Friday, November 12, 2004

One insignificant death, one significant death

Only in New York -- it was reported that a kind guy decided to give the local homeless bum a sandwich, then the next day, the same kind guy felt bad for that particular bum who seemed to be hungry. So he gave him $5 for food. The bum was offended and shot the kind guy dead. Ahh, just another insignificant death in New York.

In Knoxville, Tenn -- my cousin reported on her blog that a deaf student died in an deadly van accident which 5 other deaf students were injured as well. Maria Wooten is deaf, athlete student at Tennessee School for the Deaf. I was relieved that my cousin (Mary's daughter, Tori) was not part of the accident.

On another related subject, go to this particular website where you can view the funeral of Maria Wooten, there was a guy named Jamie Hensley. He's cute and my gaydar nearly broke itself when it went off uncontrollably after detecting Jamie. Umm. How awful am I, checking out guys at the funeral service?


Fun To Talk About People, Right?

Two days ago on 13 Street walking towards home from the GLBT Center around 11 PM. It was such a brisky evening. I saw a caucasian male in a fancy suit, looked very conservative with a sharp buzzcut hairdo. His eyes darted on the the sidewalk then to me back and forth in a rapid manner. It was obvious that he was scoping me out to make sure that I'm not "one of them".

Of course, I was not sure what he had in his mind as we walked towards each other. Soon enough, he passed me by with no problem. I turned to look at him. What startled me was that he pulled his spray paint can and sprayed on the abandoned building. I was stunned. This was not a liberal, thug, bum or even a punk. This was not a hispanic or black dude. This was a fuckin' guy who could pass as an employee at some taller building in Manhattan! Of course, always in New York. You cannot predict anything. This is the town where you can expect a female to rape a male. Or even a cat biting a dog. Or a rat chasing after a cat.

I just read the article that two cops in Miami used a stun gun consists of 50,000 volts to knock out a 6 years old boy who attempted to slice himself with a piece of glass. Wait a minute -- 50,000?! C'mon. Be serious. You'd be electrocuted by this little plug at your home up to 110 volts. But that amount of volts are absurd.

Scott Peterson was found guilty. Mark paged me that the prisoners where Scott will be assigned is going to be lucky guys. I smirked. Scott, enjoy the moments in the prison. Oh, you just dropped the soap over there.

I read another article on where a lacrosse player came out of the closet at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire -- the same school where I mentioned that I enjoyed visiting. I believe I saw him at the DGALA function at Dartmouth College with Chris and Shane.

Speaking of Shane, the charming guy over there in Ithaca who recently posed his picture which he apologized for failing the world to stop Bush from winning the re-election. I was bit baffled but now I finally understood. So I'm doing the same thing. Enjoy the pic -- and be sure to visit the galleries, by tapping on the link right below the picture! Absolutely amazing collection that will keep you looking at it for ... hours.

Sorry Everybody

I just read an article sent to me from a Kenfuckian about its deaf school. I once mentioned that it seemed to me that Kenfucky School for the Deaf seemed to roll out a lot of faggots from day one. No need to mention the names but trust me, the names outnumbered many deaf schools across the nation. I guess, the Kenfucky school knew how to train boys ... tad well. However, the article talked about the plans to "shrink" the KSD campus from 166-acres to 50-acres as a part of accomodating the "fiscal reality" for the school. The enrollment went from 450 to 141 in 28 years' span. Oh, well. C'est la vie.

Oh, yeah, that retard girl who claims to be 100% Jesus Freak (says a lot about her sanity) on Xanga claimed that a gally student made a death threat on her. I noticed that she was talking about me who shot her an email to let her know that I find her Xanga despicable, pitiful and ridiculous. That if she got shot, she'd deserve it. Actually, the world would be better place without her in terms of her warped but yet so misinformed thoughts.

She also thought I am also a Gallaudet student. Go figure. Says a lot about her current educational background. I love the irrational minds, they're funny to observe but not interfere. Oh, yeah, that wild4surfing prick. People like her made me cringe from time to time. Such a self-righteous pig. EchoJCharlie is pathetic as well.

Speaking of Gallaudet student, I just learned that a student fucked a professor at Gallaudet, not a long time ago. How interesting, though.

Have a good weekend -- it is raining as of now, but I also learned that Manhattan possibly will have an inch of snow by tomorrow morning. I'm heading off to Hell's Kitchen for my birthday dinner with S.



A Picture Is Worth Something, I Think

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Republicans No More

Republicans may have won the election and terrorize the Americans with its rampant of sickening evangelical x-ians running amok, deciding the policies based on the Bible.

But the moderate Republicans warned that the moderate of Republican party has been pushed aside and the whole party is now aligned with the evangelical Christians. I agreed with Arthur Finkelstein.

It is going to be worse than ever.

I read the local papers where a gay man committed in a relationship of many years. He called his mother who is currently a resident of some town in Florida to find out about her preferred candidacy. The mother mentioned that she chose Bush over Kerry, the gay son responded: "Mother, you shall have these little Christian kids taking care of you in Florida because I won't be there for you." He cuts her out of his life, permanently. I admired his tenacity. It is something that people needs this -- to get the shock of their lifetime. That their condescending vote for the preference of tax cuts over individual rights are simply inhumane.

