculed Warner of his unfortunate looks. When I saw it, I cringed. I always hoped that it did not happen to me.

Much later, Dorian Yanke bullied me at times. It took a while for me to stand up and finish him off. Some of my friends retaliated as well.

After reading the article, I was glad that some students went after the main bully and retaliated. Bullying has no place in the educational system.

Who is responsible of allowing the bullying to occur in the schools? Go back to 1950s & 1940s, the Nuclear Family concept. That is where it all started. My father told me that he was bullied but it made him stronger. But the scars on his soul can be read by anyone else. He was hurt by that. Who told him that he shall be stronger after enduring the bullying? His teachers.

Many teachers during the Nuclear Family Era -- tolerated the bullying to a point where the students themselves became the teachers and tolerated the whole cycle. But the problem is that the bullying itself became much worse, meaner, volatile to a point where it drove people to suicide. Again, back then, suicide were not something to be talked in 50s, 40s. I'm sure it was rampant but no newspaper talked about it.

Until the liberal-asskissers decided to radicalize the country with Love and civil rights, conservatives bellowed and battled. The liberal-asskissers prevailed, of course. Then the newspapers started to talk about bad things in the society where it comes to suicide.

If a person said that bullying is part of growing up process, I'll punch his face. Then tell him that that is what I am doing to him. I am bullying him right now because I wanted to. Same idea.

You just do not bully anyone else, not based on looks, behavior or sounds.

Except for Dorian Yanke, Jeff Kurz and Amy Kurz, of course.


Resistance Is Futile

We are The Blog. You will be assimilated into the collective of Blog. Resistance is futile. As you may know, the blog is already the most used word of the year, according to some dictionary.

I just completed reading The Washington Post of our heroic Pat Tillman (*gagging*), his final words were:

"Cease Fire! Friendlies!"

Sounds pitiful way to die? You bet it is. To me, a hero means to save someone's life. I hate to say something like this -- FDNY and NYPD ran to the flaming towers because it was part of their job. And yeah, they died. But does that makes them hero? I question that. But again, that is my opinion.

For fun stuff, I just completed two quizzes. Which high school stereotype am I? It said that I'm normal, in other words -- boring and too plain. Which American City do I fit in? It says that I belong to San Francisco.

Last night, I chatted with Alex A-bench-u-chan. That is the first time I spelled it right without checking it repeatedly. I can confirm that Alex is not stupid. He may be bit gullible (Hell, when I was a freshman, I was bit naive and gullible) -- so gullible will dissipate out in a short time. But one thing that remained on the list -- he's still cute. That is undeniable, though. He was fun to chat with. Thanks, buddy.

Oh, yeah, last Saturday night, I saw a lady turning her right ankle on six-inch heels -- she was wearing a skirt and apparently on the way to a bar, maybe? She tumbled on the sidewalk. Good thing, her tight skirt did not rip -- I had to suppress the laughter and offered to help her out. She declined.

Then this morning, I turned my right ankle in front of some cheap-assed Asian and tumbled on the sidewalk en route to the office as a car darted by the road. It was pretty humiliating and painful. My right ankle always has been an Achilles heel for me after I twisted it in a high school basketball game. High school basketball game? Yes, a fag like me played on the team.

So I ended up getting back up here. Some Asian gibberish probably was spoken in trying to help me out but I shrugged 'em off. Just like the lady did to me. And that Asian probably suppressed a laughter as well. At least, I provided a good show. Bet you a dollar or two that if Rayni was there, she'd howl with heavy fits of laughter.

C'est la vie.


Sunday, December 05, 2004 and LePore's Birthday Bash

Amanda LePore will celebrate her birthday bash on Thursday at The Plaid. Ben wondered about how old she is. He asked. He found out and flinched. He told me and I flinched. I know that if I mention her age, Manny and Merritt will whack the poor monitor and say, "That girl is lying!"

She said she is going to be 22.

Yeah, right!

* * *

You know, I was boiling mad last Friday evening after the encounter with the hearie loser at The Phoenix. Then I wrote this on, urging the people to do something about it.

Let's hope that hearing people will be able to restore my faith in this society -- but my guts said ... fat chance.


Jim the Bartender at The Phoenix on E. 13 St btwn Ave A & 1st Avenue
Reply to:
Date: 2004-12-05, 11:30PM EST

Last June, my friend and I came to The Phoenix. Both of us are Deaf by birth, our parents, grandparents and before that are deaf -- guess what? We never bothered to learn how to use the voice to bark or utter a sound, OK? We use signs to communicate but when it is necessary to communicate with someone who cannot sign, we make sure to talk via paper & pen method. Not hard, right?

Not with Jim the Bartender at The Phoenix.

My friend asked for a pen and paper. Jim refused and said that he should try to use his voice. My friend refused because he, like me, is self-conscious with our voices. Jim insisted repeatedly until I told him that not all deaf people can use the voice. Jim got upset, became rude and abrasive to a point where we decided not to order a drink from him ... we switch to the other bartender -- Jim told the other bartender not to serve me and Mark. IN fact, they barred me and Mark from ordering anything!

I attempted to get in touch with the owner or manager of The Phoenix -- guess what? No bartender wants to help me to rat on Jim. They were protecting him.

This happened last June. Well, last Friday, when I got off from work, I needed a break so I went to The Phoenix -- keep in mind, I never saw Jim again since last June -- when I entered the bar, Jim saw me and gave me the rude, abrasive, degrading behavior that I was left speechless and left the premise.

When will someone else stand up and tell Jim the Bartender that he has NO right to do that to a Deaf person! Enough is enough.

Jim is the reason why many Deaf people are wary and cautious of hearing people. Hearing people, do something about it.

Go to that bar and lambast him for his behavior towards Deaf persons.

this is in or around East Villageit's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests Sucks

I nominate myself and some of my friends told me they nominated my blogsite in I was hoping that some deaf bloggers get to do that. Apparently, I saw few.

And they selected the nominated ones out of hundreds and guess what? No deaf blog.

Nothing is new, right?

And they wonder why Deaf people tend to set up our own organizations, athletic teams, social events away from 'em? It is because they excluded us from day one. Patronize us as if we are just "cats" or "dogs" or even a side dish that can wait until everyone is done, then pay attention to us.

I must admit that I was hoping for a deaf blog to be, at least, nominated. But again, my guts warned me that it is always a *fat* chance. My guts was right. But at least, this gave me an idea. We should set up our own where we *forbit* a hearing person from participating in the contest. Of course, they do not know what "forbit" is all about! If they knew the inside jokes, they'll know what "forbit" is all about.

