Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Renca Dunn Is All That

 I'm not sure on why many of you followed or liked Renca Dunn. She has demonstrated herself as Christofascist, homophobe, elitist, tumblrina and antisemitic.

Not only that, she also worked for The Daily Moth who engaged in inaccurate information from time to time.
Christofascist? Well, she worked for Deaf Missions to produce the so-called "Jesus" film which is designed to proselytize and promote her faith.
Homophobe? She partnered with the Vichs family who made several homophobic vlogs with the assistance of Patrick McMullen (who himself i
s self-loathing, closeted gay man). The Vichs made money off from exploiting their children for clicks and likes.
Elitist? I met her only once at Youth Leadership Camp's 50th Anniversary and she was pretty hostile to me (I assume because of my reputation) but I also observed her at two different times, it turns out that she does mingle with the ones who are well known for being elitist.
Tumblrina? Google it up. 'nuff said. She would claim to be supportive of women's rights, gay rights and blah. But she is very good friends with one person who married a violent sex offender and she's pretty casual about it. As long as that person's wife is her friend.
And lastly, antisemitic? She was silent about the eradication of Jewish kibbutzes in southern Israel on 10-7. She never condemned the attacks by Hamas *and* Gazans with violent actions. And antisemitism has risen 700% in this country with pro-Palestinian protesters bullying, attacking and harassing the Jews and Jewish students who has nothing to do with Israel's decisions - where was Renca? She said nothing. What did she do next? She promoted a business by Deaf woman in West Bank (not in Palestine).
See the difference? Renca used the word, Palestine instead of West Bank or Gaza - which indicated that Renca supported the Palestinian's actions from day one.
So I am not sure why you people are friends or liked her? Where is your sense of principles? Oh, that's right, you have none.

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