Conservatives and Republicans need to see that the evangelical x-ians are not the answer to the society's ills. It is not. If they are the answer, then tell me why did Bill Graham fuck a prostitute in Louisiana and begged the viewers to forgive him? Even a liberal will not beg for it! We have the stature not to beg, unlike Graham.

Now with another article from which mentioned that many people do not feel comfortable considering the United States as home. Some Conservatives, Republicans and evangelica x-ians probably will gloat and tell us to get out of this country if we do not feel comfortable. But the problem is that they do *not* see that this country is also our home. It is my country, too. You shall not decide for me in terms of rights.

Suffice to say, the situation will get worse to a point where the Republicans will regret for embracing the lunatic fringement of the right wing groups.


What The Fuck Is Going On?

A friend from the District alerted me and told me some funny gossips out of the District and he also mentioned that yesterday (Wednesday the 10th of November) at 2 PM, he and his friend witnessed a bizarre situation that unfolded before his eyes as he scrambled to get his digital camera and snapped two exclusive pictures of the mysterious man.

The traffic on Florida Avenue NE was slowed down as lots of motorists were baffled to see this man walking from the front gate of Gallaudet campus onto 8th Street & Florida Avenue NE. The man walked past 7th Street NE, then crossed to M Street NE towards 6th Street, a block away from HESS Gas Station. My friend raced around to snap the pictures on 6 Street and M Street NE.

I quickly asked my dearest friend whether if he's deaf or not. He said he is certain that he is not Deaf. It is likely that he is a crack addict prancing around the neighborhood for some bizarre reasons unknown to us all.

Here are the exclusive pictures:

Now, what the fuck is going on?


Clean Day

It was busy day at work as everyone of us organized the "Clean Day" to organize, screen and clean the office from the top to the bottom, and from the left to the right. It was absolutely riveting and exhausting day for me.

Not only that, the staff also held a surprise Birthday party for four of us. I got a gift certificate to Chapstick Boy's former workplace. Nice, nice, nice. Donna stunned me with a cool apron that she made -- along with my full name on the apron. I rolled my eyes as there is a picture of wallet on the apron. Evidently, the office workers are celebrating the death of my 18 years old wallet and the birth of a new black wallet. Ahh. Thanks! I really did not expect this at all. I thought it was just a casual lunch but sure enough, they pulled the carpet under me and I flipped out.

Thanks for everything! Now, should I take the digital pic of my newly apron that Donna made for the world to see? It is absolutely cool and stunning piece of work! She does not have to do that, though. But she did. That was really cool.


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Amy, Amy, Amy -- Get A Life!

A friend IMmed me today to warn me of someone to plot a prank on me. Sure enough, Amy Kurz announced on her xanga that she is plotting a prank on me. Amy, Amy, Amy -- get a life.

I copied this message that she has on her Xanga site:

"To all other conservative & Republicans...
I did something truly wickedly harmless, yet hilarious prank towards Ridor, a.k.a. Ristard, Retard, Ricky etc...
Stay tuned!
I shall reveal what I've done in no time (perhaps ~2 months)."

Just quit when you are way behind me. You have nothing on me. You have nothing to shock me, or pull anything on me. What you are doing is childish. You are nobody but a tool of bondage, stucked under Jeff's butt all the time.

Let it be known that in college, you told me that you claimed that several well-known modelling agencies wanted to take pictures of you and Emily because you guys are pretty. I smiled but in secrecy, I snickered because you are that fuckin' ugly cow. You'd crack a fuckin' camera.

But that was then, this is now ... I thought you grew up a little. But apparently, you did not. Plotting a prank on me is merely stupid and waste of your time. Go and make use of your time in doing the invisible manuscript that you always claimed to work on.

Enough said, GET A LIFE!


Why Me?

I like Desperate Housewives, it is very interesting show. But something is going on. You can tell that there is something going on. That is good way to tune you in for the next episode and the next ... *sigh*

And yeah, I caved in and did this quiz. It didn't surprise me at all.

Here is the result --

Congratulations! You are Gabrielle Solis, the
ex-model with everything she's every wanted a
rich husband, a big house and John, the
17-year-old gardener.

Which Desperate Housewife are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


About Time!

I wrote about my 18-years-old wallet which I complained that I was indecisive in choosing the perfect wallet. And one of my birthday wishes were a new wallet, 'nuff said.

Here is the photo of my 18 years old wallet.

Embarrassing, is it? The faded orange used to be bright orange when Dad forced it upon me when I was a teenager. And I got used to it so much that I couldn't decide which one to buy as of now because this wallet is ready to fall apart.

Many friends cannot stand the sight of my wallet. Especially Char. And she took the action. She bought a new wallet for my birthday gift and forced me to use it -- and guess what? I liked it. I knew she'd do that because she always rolled her eyes when I pulled that wallet out.

The wallet is fabulous. It is bit stiff as of now. Takes time to get my ass to crush it and flatten it as destined to do so!

Here is the new wallet.

Thanks, Char.


P.S. Thanks to LM for the digital pics, such a luxury thing!