Yeah, that's it. I'll figure out a plan and perhaps, pull some coins to purchase a website where I can organize and start the labor of love and do it for ourselves. Many of us deserved the pats for making an effort to share our thoughts on everything else -- but too bad, the one over at is not open or inclusive to deaf bloggers.

Shame on 'em. Like always, we screw 'em and build our own for ourselves.


2004 MetroWeekly CoverBoy Of The Year

In Washington, DC -- there are ten boys in round 2 for the MetroWeekly CoverBoy Of The Year and guess what?!

There is Deaf guy who is one of Top 10 Finalists, he graduated from RIT and is now living in Washington -- I met him recently in Washington. He's nice fella. Name is Jeremy. Let's support the deaf dude by voting for him. Fuck hearies, they won too many awards year after year -- let's take it away from 'em.

I did.


The Pivotal Question

Yesterday, Ben and I shopped at a local grocery store and babbled about things in life. I'm telling you, guys, the carts in the grocery stores here in Manhattan will make the suburbanites look at in amazement -- it is tiny enough to be a child's plaything! It is ridiculous at times, though.

Ben mentioned a good question -- why did the captions has CC2 or TXT1 whereas we never used it anyday, anyhow and anywhere. Why did it add up? Ben has a good point.

Anyone know why we have to have CC2, CC3 or CC4? What's wrong with only one, CC?

Also, the TV companies need to put the captions CC1 automatically, not fuckin' TXT1. I'm sick of going to places and had to tell the bartenders and/or waitresses to give me the remote control to adjust so that I can watch the TV with the captions.

Hey, you fuckers, when you manufacture the TV, insert CC first, not TXT1!


Ordering Pizza In 2008

Thanks to a friend who forwarded this to me. Very scary thoughts.


* * *


Operator: Thank you for calling Pizza Hut. May I have your national ID number?

Customer: Hi, I'd like to place an order.

Operator: I must have your NIDN first, sir

Customer: My National ID Number, yeah, hold on, eh, it's 49998-45-54610.

Operator: Thank you Mr. Sheehan I see you live at 1742 Meadowland Drive, and the phone number is 494-2366. Your office number over at Lincoln Insurance is 745-2302 and your cell number is 266-2566. E-mail address is I see you're calling me from home.

Customer: Huh? Where'd you get all this information?

Operator: We're wired into the HSS, sir.

Customer: The HSS, what is that?

Operator: We're wired into the Homeland Security System, sir. This will add only 15 seconds to your ordering time.

Customer: (sighs) Oh well, I'd like to order a couple of your All-Meat Special pizzas.

Operator: I don't think that's a good idea, sir.

Customer: Whaddya mean?Operator: Sir, your medical records and commode sensors indicate that you've got very high blood pressure and extremely high cholesterol. Your National Health Care provider won't allow such an unhealthy choice.

Customer: What?!?! What do you recommend, then?

Operator: You might try our low-fat Soybean Pizza. I'm sure you'll like it.

Customer: What makes you think I'd like something like that?

Operator: Well, you checked out 'Gourmet Soybean Recipes' from your local library last week, sir. That's why I made the suggestion.

Customer: All right, all right. Give me two family-sized ones, then.

Operator: That should be plenty for you, your wife and your four kids. Your 2 dogs can finish the crusts, sir. Your total is $49.99.

Customer: Lemme give you my credit card number.

Operator: I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid you'll have to pay in cash. Your credit card balance is over its limit.

Customer: I'll run over to the ATM and get some cash before your driver gets here.

Operator: That won't work either, sir. Your checking account is overdrawn also.

Customer: Never mind! Just send the pizzas. I'll have the cash ready. How long will it take?

Operator: We're running a little behind, sir. It'll be about 45 minutes, sir. If you're in a hurry you might want to pick'em up while you're out getting the cash, but then, carrying pizzas on a motorcycle can be little awkward.

Customer: Wait! How do you know I ride a bike?

Operator: It says here you're in arrears on your car payments, so your car got repo'ed. But your Harley's paid for and you just filled the tank yesterday.

Customer: Well, god-damit!

Operator: I'd advise watching your language, sir. You've already got a July 4, 2003 conviction for cussing out a cop and another one I see here in September for contempt at your hearing for cussing at a judge. Oh yes, I see here that you just got out from a 90 day stay in the State Correctional Facility. Is this your first pizza since your return to society?

Customer: (speechless)

Operator: Will there be anything else, sir?

Customer: Yes, I have a coupon for a free 2 liter of Coke..

Operator: I'm sorry sir, but our ad's exclusionary clause prevents us from offering free soda to diabetics. The New Constitution prohibits this... Thank you for calling Pizza Hut!

Friday, December 03, 2004

More Hypocrisy

The cycle of violence shall continue in the Middle East. A new batch of photos were surfaced with NAVY SEALs abusing and degrading the detainees. Good job, soldiers. Such a heroic behavior!

It is awesome that these so-called heroic soldiers are continuing to degrade the Iraqis to a point where they will resent us -- these will be the downfall of ours.

More dead American soldiers will occur. Then we can call them our heroes.

Republicans adopted the pro-family values, pro-Morals and vigorously attacked Democrats for supporting the gay rights, including gay marriage. Meanwhile, Hustler Magazine has reported that they sent an undercover reporter during the Republicans National Convention and uncovered a great deal of debauchery that contradicts the philosophical beliefs of conservatives and Republicans.

GW Bush's family has morals, yeah, TRUE BIZ! They are role models for us to cringe at.

Republican Senator David Dreier is well-protected by special interests in California, despite the fact that he probably committed several unethical standards. Where is the outcry?

As you can see, I prefer to be liberal. Why? Because at least, I'm being honest and open about it. Conservatives and Republicans seem to hide their immoral behavior but preach that they are for family values.

Says a lot about 'em, though.


As Usual, Conservatives = Homophobic.

The movie, Alexander The Great, came out. Killing hundreds of thousands, enslaving millions of people, conquered nations ... nobody complained. But when Alexander made out with a man, conservatives complained.

I saw this excerpt in a local paper:

And a farmer in Bulgaria is suing the breeder who sold him a prize-winning pig because he claims the swine was gay.

According to online news source, Galen Dobrev claims that all the farmers in his town of Shumen learned about the pig and then no one would buy it.

“It’s a disgrace,” Dobrev said. “All he was interested in was other male pigs.”

The farmer took pictures of the 220-pound swine attempting to have sex with other male pigs. When the pig was impossible to sell, Dobrev turned the animal into sausage.

Umm. Well, the farmer is idiot. Know why? He probably fed himself with the gay sausage. Go figure.


Thursday, December 02, 2004

Who Is He?