Is Sorenson The Next One?

As many Deaf people are getting the cool equipment from Sorenson and/or Sprint to set up the videophone across the nation, I get to do that with my parents recently in Norristown, Pennsylvania.

It was nice to see my parents on the screen.

One thing that threw me off the track was when Dad said, "I met one hearing interpreter whose parents are deaf and lives in DC. She knew who you are. She is pretty and smart. Why don't you have her?"

I stared at Dad, then slowly rolled my eyes ... as if.

I knew the girl. Even if Dad does not remember her name. But I know the girl. Her name is Jen. In fact, Jen told me that she was surprised when Dad asked her if she knew me and she inadvertently nodded. Never mind the ethics, it is OK with me. But the smaller community, the grapevines can be ... like that.

I knew Jen because she is Char's close friend. Jen is also Rayni's sister-in-law. Yes, it is no secret that she is attractive, smart, and gorgeous. Hell, we agreed on a lot of things. But we also agreed that we like penises more than vaginas.

And Dad still do not understand that.

That is OK, though.

But what startled me is that Sorenson or that type may be (or already did) the next wave that surpass the speed of deaf gossips.

Sigh. So be careful with how you say things on that screen. For it may cause a headache in the long run.



Falwell Is Ugly

Jerry Falwell has been ugly all his life. He had no choice but to embrace his evangelical belief to be somebody instead of being nobody. Honest to God, who wants to look at him?! He is awful. He looks bloated. I know him for many years, I lived in Virginia -- every Sunday morning is a morning of Terror for me. I had to endure the television broadcast of his rantings at Thomas Road Baptist Church every Sunday morning.

He siphoned money off from the poor and and built himself an empire of his own -- his church, his university, his mansion, his ugly children and his gullible wife and friends.

He tried to sue Larry Flynt who made fun of Jerry in his adult magazine -- if Jerry sued him, that means what? Jerry had to read the magazine to know why he sued Larry in the first place. That means what? Jerry probably subscribed the adult magazines, much to my chagrin!

Anyway, he popped back in the media once again, saying that he'll set up an army of "evangelical traditionalists" pertaining to morals and values, by using the evangelical voters to battle women rights, gays and minorities.

I guess Jerry wanted to go back to 1950s where women are silent when men can rape, abuse and molest women and children and nothing was being done to protect women and children back then.

That, to me, is their concept of traditional and moral values.

I say, let's move on and change the values for everyone, not theirs.

Get with the program.


Cold Is Sexy

Time to confess something. I love the cold. Not that blistering cold like the Arctic climate. Just cold enough to make you put a sweatshirt, sweater or a coat on. I love it 'cuz you get to hug someone to keep warm. Just to feel the cold stiff on my ears. And to feel it un-stiff when you step inside the building is exhilarating.

So essentially, cold is sexy.

Speaking of sexy, I'm baffled that among the Top News Stories was an article about Tennis player Serena Williams saying that Maria Shaparova is sexy. That is all. And the media made it a big deal. So what? It is silly.

And honestly, what do you think of this: Lusting for Jesus -- I personally think it's nuts.

Oh, I am amused when I stumbled on a comment by Amy Kurz who wrote that I'm "an out of control guy". I'll take that as a compliment. Amy, I rather to be like that than to be your friend.


Tuesday, November 09, 2004

What VRI?

Two nights ago, Mom said that she used the VRI at the local hospital which Dad underwent some physical check-up.

VRI? I asked Mom.

She said, "You know, Video Relay Interpreting! That VRI."

I asked her to explain how it worked. She explained that the doctor hooked up the connection with the VRI facility in Raleigh, North Carolina and got an interpreter on the TV monitor for Mom and Dad to follow through. The doctor spoke to the interpreter via the voice box, the interpreter then talked to Mom and Dad in the hospital.

It is weird to know that you're talking to a doctor in the same room via an interpreter about 125 miles away. Very cool, though. Mom said she liked it. She said that it is nice to follow what's going on with her doctor.

Nice, but it is long overdue that should have happened ... years ago if you ask me.


Monday, November 08, 2004

Even in 1896, Hearies Pull Dirty Tricks On Deafies

I read the book called "They Did What!?" by Bob Fenster. On page 4 did not surprise me at all. I expected it from a hearing person of any background or any generation. Read this:

"Kid McCoy became the welterweight champ in 1896. Earlier in his career, he had shown what it took to survive in the ring when he fought a boxer who was completely deaf.

By the third round, McCoy had figured out that his opponent couldn't hear the bell. So he stepped back and motioned to the other fighter that the bell had rung to end the round (it hadn't).

As the other boxer dropped his hands and turned to his corner, McCoy jumped in and knocked him out."

How nice is that? Typical hearie.


Only One Day Left To Be 30

By tomorrow, my 30th year of existence will come to an end. Then I shall enter the 31st year of existence. From day one, my life is nothing but interesting. No, I will not trade my dick for anyone else's. Judging on some guys' pleasure and orgasm, I think my dick did a good job. I'd like to get rid of my beer belly. One guy said that he loved it because it is softer than most guys who has one. Ugh.