As you may wonder who this guy is on your right side which overlapped on the blue strip. He is my favorite character of any fiction tales -- Mordru. Mordru is an omnipotent being bent on to rule the universe. He is abrasive, rude, funny, condescending, handsome and at times, frightening. He is not afraid to say something in anyone's face. His weakness is that he is claustrophobic, bury him alive -- his mind shuts down. Like I said, he is an omnipotent being and had to live in a human body in order to gain the advantages to rule the universe -- but to occupy a body is rather distasteful for him because it has the limits.

I erased the comments out of that picture and inserted my own words: "Who Dares?" -- it is a way to greet anyone else who wandered on my domain. Only time will tell if I like you or not.

Sorry for not blogging lately, I had been so busy this week. I met Peter at Nowhere Bar during the Big Lug. I get to know him more than ever. He's very nice fellow. Oh, well.

Jeff, you're permanently banned from my blogsite until you finally grow the sense of compassion for others. Amy, since you used your husband's computer, you are unfortunately wiped out as well. I have no qualms against you both, just that I am appalled with your thoughts and attitudes.

I guess Iowans will have their own fireworks to celebrate the rejection of Kurz.

Ahh, time to run to the bar and drink one Cape Cod before I hit the sack.

I need that.

Oh, I got an email from a straight dude who wants to experiment with me but he is very shy and embarassed because his dick is tiny. I told him that I'll make him feel that he's the greatest one in the whole friggin' world. I know I can make him feel he's well hung.

Elisa, it has nothing to do with your beliefs in God -- it has something to do with how your people contributed to the struggles by having "it is not about me, so I'm having my hands off. Tough luck!" attitude. One day, your world will crash. And I could stand next to you and say, "As long as it does not concern me, my hands are tied. SYL!" It was appalling that the Republicans smeared Democrats using the gay marriage scare tactics and I do not see you standing up as a Christian to dispel, discourage or tell people to stop that. You just turned the cheek around -- and from there, your beliefs in God means nothing to me.

Guys, guys .. time to get a drink. I'm not angry. It is pointless to be angry, I will just smirk and strike back with lame, insulting and disgusting comments from time to time ... just to share my thoughts.

Get used to it, my friends.


Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire!

Once upon a time, I used to live in a house on K & 4 Streets NE. We had five roommates all over the place. It was huge and massive house to start with. One day, a roommate decided to bolt for Arizona and never returned. He left his bedframe, matress, television, plates, clothes, blankets, et al. He vanished and later, we got in touch with him, he said he does not want to retrieve it back any longer and that we can keep it if we want to.

Few months later, in Los Angeles, I was doing some internship over there and decided to attend to a coffeehouse frequented by Deaf patrons. One guy came to me and said, "I'm sorry to hear about your apartment back in DC," -- I was baffled. Turned out that this particular guy was told by my former roommate that the apartment went up in flames. And that we lost everything else. I smiled and said, "I still have his television and even better, his quilt."

Later, I approached the former roommate of mine and wondered why he said that, he firmly denied it and kept on laughing about it. My friend had a theory -- he was capitalizing on pity from others in order to get friends to purchase new things for him. Makes sense to me, though.

The former roommate of mine was none other than ... Kenton Twidt.

Let's push this by fast foward to today. Last night, I was reading the old issues of The Buff and Blue (affectionately known as the BnB) newsmagazine, a student-run publication at Gallaudet. The quality of journalistic standards in the BnB went downhill since the Golden Era of Terry Giansanti. I just completed reading the BnB No. 6, dated November 19, 2004, but not without a heavy glee.

Especially with the article, Check Your Checks: Student Kenton Twidt Takes You Through His Nightmare written by Alex Abenchuchan. You can see his picture and his comments at his Xanga. Yeah, he's cute. A standard boi by any means. Alex seems to fit in the classic type where a guy is pretty, he has to be dumb, gullible and naive. Apparently, in this case, it seemed to be like that. Oh, I should mention that Alex is the younger brother of that holier-than-thou but so silly Republican fella, Elisa Abenchuchan who clamored for liars like GW Bush. Go figure.

To write an article, it is important to hear both sides and do some research before making an article, that means what? I do not see any comments whether if Alex went to Metropolitan Police Department for further information of this bizarre case. Or even with the Bank of America since it concened the theft of nearly 1 million dollars. Not even with the Department of Public Safety to find out if it is true. None of this happened in the article. It is all about Kenton, his tribulations and his truth. I repeat, his own truth.

What happened in the article is that Kenton said his backpack which contained books, checkbooks, address book, disks were stolen. And in the process, he found out that someone cashed the checks in his name up to 800,000 dollars. And that the Police Department is "still" investigating the case since October 25.

This reeks of a typical lie on Kenton Twidt's part. You cannot cash the checks as much as 800K. The typical standards of any bank would suspect if someone cashed too many checks and too large amount of requests, they will freeze the account and get in touch with the owner of the account to find out what's going on. It is typical policy of nearly all banks. But in this fishy situation, Kenton claimed that the bank did not know. Rubbish. I used to be the member of Bank of America, they have the standard policy to prevent the incidents like that.

Sorry but no cigar. Kenton was probably up for another trick to collect the jars of pity from others in order to get new stuff. He probably did not lose that backpack. In fact, my friend paged me that he saw him wearing the backpack few weeks later. At that time, I did not understand what he meant by that but apparently, my friend had to say something to someone else, he chose someone else in New York instead of someone else in the District. Go figure.

Alex wrote this sentence: Let this true story be an eye-opener for you.

The truth is that nothing of this ever happened. Did you, Alex, check the sources? Verify whether if Kenton was telling the truth? If someone's account was abused as much as $800,000, it is certainly a story to follow up.

Again, the truth is, Alex, you probably fell for one of his lies. Such a gullible fellow. But again, you are just a freshman at Gallaudet -- next time, verify by checking the sources out first before writing an article like this. The article you just did is another garbage done by poor research and judgement. What a nice contribution to the BnB, though.


Happy Birthday, Corey

Last night, I went to The Cock to see Corey who also turned 35 (But he looked like 25!) and he was charming as ever. I had too much drinks. Translation: Dead drunk. Today, bad hangover. But I'm getting over it now.

I had an interesting encounter with a cute guy that looked like Sam of San Francisco. He also had a boyfriend. Immediately, I lost the interest to continue talking because he was taken.

"Why don't you have the guts to win me by challenging my boyfriend?" He teased. I smiled and said, "Nah, I don't do that."

"Do you have a hairy chest?"

I smiled and stared at him, "You have to check it out by yourself."

He did, he wormed his left hand into my shirt and I can see his face squint with delight. I smiled and said, "Happy?"

He nodded vigorously, "One kiss?" I asked him to elaborate what kind of a kiss? Peter asked for a major, wet kiss.

I went at it. He was panting afterwards. Then shook his head and said I was naughty. Whatever. Suddenly, a drunkard behind me fell on the floor and was escorted out of the bar. Peter asked for second one. I obliged.

Another major, wet kiss with some tongues involved. Mmmm! Mmmm!

"One more kiss, please?"

I sighed, "One very last kiss, ok?"

Mmmmm! Mmmmmmmmmmm!

He slipped his card into my pocket. If I can't have Sam of San Francisco, Peter will do. I might have to figure out a way to steal him away.

"Will you be at Big Lug tomorrow night?" Peter asked, my eyes widened and I shrugged as if to say, "Maybe, maybe not."

Let's hope that there is no drama at Big Lug if I plan to show up.


Monday, November 29, 2004

Politics & Economics

The Bush Administration has no business of telling the Ukrainian government that they do not recognize their election. Practice what you preach. 4 years ago, when there were reports of voter irregularities in Florida, the United Nations asked to monitor the election, our government said "fuck off".

And now we meddle in someone's election? Ukrainans have the right to say "fuck off" to us if we meddle in their affairs.

Colin Powell, shut up and sit down!

We cannot preach others how to live if we cannot do the same to ourselves.

The economic reports are coming out that the Black Friday sales aren't great at all. Makes sense to me 'cuz I did not buy a thing as well.

I need to start shopping sooner than can be. I hate X-Mas. I hate the Holidays.

I friggin' absolutely HATE them.

I just read the article where there are cards that is being marketed as "Merry Chrismukkah" -- I thought it was nice. It reminded me of a jewish friend named Lester. He told me that he absolutely loved the idea of Christmas. He loved to decorate the whole she-bang thing all over the place, even if he practices Hannukah but that does not stop him from wrapping the presents under the Christmas tree for 25th.

I thought it was absolutely cool. To mix in the name of good spirits, whatever it is called from ... nice going, Lester. All people needs to follow Lester's positive attitude.


One More Thing About Andrew Sullivan

Last Friday, I also neglected to mention that Andrew Sullivan appeared on 20/20 as well. He made me cringe. He dared to speak for gay people ... for me! He is a gay Republican barebacker who always harped on the pessimism of gay issues and also voted for that Bush.

I am also happy to mention that he looked ... aged than ever. One person commented if the hiv-related dementia has sets in for Andy? Perhaps so. He probably continued to bareback these days and continue to pop these medications that continues to writhe his body as ever. Good riddance.

Now he said that we ought to idolize Pat Tillman for his "heroics" -- please. He got shot by his own buddies. Does that makes him a hero? Yeah, my ass is hero, too.


Is This Rayni?

Last week, LM, RM and I met at Urge Bar, a gay bar in East Village by 2nd Avenue and 2nd Street -- few doors away from the infamous bar called The Hole. It was good to see GM once again. It was amusing to see a Mormon guy (not practicing, though) in a gay bar.

Then we saw a familiar face. Could she be our Rayni of Sioux Falls? One of the pics has a lamp -- which has a fish in the bowl attached to the lamp itself. Very cool. Anyway, is she Rayni?

You decide.


Actually, it was some drag queen, not Rayni. But we all marveled that she could be Rayni.

Cry, Amy, Cry All You Want -- Make A River Out Of My Ass

One word that can describe you the best: Idiocy.

You cannot use Jesse Dirkhising to indicate that he was murdered and sodomized by "same-sex life partners". There are always bad apples in all bowls. Many children were murdered by their Christians, heterosexuals. To top it all, many researches already proved that sex predators are likely to be married men who practiced the Christian beliefs.

When Jesse was murdered, unfortunately, by two gay guys. Christians were quick to call it "sodomized", quick enough to compare it with Matthew Shepard. That comparison cannot be done in any manner.

Homophobia, like anti-semitism and racism, has been perpetuated by Christians and others over the years, they used any means to create an environment hostile for gay people in general. Gay people were murdered savagely, bashed badly and dragged from the back of the cars ... all done by men who grew up in anti-gay households, primarily Christians' homes.

Christians never experienced the "backlash" of slurs at them by others for many years. Payback is a bitch, Amy. Weep if you must. But comparing Jesse with Matthew is absolutely silly. It makes you look dumb. Please try to compare Jesse's situation with many children who were murdered by their parents or foster parents who are straight people. No? You won't? You preferred to compare him with Matthew?

You got a pitiful strategy, Amy, on how to deal with the empowered "homosexuals". Perhaps it is time for you, Christians, to stuff back in the closet and practice your religion in the closet once again?

The truth is that I have tons of heterosexual friends and I love 'em all. So many of 'em, but not you since you prefer to compare this, that and there with this, that and there to justify your means.

So go ahead and feel the backlash on your back, and please weep.


Sunday, November 28, 2004

Satan Is Proud of X-ians

Congratulations, Christians. Be all that you can be, so sayeth Satan.

Har har!


That Orange Coat

Today, I walked down the street. The climate was bit chilly. People were bit friendly today, perhaps because of massive 40% to 80% sales in different stores. Whatever. I am not in mood to smile nor sneer. I'm just stoic.

I walked on 14 Street towards 1st Avenue, I have the world's worst coat. It is bright oversized coat which is orange with one strip of light grey across my upper body. As I lost some weight, the coat became an obstacle and bigger problem to deal with. However, as I was walking down the street -- I saw very good looking guy, I swear, he is very hot. And he wore the same kind of the coat I was wearing. I tried to suppress a smile. He stared at me as we walked approach to each other, he broke into a wide grin and gave me the look, "Stop copycat me!"

I rolled my eyes and shrugged my hands in the air. He broke into a laughter then we stopped walking and he asked me where I bought it? I told him that I bought it in DC (Actually, Pentagon City, Virginia with Manny and Merritt, I think). He said he bought it in Albany. He had a beautiful teeth. About a foot taller than I am. That's OK. I gestured that I have to run along. He bid me farewell and was on his way.


Only in New York, my dear friends, only in New York!


Saturday, November 27, 2004

McKinney & Henderson

Last night, I watched the hour-long of 20/20 Newsmagazine show on ABC-TV, despite the fact that lots of Gay people urged us to boycott by not watching the program at a specific time.

Aaron McKinney & Russell Henderson

When Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson were arrested for the murder of Matthew Shepard, I was mesmerized not with Shepard but with McKinney's ... *drumroll* dumbo ears. It looked so fuckin' cute on him! I also sensed the vulnerability of Aaron McKinney by staring at his eyes. He was scared, confused and bewildered. And probably struggled to deal with the internalized homophobia.

Turns out that I was right when one guy on 20/20 bluntly said that Aaron had a threesome (2 guys and 1 gal) and the reporter asked him how did he know? The guy said, "Because I was in it with Aaron. He was so into it."