I talked with my parents online last night for few minutes, via Sorenson Video Relay Service (SVRS). SVRS is absolutely cool. Dad lost 40 pounds! Mom lost 26 pounds! I told Mom last June that if she refused to lose some pounds, she may as well as expect her children to pool some money to purchase the piano-sized coffin for her to sleep in. I guess she got the message. That is great, I'm glad they are getting it altogether and do something about it. It is odd to see Mom talking about which food she needs to eat and not to eat. But that is great, though.

On other hand, I decided to list the Top 5 Hottest Bloggers enough to make my head spin. That person does not have to have a good looking guy but his charming skills has to play a huge role in this.

1. Shane of Happily Stuck in Ithaca -- Shane is simply the perfect gentleman.
2. Billy of Wet Dreaming -- Very sexy, very naughty boy at times but you cannot hate him.
3. Jason of JasonLamberton -- Very fierce, stubborn; a trait I always had weak legs for.
4. Aarie of HushStorm -- Just goofy at times made me roll my eyes and smile a little.
5. That Mysterious Guy of CertainDisaster -- I wanted to see what his eyes looked like, he declined. That, by itself, is mysterious enough to be charming!



Sunday, November 07, 2004

Vardon Family

My friends and I watched the Extreme Home Makeover -- it was great. Stefan is cute. Lance is adorable. The whole family simply deserved a brand-new home. It was nice of Marlee Matlin to drop in and do something for Stefan.

Two thumbs up for Ty. Ty is hot. If he was loose, I'd hunt him down. And feast upon him, his body and soul. That boy is pure and sweet.

You know, towards the end of the show, Gus, Jason, Marby, Val and I shed a tear -- then Gus pointed it at us that we were sobbing, then laughter ensued -- to a point where Jason wept.

It was so hilarious. Then Gus' mother passed out the box of kleenex, that was overboard as we roared out with heavy laughter.

It was such a fun moment.

Stefan Vardon, you rock.


See? I Rest My Case

Check the link out! It proved that people who voted for Bush are dumber than a doorknob!


So Much for Unity

That fool Bush pleaded the voters to unite and work for his 'mandate'. I yawned and rolled my eyes.

Now with the reports coming out:

Montana State Considers To Chop Gay Benefits

More Pressures On Florida To Ban Same Sex Marriage

Karl Rove: Bush To Push For FMA

We should note in our American History books that Karl Rove was the responsible one that fractured this country in half -- and used sexual orientation as a wedge to destroy what America stood and believed in equality. Thanks, Karl.

It is easy to notice that Karl Rove lacked a heart nor a compassion.

Jason Lamberton, care to defend your party's antics so far?


Stolen from Shane, Wuv Him

This is the way it should be -- considering the divide that the Republicans did in this country -- let's secede from Jesusland and join Canada.


Saturday, November 06, 2004

Gus' Birthday Bash

The party consists of about 10 men and 3 women. It was nice and mellow party. That is until Jason's little pup threw up something greenish on Jason's right leg. Good thing he wore the jeans.

One girl (Hint: She is the current Miss Deaf New Jersey) rushed to help Jason out with the gooey thing on his right leg. When she helped him out, she resumed to where she stood before during the game -- we played this game where we questioned the birthday boy on everything else, he is not allowed to say "no comment" at all.

When this girl returned to her spot, I smelt something burning. I turned to see a fire on this girl's hairdo. I shrieked.

I screamed and signed violently, "HAIRDO FIRE! HAIRDO FIRE!"

Drama ensued. She rescued her hair. Then she wept. We all comforted her -- the game was totally ruined, thanks to the smell of burning hair in the living room which everyone fled.

That is Gus' Birthday Bash to you!


Gay Marriage Nixed, What Next?

The State Board of Education in Texas just announced that they omitted the words like "gay", "partners", "contraceptives" or "unmarried couples" in the textbooks -- this forced the national publications that manufactured the textbooks to alter the wordings.

Gay marriage nixed by the religious nuts, now with this?! One official from Texas said that they nixed because they felt that gay people are suicidal, into drugs and unsafe sex. They do not see that suicide, drug abuse and depression were caused by the same people who oppressed against gays in the closet! Think about it! Oops, the religious nuts cannot think clearly. They follow the book. This right, this wrong. This right, this wrong. They cannot think on their own. They are just puppets.

And we have to deal and suffer for this bullshit. Now, the Bush Administration announced that they bring Dr. Hager, who is religious nuts and against the contraceptives in preventing unwanted pregnancies to run the FDA Board.

How great is this?

More X-ian nuts on the loose. They are dangerous than Osama bin Laden.

Thanks a lot, Bush supporters.

The City of Brotherly Love

After work on Friday evening, I decided I wanted to get away from Manhattan and hang out with few friends somewhere outside of New York. I thought of Jason and Gus -- Gus is having a birthday bash on Saturday nite, so I got in touch with Gus and Jason.

Got the nod, it was the last minute thing so I hurried almost everything to catch the 10:34 PM train to Trenton where Jason picked me up.

Then we were reunited with Liz. A hearing but yet fabulous and cool gal in downtown Philadelphia by South Street. It was so good to see her again and loitered for few hours. Then it was off to a suburban town called Norristown, just northwest of Philadelphia.