Russell, I thought he was cute, too. But judging on his behavior, he is too straight-laced type for any gay guys to bang him down. But McKinney, I always thought to myself, "What a loss for me and others ... "

This is in no way to offend or insult Matthew Shepard. Shepard seemed to be genuine, sweet and caring person. But he was also a pretty boi which does not excite me at all, sexually speaking. In other words, Shepard was a twink. My friends knew that I cringed at that group. Shepard may be unique person.

But ... Aaron McKinney was cute. So was Russell. But it seemed to me that the prison has fed 'em very ... well, after seeing them talking about what happened in Laramie, Wyoming.

Russell ain't cute any longer. Aaron? Hard to say, his feelings seemed to be hardened these days, I reckon.

Here are the updated pics of Russell & Aaron. Your tax fed them very well, no question about it. Feed them with starch to kill 'em? Only time will tell.

Now Fatter Russell and Bigger Aaron


Is This The Part Where I Should Snicker?

Once again, our beloved idiot in White House is proposing $131 million for abstinence programs that does not include the safe sex education. Ten state evaluations showed little change in teens' behavior since the start of abstinence programs.

It is obvious that there are people who promoted the abstinence programs merely wanted the money itself for themselves. Everyone, including Lambykins' horny cat, knew that the abstinence programs do *not* work at all.

Bush needs to get fucked in the ass to see the stars. But I will not volunteer. He's so eww. Anyone volunteer to fuck him?


Top 10 Most Hated College Hoops from`

Interesting information!

  1. Cincinnati -- what's wrong with you, Beth and Cwome?!
  2. Memphis -- I hate its gym at The Pyramid, it is a place where many great players broke their bones.
  3. UNLV -- Tark is gone but you cannot spell UNLV without saying unlovable, so says the article!
  4. Mizzou -- I cannot stand the bastard, Quin Snyder.
  5. St. John's -- I live in NYC, I don't hate 'em -- I feel sorry for 'em.
  6. Maryland -- What the fuck? Ben Moore, care to defend your Twerps
  7. Arizona -- the perennial loser in the first round of the Big Party.
  8. Southern Cal -- What? They got basketball team?
  9. Florida -- I always thought Billy Donovan was sexy as hell.
  10. Jim Harrick's Next School -- Any school is an idiot to hire this man, period.
Check the link for further information.


Friday, November 26, 2004

Sometimes Men Baffled Me ... !

Today I was evil. Filled myself with delicious food distributed by Sarah and her friends in Hell's Kitchen was magnificent. I said a simple grace that I hope everyone else in the room will get laid eventually.

And I got laid today.

But not without a story, of course. Often, Deaf people stared at me with bewilderment when I touch the taboo issue (i.e. S-E-X), gay men stared at me with plenty of glees and snickers, my friends stared at me with "what else is new with you, you bitch?"

But that is me. When I was a kid, I watched Dr. Ruth on some cable show. Yes, I was mesmerized and learned a lot.

However, I posted a request on a particular website then I got several offers. I courted several offers and chose the suitable one. Went to his home. He was in his early 40s, 5'7, solid and muscular body, bit of salt & pepper hairdo ... everything was nice about him. Cute, laid-back, blah, blah, blah. But I noticed something odd. The portaits were pulled down. You can see the line of dust on the wall when you snatched a portrait off. There were some portraits covered on the shelves. I had a suspicion but I'm horny, so sue me.

Back to the procession of sexual activity, he feasted upon my cock but he sucked roughly. The way I like it. He pulled my hand on his head, he stared at me and insisted me that I play rough with him as well as he goes down on my cock. I obliged.

Shortly, we were down to the main course of the play, putting the condom on my cock for the final showdown. It was fun. When I am done with it and everything, that man was great, simply put. He also was greedy in bed, suffice to say. Acted like my cock was his plaything. Sometimes I liked that, sometimes it annoyed me because he's pulling my stick as if I was not there. That can sting a little, man.

Shortly, he said that I need to get ready and head out because in 30 minutes, "My wife will be home from work."

Oh, great. Another married man on the list. What an accomplishment, considering the fact that I did not bottom for this married man. He was the one who was hungry for my cock.


Here Is The Proof That USA Is Going Down

When a friend forwarded the email to me, I was horrified to learn of Eric Heckman's whereabouts.

This pig (Trust me, he ain't a gentleman to start with!) has no business of trying to attain a law degree. I mean, a developmentally disabled man out of a local group home probably qualified to study for the law degree than Eric.

Of course, my friend forwarded it to me because s/he probably is horrified at the idea of Eric as a lawyer. It proved that the standards in this country just fell down another level.

Horrible, horrible, horrible. Let's hope that Eric gets a brain aneurysm during the studies. We'd be better off having him that way. When he continued to come back for another semester at Gallaudet, the quality of education at Gallaudet slid down much farther than ever. If he ever attained a law degree from another school, it makes us look awful. Eric is the true, classic idiot of modern society.


* * *

DOR approves law school as employment goal

Eric Heckman is deaf, and he wants to be a lawyer. In February 2003, the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) approved Heckman for vocational rehabilitation services. But DOR refused to support Heckman's employment goal because he:
  • Has a bachelor's degree he can use to find employment;
  • Did not score high enough on a DOR career assessment/evaluation; and
  • Had to agree to take the LSAT exam before DOR would write his Individual Plan for Employment (IPE)
DOR wanted lower employment goal

The law school Heckman wanted to attend at that time did not requirean LSAT exam. DOR insisted that Heckman change his employment goal toparalegal or a similar field - to get his foot in the door. Heckman refused, so DOR closed his case.

PAI letter reopens case

Heckman called PAI. Dolores Victor, a staff attorney in PAI's Oakland office, investigated. She agreed to help Heckman with both issues -the case closure and the refusal to support his employment goal. After Victor asked for an informal review of the case closure, DOR reopened it.

DOR changes position

But DOR still would not support Heckman's goal of becoming a lawyer, so Victor represented him at an administrative review hearing. At that hearing, Victor persuaded DOR to change its position.

Then she helped Heckman develop and write his IPE. DOR approved Heckman's plan, which includes (1) LSAT preparation and exam fees;(2) Law school admittance and tuition fees; (3) Books and supplies;(4) Transportation; (5) A tutor (if necessary); (6) Assistive technology, including an evaluation for laptop computer equipment;(7) taking the Bar exam twice (if necessary); and (8) the Bar prepcourse.

PASS approved, too

Victor also helped Heckman get his Plan for Achieving Self Support(PASS) approved after Social Security had delayed it for more than a year.

Stand up for your rights

In Heckman's words, "Attorney Dolores and PAI did a fantastic job helping me." He believes that it is important to hope to reach your dream, to stand up for your rights, to open more opportunities for people with disability. "The law is on our side," he says. "The U.S. Constitution gives us the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. We must continue the legacy of Justin Dart, and insist that people with disability not be left out."

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I Am Thankful ...

A brief note to many friends, family members, relatives and enemies -- I'm thankful for y'all.

Some of you are idiots, which made me feel lucky and thankful for that.

Some of you are magnificent, which made me feel inferior and for that, I thank you.

So ... Happy Thanksgiving.


Missed Connection

Last night at Big Lug, it was packed. And they smell.

I talked with the bartender and jokingly asked him if it was a special event for body odors. He widened his eyes and nodded vigorously. He was baffled that lots of bigger men simply smells bad last night. At least, I reserve the right to wrinkle my nose in front of these smelly men.

Go and take an hour of bath! With soap! Or better yet, use PineSol! Ugh.

Last night before I went to the Big Lug, I was surfing the Missed Connection section in -- it was funny. I decided to post a comment to tell Manhattanites to assert themselves in meeting Deaf people. I'm sick of making the first move most of the times. It was bit corny message, to be honest with you, in comparison with thousands of wacky comments by others.

Then I got a response via the e-mail by the name of Mark. Straight. Called himself Hearie. Had a great conversation with him all nite long back and forth on my pager. He lives only three blocks away. He sounds fun and cool to befriend. Perhaps in a short time, I shall meet him in person and loiter.

And yeah, he can sign. Long story but the point is that he is funny to start with. That is a quality that I enjoy out of people -- making wiseass comments about everything else. Just like Beth.

Oh, yeah ... enjoy the picture --care to guess who the cute studmuffin is?


Here Putin In His Deep Thoughts About Bush

Is Bush pathetic or what?

You can see Putin looking down on Bush. Why? Maybe it is because his zipper is down ... or not.

Courtesy of Associated Press


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Big Lug

I was reading the comments on a particular yahoogroup about something related to the bears scene in New York.

Oh, to some of you who are not familiar with the gay community's subculture system -- there are men who are hairy, regardless of what the appearance can be (some are fat, some are muscular) -- they are often referred as "bears", the men who liked the hairy men are often called "admirers" -- or there are men who are slim ... but has some hair on its bodies are called "cubs".

It sounded silly, though. But it is a subculture norm within the gay community that is often taken seriously by its members. Despite the fact that I am hairy with a soft belly, I seem to be an outcast of the bears or cubs norm. Some were pretty brazen in telling me that I am not "bear" enough. That I am not "cub" enough. I am not "twink" enough.

That does not bother me at all. I am kinda used to it. But yes, at times, it annoyed me silly.

Maybe not many "bears" have experiences with relationships -- let's be serious, not many gay men liked overweight men. I know because I was there all the time. I'm always considered as a "friend", but nothing more than that. But lately, I noticed that it has been changing from a friend to a sexual partner. Perhaps in time, to a relationship but that is not the point here.

When some "bears" broke up with their admirerers or "cubs", they tend to be very angry, bitter or vengeful. When their admirer or cub came to me for a chat, I noticed that his ex stared at me with a look that says, "Don't you dare!" -- maybe I observed things excessively.

But it did not happen once or even twice. It happened more than ten times so far.

Maybe I do not belong to that group.

There is an event at Nowhere Bar which occurs every Tuesday called "Big Lug" -- it is an event for big guys and men who admired them. Sometimes I enjoyed going there. Sometimes I do not because the behavior of bears are making me nervous at times. Imagine 400-lb guy coming on you just because you talked to his ex? It is not sexy trying to pull my hand out of his flabs somehow.

Ahh, yeah, I'm going there tonight.

Wish me luck.


Monday, November 22, 2004

Thanksgiving To Remember By

Dylan IMmed me with a short sentence, "I still remember the weird Thanksgiving where all straight men watched football while fags cooked the dinner in the kitchen."


Few years ago, I hosted the Thanksgiving Dinner in Washington, DC -- it was great but yet so odd to see straight men and women mingling with the queens in a townhouse. And it was fun and great.

I expect to do this again on Thursday at Sarah & Kaybee's Palace.


Few Blogs To Add

HEDOR ARISES: As you may notice -- my sister has joined the blogdom, for reasons unknown to me -- I guess it is just a fad to own a blog.

SAM ROCKS MY BALLS: I also stumbled on very hot profile and weblog of one guy -- Sam -- look at his eyes, stuff like that melts my arrogance. He's mine, I saw him first.

STUFF TO ADD OUT OF RESPECT: Grant added me on his, it is fair that I do the same.

VIRGINIA CAVALIERS I: Way to go, Cavs! Not only beating No. 10 Arizona Wildcats, the Cavaliers also routed them by 18 points. That is the way to build a program.

VIRGINIA CAVALIERS II: Virginia women beat Cleveland State by ten. Not a good sign. Up next is Delaware State at home. Then Richmond. Then Liberty. Then ...

VIRGINIA CAVALIERS III: Virginia football team routed Georgia Tech, 30-10 in Atlanta to improve to 8-2 for the season. Up next is the last game of the season ... at Blacksburg versus the intrastate rival, Virginia Tech. Let's gun for 9-2 and the BCS Bowl -- I fear that we might have to play Louisville Cardinals and Eric LeFors. I noticed that when I say something good about someone else, the Fates often put that person playing against my team, Virginia in the end.

VIRGINIA CAVALIERS IV: Virginia Women BB Coach Ryan announced that five high school All-Americans signed with her team for next year ... including the 6'9 post player out of Sacramento, California. What? A 6'9 post player? Wow. That is tall than Jeff Carlson, for sure.



Where I Go, None Return

MO-TOWN RIOTERS: Honestly, what did you expect out of Detroit? Do you really think the fans would act as peacemakers during the Artest-fans fiasco? This is the same town that ranked in Top 5 as the dangerous city to live. If it happened in Denver or New York, I'll be shocked. But Detroit, I just smiled.

WHOSE SHIT IS IT FROM? Few years ago, Chlms told me about the tape which I did not want to view -- it was the pregnancy tape which one of her close friends gave a birth to a boy, I believe. Or maybe a hermaphrodite. But who cares! Chlms exclaimed that when the mother pushed for the baby to come out, she also inadvertently pushed the turds out as well. I'm like, "Really? Gross." She said it as if it was very interesting information. Now the question made me wonder ... will Chlms also push for a turd as well?

ANNOYING BLOGS: My pet peeve of any blog is that people needs to learn how to use the HTML to edit the pictures instead of blowing it up to a point where you have to hunt down the comments somewhere on the particular page. Clean it up, folks.