Upon arriving, the town is quiet at 3 AM. Unlike New York, 3 AM is dead. Drove Jason's car to Gus' place. It was a cinch to find Gus' home, after the years of visits.

Went to sleep downstairs in a cozy bedroom while Jason and Gus creaked one of their own upstairs.

Sometimes it is a good life. Good enough to forget the bitter disappointments. I think I am blessed to have good friends in life -- so many, true friends that did not disappoint me. But again, I want to emphasize that Amy is not a true friend. She is just a fiend with no "r" in it.


Friday, November 05, 2004

Is That For Me?

Awww, are you THAT happy to see me today?


On A Light (Bright) Note

This is going to hurt your eyes.

But who cares!

Happy Birthday, Beth Szymanski!


SYL to Amy, Brent and Jason

I shall repeat this -- more than 59 million people were retarded to vote for Bush. They unwittingly gave the victories to Christian fundamentalist groups who are capitalizing on this to advance its goals -- its goals to make sure that as long as I am gay, I am not entitled to the equal rights.

The Christian fundamentalist groups may claim that they are nonviolent but they promote violence by disregarding us as human beings first, thus permitting anyone to bash or ambush us, just for fun. Just like the school bully picking on effeminate guys. To them, it is good. It is healthy. That it is normal.

Speaking of normal, what is normal? Who died and allowed you to define normal? For a year and half, I lived in New York and observed different things -- one thing I learned the most valuable lesson of all is that being normal varies from one person to the other. You cannot decide which one is normal, which one is not. To do that makes you condesceding above the rest. To me, that is not normal. Mind your own business, for god's sake.

As Jim David clearly pointed out in his article which many people like Amy, Brent and Jason continued to overlook -- except Elisa, she is religious nut, she knew and advocated this despite the fact that she might have gay friends, but that does not matter to her as long as it benefits her, not anyone else -- our rights will be undermined in the long run.

I agreed with Jim David, it is time to evaluate my friendships with certain persons who voted for a person who supported the anti-gay platform. Amy the liar backstabber who does not know how to quit when you're behind, you are finished. You cannot say that you support the gay issues, you just cannot because you voted for a person who endorsed the Federal Marriage Amendment. It indicated that you supported a person and his party when they smeared gay people in order to scare up the voters and spread the false information, just to win the votes.

I cannot condone anyone to keep their heads in the sand while their party sent out the homophobes to use my feelings as an issue to wedge and divide the country. Shame on you, Amy, Brent and Jason.

And worst of all, Elisa, you professed to be a Christian and yet, turned your cheek or bury your head in the sands and permitted your party to use my love to create a wedge and divide the country -- that is something you should be ashamed of yourself. You are not a Christian as you would like to believe in. Elisa, you are simply just a white trash girl from Florida. Just like Amy.


59,054,087 Are THAT Dumb

Truer words were never spoken, Londoners.


Thursday, November 04, 2004

New York Smart, Heartland Dumb

It is not easy to work today. Considering the election turmoil that made me sick to my stomach. It is even worse to know that some of so-called friends went to vote for Bush, just because it's about taxes, morals or terrorism.

You will not solve terrorism by force. Get educated, please. Solve poverty and grant the equal rights to the masses will make terrorism disappear.

One person was right, New York is an island off the coast of Europe, separated from the rest of the country except for the District and the Northeast. New York, along with the District, Philadelphia, New Jersey and New England are filled with many educated persons who can tell that the administration was not telling the truth.

Many people in the Bible Belt, Midwest and the Mountain states are filled with gullible people who lived in isolated towns, villages and cities that often fell for any ideology that comes through the town. But here, people has street smarts, they knew who was telling bullshit or not. I guess that was what separated the most.

The Republicans and the administration fanned the flame that scared people related to the "gay agenda", "terrorism" et al. It is all rubbish.

New York was attacked, not the Heartland. And New Yorkers voted for Kerry -- that says something, does it? Even the citizens of New York knew Bush was lying. And the Americans who claimed to stand up for New York, abandoned New York on November 2.

When I went to a small town in Virginia, I was bit set back by its behavior. New York may be fast-pacing, behavior may be snobbish at times and so on. But what I saw in that town is surreal. Its people reacted to everything as if it was true all the time. They will say, "Gay sex is sinful because the bible says so." No rational explanation. No nothing. They believe anything that comes their way. They believe that rapture will happen tomorrow. They believe that to kill Osama bin Laden will stop the threat of terrorism. They believe that their government did nothing wrong with many countries. That we are always innocent. That everyone blamed us for screw-ups. They believe that Islam is evil and that it needs to be destroyed.

These stuff are what you called: Their traditions, beliefs and customs. These things lacked rationality.

When I visited a town in Vermont, I don't see that. I see the enlightened town with full of educated and informed people.

Bush succeeded in getting the people to vote for him using the scare tactics. The whole thing is simply sickening to deal with.

I will *not* be surprised to find out that a town somewhere outside of New York will be bombed. Perhaps, by that, people will realize that stopping terrorism by force will *not* solve anything. Nor using the gay agenda as a scare tactic.