THE QUOTE: "Where we go, none return." is a quote that I saw in a comic book a long time ago, I thought it was cool quote. Then wrote it down on my chalkboard on my dorm door at Gallaudet when I was sophomore, which I often did when I see the quotes I liked. Someone saw it and got in touch with the Resident Advisor, Coordinator of Residence Education and last, a referral to the Mental Health Department in GUKCC. They thought I was suicidal. Go figure.

NOMINATE FOR ME? Will you guys take the time to nominate for me in 2004 Weblog Awards? Get in that section and nominate for me. Be nice if a person who is Deaf and blogged gets some kind of exposure.

NICK TROTTA SUX: Nick Trotta is the third incident that involved with physical struggle after Artest-Pistons fans and Clemson-South Carolina football players. All slaps, punches, pushes, kicks and whines are not necessary. It makes us look bad. Oops, will I get a visit from the Secret Service after I am done with criticizing President Bush's agent, Nick Trotta? Only time will tell.

GAMBLING IN RED STATES: So much for moral values, the gambling is considered to be a vice among the morals, and yet in red states, there are more casinos allowed and lax in their laws. Most X-ians fail to see the irony in this.

ALEXANDER THE GREAT: It made me smile when Colin Farrell arrived with his Irish buddies at the premiere of the film. He was holding hands with his Irish buddies and blew the "gay kisses" at photographers. God, Colin is hot. I want to fuck him so bad. This is just great. To have a straight guy doing this with a great degree of confidence in himself is plainly sexy, no question about that.

MONKEY POX: Last weekend (Nov. 12 - 14), I was bored. Horny, too. I decided to post something on I got several responses. Some of it was amusing, some of it was lame -- but one of them freaked me out. It came from someone else I knew who. I did not bother to respond back because I did not want to re-ignite the drama at all. It was just interesting to get his response.

YEAH, THAT BIG SHOCK: Last Friday night, Web paged me incessantly to get out of Townhouse Bar to go to Greenwich Village to meet my female friends (Why, God, do I have so many female friends and no boyfriend?) -- Perlis, Bianca, Web, Kaybee, -K and CMK were there. Along with the shocking appearance of an old friend, whom I thought remained out in the Wild West but apparently relocated back to the Blue State. Seeing her appearance in person was quite a shock for me to absorb -- it was an excellent surprise. Thanks!


Plenty of fish in the sea -- oh, yeah, right!

When someone told me that I shouldn't worry about being single, and that there are plenty of fish in the open sea. I held on my own, planted a fake smile while I really wanted to roll my eyes. Actually, yes, s/he has a point -- there are plenty of fish in the open sea. But there are many species.

Ever saw a killer whale trying to mate a dolphin? Ever seen the Great White Shark trying to hump a starfish? You get the idea!

Wipe out the species, and I have only one group. Then in a particular group, there are always types -- wipe it out until I find a group that is attractive to me. Voila, you get very few left in the open sea.

So much for the positive comment, 'plenty of fish in the sea' -- it's all rubbish in bad faith.

Speaking of types, it is always interesting to observe the birds interacting. I never saw a smaller bird hanging out with a pigeon. I never saw a pigeon hanging out with a cardinal. I never saw a cardinal hanging out with a sea gull. Why not? Are birds racists? Maybe.

Last Friday at Townhouse Bar, I met Greg and loitered for a little bit. It was fun catching up with the news. Greg proudly mentioned that he passed the state bar examinations in two states: Massachusetts and New York. Congratulations, Greg! Then there was an elder man in his 60s with salt and pepper hair. In a quick look, you'd think he reminisce a little with Sean Connery.

Not bad, right?

Percy is his name, I think. He made it clear that I'm hot and irresistible. Nice, though. I might need some dough sometimes, right? He boldly asked for my email address and a kiss. When a guy boldly asked for something, I am impressed enough with that. So I allowed him to kiss me. It was not bad, really. In fact, he was a good kisser. Probably the years of smoochin' helped to patch his experiences on his resume.


Friday, November 19, 2004

Me Is No No Like Pimple Inside Any Nostril -- PAINFUL!!

I absolutely hated having a pimple inside one of my nostrils. For almost two days, my nose throbbed and I am trying so hard to get rid of a pimple right up in my nose. It is so painful to touch my nose or hitting my nose. I swear I'd die of brain aneurysm after whacking my nose. Any feedbacks to get rid of the pimple?

Here is the article about the Turkey Attack. Enjoy.

Tonight, I am going to be at the Metropolitan Museum of Art to be part of Kaybee's lecture tour throughout the museum. Guess I'll snicker and bring some pompoms for her. Just to embarrass her and make her roll her eyes repeatedly.

Me go proud is the her yes! Y E S !!

Maybe I should snort some blow into my nose just to kill my pimple in my right nostril.


And Chlms is still massive, huge, big and beautiful.


Thursday, November 18, 2004

Forgot To Share

I forgot to mention that I also chatted with Chlms on the videophone -- even Gus gasped when he saw her -- she went on to explain that her pregnancy prevented her from wearing the rings and stuff like that. Even her face! I VEE VEE at her tummy. It is BIG!

I mean it, her tummy is MASSIVE HUGE!

Thank God I will not have to pop IT out myself. Thank God that I'm not female. OH, yeah, Chlms also found out that her first infant is gonna be girl.

Congratulations, Chlms -- congratulations, Jonathan. Now I can train her to play for the WNBA. Oh, yeah, and Virginia Cavaliers -- but never Arkansas LadyBacks.


Boy Pussy

Can you imagine Ben M. or Lambykins saying, "I want to fuck your boy pussy and make sure you get pregnant" to another fag?

Sounds and looks weird?

Of course it is. Rest assured, Ben and Lambykins never said that to me or anyone else (I hadn't heard nor knew ... so far).

Was engaged in an erotic conversation with a cute guy who kept on saying that he wanted to fuck my "boy pussy" and to get me "pregnant". I simply smiled and rolled my eyes. I am a guy, for god's sake. Science already proved that I cannot get pregnant but in the erotic sense, one has the right to imagine. The right to let their imaginations go wild in the name of fun and erotic.

It was amusing to hear him saying things like that -- "I want little Davids and Rickys running around with us taking care of 'em," he said to me. Very cute, crazy but so silly. We knew the facts and rules, but we can only imagine.

I do not advocate the barebacking, but I advocated the erotic conversations. It is a good way to release your stress. Just to say silly things with someone online.

I loved that stuff sometimes. It is all in your heads, really. There is a bar called Beauty Bar, which is two doors away from my apartment. That bar is, ironically, for heterosexuals. The place used to be a beauty shop before it was converted into a bar -- but the chairs, equpiments and all that stuff remained there -- very cool. There is a wooden board that sits on the counter right above the mirror, it reads:

Sex Relieves Tension

Very true.