I Need To Escape

I need to escape. To get away from the idiots that has sealed the fate for this country and for me as a person. I need to escape to a place like this.

Beneath the morning fog lies a town of Big Stone Gap


To Lighten Up The Moods

I was reading my cousin's blog. Saw the picture of me as a kid with my Drandma.

Here is the picture.

The guys that does not have a t-shirt on are all girls. I, as a boy, was the only one who puts the t-shirt on. Interesting? Was that a clue to be gay? Perhaps. Not only that, I was VEE VEE at my cousin Mary, obviously.

This picture has my Drandma, Virginia with my great aunt, Mary's grandmother, also Mary. Both are sisters. My Drandma looks like Ronda Jo Miller, does she?
Mary and Virginia


So The People Has Spoken

So the people has spoken. The election, perpetuated by the Republicans' rhetoric of hate, divisiveness and fear, has put us into quagmire for the next four years, and possibly the next 40 years.

Jeff and Amy Kurz, I certainly hope that either of your children will be gay so that you'll taste of your own medicine. Your comments about "the tribes has spoken" is childish and pitiful. I really hope that your kids will be gay so that they will come to their parents that they cannot get the equal rights because you voted for a guy and his group that waged the wars against gay people. If I was a lunatic born-again Christian, I would curse you to have a gay kid. But I do not do that, I just hope you will have them.

That goes the same for Jason Lamberton -- I hope someone in his family will be gay, preferrably that his kids are so that he'll see what I meant all along. Same goes for Elisa.

Since Bush is going to serve the next four years of corruptive, arrogant and disastrous policies, he surely will bring his right-wing, anti-gay judges to the Supreme Court to replace these four conservative judges. To me, that means what? My citizenship has been relegated to second-class citizenship.

For that, Amy, you are not my friend -- unlike you, I want to be independent and deserved the equal rights. Unlike you, I will not depend on 2-year old child to interpret for me. I will keep my head high and fight for my rights even if it seems to be hard and struggle because you people live in fear, doubt and divisiveness. Unlike you, you live off on your children and Jeff's supremacy to lead you around. To me, that is so you.

When Bush spoke for the unity in the name of our country, I laughed. He and his party already drove the wedge deeper than ever in the name of fear and hate that polarized and divided the country, it is mind-boggling for anyone to put the elections behind and say, "Let's unite!"

Well, fuck you.

You do not do that to your friends or families like that. Millions of people were hurt by the vileful comments by false comments like, "Bibles will be banned, but gay marriages will be allowed" booklets. You cannot be my friend if you polarized and divided people based on gay stuff then tell me, "good game". You do not do that. It is beyond despicable actions that I cannot approve of.

I cannot tolerate or forgive people who do that. People who do that is not my real friend. They deserved to be shot.


Tuesday, November 02, 2004

A Moment of Lightning Strike with Nanc

This happened four years ago. Based on a true story. Not even that $1.29 slut also known as Lair Bitch can deny this at all.

"Meet me at Benson Hall Circle so I can give you my car keys for you to take it to the courthouse in Baltimore, ok?" Jake insisted, then added: "If I'm not there by 9 PM at BHC, please come to my apartment. Someone will let you in and come to my bedroom, I probably will be sleeping or something like that, ok?"

I nodded and thanked him.

Later on that evening, I waited. Waited. And waited.

I gave up and got in touch with Nanc and asked her to take me to Jake's apartment. She said she was in the area and will take me for the ride. I was grateful of her. I always loved her company. Her wisdom with life is beyond us all. Trust me.

Then I came to Jake's apartment, being naive. After what I encountered inside the apartment shook me up and left me speechless. As I walked out of the apartment, visibly shaken by what I had witnessed. Nanc saw my facial expressions. I could not utter a word or two.

Being an Irish woman, Nanc smiled and said, "You caught Jake in bed with another woman!"

I nodded and said, "How do you know?"

Nanc said, "Come on! I'm old enough to know what is going on -- your face says it all. Damn, men are just like that. C'mon, let's go to the bar and have a drink on me."

Off to the bar, we drank and talked about the situation that I walked in. Nanc's wisdom and perspectives on life soothed my shock, frustration, anger and resentment at that particular evening. It was unexpected thing to bust someone else, especially to know that my close friend was cheating on my best friend with that $1.29 slut-soon-to-leave-her-boobs-sagging-on-the-floor.

It was not the Election 2000 that shook me up, it was Jake-$1.29 Slut fiasco that pretty shook me up for a long time. Needless to say, Jake has been dead for the last two years. Even after the 2000 fiasco, Jake and I talked occasionally. But nothing was the same afterwards between me and the Lair Bitch. I cannot forgive her for what she did to me during his death. What she did was inappropriate in comparison with my nicknames for her. So I have no regrets in stamping the $1.29 Slut and the Lair Bitch on her, permanently.

Good riddance, Lair Bitch. And you will be always the $1.29 Slut and the Lair Bitch!!


Tensions, Tensions and The World

Tonight, I walked to a local restaurant where Chris worked to take a chicken soup because my body is aching like Hell. Chris never ceased to flirt me from the first time I entered the premise. Today, when I tipped him for his goofy service, he told me to put the dollar in his groin -- he said to pull his pants open and slid it in.

And I did.

Then I walked back to the office, I observed the faces of people walking past me -- I can see the tensions on their faces. This election is burning up in their faces. Reminded me of a quote I saw somewhere before, "Be careful with the match in the dark because you might lit an inferno!"

I understand that the world is also riveted by the United States election -- in the age of globalization -- billions of people across the world will be affected by the election in this country. A guy in Dubai, United Arab Emirates bemoaned that the American policies affected him, therefore he should have the right to vote as well. Same thing goes for a guy in Rome, Italy who said he feels that since the result affected him in many ways, he should have the right to vote. If the world participated, Bush would lose badly.

I'm going to watch the television and nurse my damned sore throat. If Bush wins, the saga continues. If Kerry wins, the nation is free of its tyrannical regime.


I Voted and I Wanted The Jockstrap!

I voted.

I was surprised to read an article that it is possible Yasser Arafat's illness was the AIDS virus. The article also mentioned that he was involved in orgies with his bodyguards in Romania. Wow.

On another subject ... I gotta confess something.

Once upon a time as a teenager, my father told me that I have to protect my "penis" with a jockstrap whenever I played the sports. I despised the empty feeling of my ass when I put the basketball shorts on. And I despised the straps right below the ass -- when you run up and down the court, it rolls into very uncomfortable position where you'd have to pluck ur shorts trying to unroll it. That was very embarassing for self-conscious teenager, trying to play the game on the court in front of some crowds and be discreet enough not to get a snicker out of the crowds when I pulled the strap to unroll. But that was then.

This is now. These days, I seemed to stumble on lots of men wearing jockstraps. I saw some at some bars, clubs, magazines and movies ... oh, yeah, some porn stuff. For some reasons, the jockstraps are starting to turn me on. It is easy to bam from behind and be done with it. I started to see the erotic part of jockstraps that I never had during my youth -- I guess that has to be good.

Now I want to buy one -- but not at this moment, I want to lose some pounds first then "jockstrap" on myself somehow to see if I like it or not. Yeah, that is the plan.


Monday, November 01, 2004

A Timeout With A Joke

This is too good to pass it up -- it made me laugh.

Even Lambykins cannot deny that he will grin after reading this -- but I doubt Elisa would. Who cares, though!

Check this at Mary's Blog. Thanks, Cousin Mary.


Saturday, October 30, 2004

Dr. Donna Ryan In Spring '01

Back in Spring '01, I took The History of Modern Middle East under Dr. Donna Ryan at Gallaudet. Throughout the semester, I get to understand the ramifications of Islam, Arab world and its relationships with oil, Western Civilization and Israel as well as its struggles to live in peace with dignity and honor.

Dr. Ryan made it clear that sooner or later, the Islamic extremists would attempt to fan the Muslims' hatred of Americans because of its stubborn relationship with Israel, of its arrogant policies that favored the ruling classes over the masses through weapons and oil.

For example, the Shah of Iran was overthrown by the masses because the Shah was corrupted and oppressive -- the Americans were steadfast in supporting the Shah and his government. The Americans were quick to condemn the majority of Iranians to revolt against the corrupted government -- a classic hypocrisy on Americans' response, considering the fact that the Americans also revolted against the Britons in 18th century. It is as if we can revolt if we wanted to, but they can't. The result is that Iranians viewed us as the evil empire. Cannot blame them, really.

The Americans seemed to enjoy its hypocrisy by telling people how to live their lives but when it comes to them questioning back, Americans turned its back. Afghanistan enlisted the Americans to help out in battling the Soviet Union, and the Americans sent the CIA over there. But after the years of devastating war against the Soviet Union, Afghanistan finally expelled the Soviets. Afghanistan then turned to Americans for some help. Where were the Americans? They were nowhere to be found. Abandoned. They were abandoned. The seeds of hatred, resentment and frustration were born from that point.

Dr. Ryan explained things in a very broad picture of frustrations with Americans' policies in meddling with Middle East countries. One student, I do not recall her name, asked Dr. Ryan whether if she thinks someday, someone will kick our butts for what we did? Dr. Ryan smiled and said, "Of course, it shall happen. It will. But when?"

It was thought-provoking class. I enjoyed it tremendously. I still have 15 books based on Middle East countries, conflicts, Balkan states et al. Oh, yeah, I got an A with the course.

That was Spring '01. Four months later, the Islamic extremists enacted what Dr. Ryan prophesied all along, and they did it with a force that rattled the rest of the world by bringing the Twin Towers down. As I was watching the Twin Towers burning, I quickly reminisced what Dr. Ryan talked about this. It was inevitable. It was bound to happen. I wondered if people around me truly understood the ramifications that led up to this point?

Never mind the Patriot Act, never mind that we retaliated by overthrowing Taliban, never mind that we termed Iran, Iraq and North Korea as the Axis of Evil, never mind that Libya repented with us as of now, never mind the Iraqi occupation -- these things meant a lot of things or nothing to different peoples but the common ingredient among the masses in the region is that the vengeance has been exacted. They got what they wanted all along, that is to punish us for our actions toward them. They do not care if we waged wars against them and killed billions of people, they knew they already punched us in our face.