Turkey Attack! And PBS As Well

Last night, I watched the local news right after watching CSI: NY ... there was the breaking news that a driver was critically injured in a bizarre situation that involved the turkey. Actually, a frozen turkey.

In Long Island, five teenagers stole a credit card and bought 20-lb frozen turkey and they tossed the frozen turkey onto a moving car and struck the driver. Luckily, the passenger intervened and halted the car and sought for help. The local news also mentioned that the frozen turkey was found in the back seat. Must they mention that as well? It also said that the steering wheel was also obliterated.

Bizarre, indeed.

Two days ago, I watched the program on PBS called Made in America. It talked about the value of immigration's impact on this country. He went on to examine three interesting persons from Russia, Italy and England. Then the program explored the life of Ida Rosenthal, an immigrant from the Tsarist Russia who arrived in 1904. Ida went on to design a bra which revolutionize the way women used the garments. It was fascinating show. She totally dominated the bra businesses, even during the Great Depression. I also learned that the bra is an abbreviated form of brassiere. Very cool.

Speaking of PBS, I checked the biography of Ken Burns. He produced a lot of excellent documentaries. I interned at PBS and helped out with one of his works' by working with the design team to develop the contents for a particular website. I never met Ken but always wondered what he looked like. Now I just saw his picture. He is cute! Ken, you have my email address on your right side. Shoot me an email!

I worked on this particular website. I noticed that they added some images and contents. Guess that is the way it is for the Internet. Speaking of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, I love this marble monument by Adelaide Johnson. She made it in 1920 and you may find it in the United States Capitol. Many monuments has the statue of full body but not these women? Why?

Nobody really knew why but I have a theory. From my perspective, the marble monument appears to be unfinished art. It may reflect the fact that Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott never got to vote, thus their struggles for the right to vote was not finished. It was incomplete of their life-long work. So the marble monument may reflect that unfinished business. Eh? Another one is to smokescreen this by avoiding the bottom half because Stanton has massive hips, which is not a good thing to sculpt, I guess.

Also, you may notice that Anthony and Stanton stood a bit away from Mott, it could be the symbolic because two ladies had some political and social differences with Mott and distanced from her as well.

Again, it is just my theory.



Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Virginia Sports

It frustrated me that Virginia Cavaliers football team seemed to be unable to beat any teams from Florida. Even Virginia hosted Miami Hurricanes at Charlottesville, they were unable to beat Miami! UVa routed North Carolina Tar Heels by 34 points and Miami lost to UNC. Virginia trashed Clemson, but lost to Florida State who also submitted a loss to Clemson!

It is mind-boggling and baffling.

On another note, Virginia Cavaliers women's basketball team opened the season with a dismal start. They lost to Arizona State then barely beats Maine. By losing to Arizona State, they missed the chance to beat No. 1 Louisiana State. By losing to Arizona State, it proved that the team is vulnerable to shitty season.

Oh, well.


Few "Oohs!" at Republicans

One sentence: Practice what you preach.

It was reported that the Republicans National Committee National Field Director Daniel Gurley was exposed for having a profile that advocated the unsafe sex, known as barebacking.

Check the for his hypocrisy . How can he support the Party's platform and yet, participate in this barebacking activities?

It was said that when exposed Gurley's profile, the had to shut itself down after they were overwhelmed by Capitol Hill Staffers, trying to delete the profiles that they created in soliciting for sex.

There was a rumor on the 'net about the picture of Dick Cheney's dick. That his cock is well-hung. After seeing the picture, it is no wonder that he had several heart attacks. His blood went south, trying to maintain the erection -- probably using viagra too much.

Courtesy of

First, Gitmo Bay. Second, Abu Ghraib. Third, Fallujah Mosque. I saw the segment on PBS yesterday. The wounded guy did not seem to provoke anything. But it does not matter. The Marine yelled some obscenities then shot him dead. The Marines said that it was a "split second" decision to defend themselves because many insurgents had booby-trapped themselves with bombs.

I can take that. But ... the fights in Iraq is very delicate and sensitive to the cooperation of Islam-Christianity in stopping the insurgents. Yelling obscenities do not help at all. Don't the Marines learn to *shut* the fuck up?


Monday, November 15, 2004

One of My Favorite Pictures

Living in New York has a luxury of seeing so many cultures, all in one place. New York is also home to the world's largest jewish population, even more than Israel, I believe.

I got an opportunity to observe a jewish folklore dancing not a long time ago. It is gorgeous thing to observe but not to interfere. It was said that the original form of jewish folklore dances were eradicated, thanks to the Holocaust.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite pictures of all time.



Liberalism vs. Conservatism

Just read the local gay papers about Larry Kramer. Kramer is a controversial figure in both worlds -- gay and straight. He literally forced the nation to wake up to the AIDS pandemic. He also was instrument in founding the GMHC in New York -- Gay Men's Health Clinic -- after seeing the problems that gay men has encountered with HIV/AIDS discrimination.

Anyway, Larry presented a honest, blistering and damning lecture to the audience about Crystal Meth, Barebacking, Liberalism, Conservatism, Gay Community and of course, the recent election.

Larry told people who barebacked with crystal meth to "grow up". To stop "murdering each other." He also acknowledged that the conservatives scored a major victory in the recent elections. You can read his comments on this article.

Gary Hart wrote an article which he mentioned that liberalism has gotten the bad rap by conservatives. Liberalism is, by any means, not anti-religion. LIberalism was created to expose the hypocrisy and judgementalism in the government.

Conservatism was created when the hippies began to abandon the concept of 'Nuclear Family traditional values' in 1960s by a lawyer in Richmond. The conservatives simply never existed until after 1960s when they felt threatened that their "so-called" traditional values are being exposed and criticized. That's how they mobilized to "defend" their actions.

So liberalism is good, conservatism is bullshit. Apparently, over the times, Conservatives managed to influence the voters that if one challenged the government, s/he is a damned liberal. As if the word itself is dirty. It is bullshit, perpetuated by the Conservatives' pessimism. It is cool to be Liberal. In fact, it is better to be Liberal than to be one of the backward folks who insisted to live with outdated traditional values.

I got an email from a friend of mine whom gave me the link to the article. I was impressed with this. So to use the moral values as a justification to vote is ludicrious.

So essentially, liberalism rocks. Conservatism is just negative thing to deal with. A prick, to be honest.


Friday, November 12, 2004

Flying Ice ... or Flying Shit?

Found this on the website:

According to the, the family arrived home only to find a chunk of ice sitting on the daughter's bed.

Not sure if it was the flying shit from the airplane or something out of the skies.

Remember: The sky could kill you without an explanation.