History is all around us -- schools, colleges, monuments, governments, museums, peoples, cultures, countries ... why do we have history? It was to remind us of our actions -- let it be a lesson for all of us, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

When GW Bush kept on ranting about preserving the freedom, don't fall for it. It is bullshit. I do not like Osama bin Laden for what he did. But to beat the enemy, one has to understand him, his thoughts and his actions. Read what he said:

Contrary to what [President George W.] Bush says and claims -- that we hate freedom --let him tell us then, "Why did we not attack Sweden?" It is known that those who hate freedom don't have souls with integrity, like the souls of those 19. May the mercy of God be upon them.

See? Even he's crazed loon, but he has a point. It is not about freedom. If it is the case, they'd attack Sweden. It is because we meddle in their affairs.

Now we need to improve ourselves in order to treat others better. But certainly not with GW Bush in the position -- he is simply delusional, indifferent to the ramifications of historical events up to now. Bush's tough position in Middle East will make it much worse than ever.


The Patriot Act: Anti-American

Right after the morning of September 11, 2001 which left Manhattan to deal with its horrors with the nation watching on all channels, including ESPN and Comedy Channel. Bush, after the series of meetings with the U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, proposed the Patriot Act to "protect the Americans" by permitting the government to do what is needed to stop the "terrorism" in the United States.

I can understand. Hell, I don't want another act of terrorism on my country ... ever again. Of course, it is extremely important that we combat the terrorists to ensure that the 9/11 situation will never happen again. But this law is simply wrong, inhumane and a disaster waiting to happen!

But the Patriot Act is John Ashcroft's orgasm. It is no secret that John Ashcroft is pro-Christian, criticized gays, suppressed lots of people who questioned his activities. With the Patriot Act, John Ashcroft reserved the power to do whatever he wanted. The Patriot Act itself goes against the basic principles of our constitution.

To go by each line is impossible since the Patriot Act itself is 347 pages long.

Basically, the Patriot Act authorized the government to monitor what kind of books we read, buy or even signed out of a library or a bookstore. It gives them the right to search our homes and businesses without prior notification, monitor our electronic communications and the worst of all, lock non-citizens to be locked up without charges on the decision of U.S. Attorney General.

Did you know that the government reserved the right to confiscate your property if you engaged in civil disobedience? Did you know that the Act permitted the FBI agents to investigate your background for any criminal matters without a reason? They reserve the right to snoop in and if you object, they will say: "The Patriot Act allowed me to do that."

There was an article in the Gay City News in New York not a long time ago. A gay man in his 50s from Provincetown, Massachusetts went to Montreal (or Toronto?) to visit his old friends and when he rode on the train back to the United States, the customs agent asked him for his identification et al. When the gay man provided the necessary information, few minutes later, the homophobic customs agent bellowed to the gay man in front of everyone, "Did you know that you were arrested in early 1980s for indecent exposure?"

The gay man already paid his dues to the society, but that does not matter to the agent. The gay man was not a terrorist nor an activist by any means, he was simply a man who wanked his dick when he was in early 30s. The agent reserved the powers, thanks to the Patriot Act, to humiliate and berate him on the spot. He filed a complaint, but his lawyers said that the chances to redeem himself is remote because the Patriot Act permitted that.

Did you know that the Patriot Act permitted the Attorney General to lock up the noncitizens for a long period of time without a trial? That is not all. The Attorney General reserved the right not to provide the detainees with counsel or even issue a statement to indicate that one is being detained? Not only that, even as a citizen of this country, if the Attorney General determined that you are a nuisance, he can use this provision to detain you without a counsel or a trial. Just like that. He can accuse you of this, that and there and refuse to provide proof, probably citing the "national security" to mute you of your liberties and rights.

Does this sound like the Gestapo during the Nazi Germany? First, they classified Jews as noncitizens, then swept Jews without trial or a statement. This time, it is not Jews or Americans, it's someone else.

You have to reason a little -- think of the future. If John Ashcroft or his office did not abuse the Act as of now (but he did, anyway), someone will. It is the way it is -- people will use anything to advance their powers. The Patriot Act is a bad omen, one that shall comes with a heavy price with our constitution, someday. Common sense and history indicates that it shall happen.

Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry and many others always believed that to be wary of our government is good for the nation, good for the country. So when you see something wrong, it is OK to object. But to Bush and Ashcroft, it is a threat to the national security. They can use this to make you disappear off the map if they wanted to.

That is the key: If.


That Old Lady at The Fireplace

When I left the District last week on Sunday, I realized that I went to DC without going to The Fireplace to say "hi" to the old lady who bartends in the bar. I felt bad. I like her very much. She's tough old cookie but lovable as hell. She reminded me of my Hrandma. Toby, is she still there? I felt stupid for not stopping by The Fireplace!!

Three women in my family celebrated their birthdays in October -- my mother and two sisters.

I'm up next in November. 9th. Will be 31.

I wrote down the list of "hopeful" gifts from friends to see whether if their gifts will match with mine -- of course, I did not show them the list. I just want to compare.

But I did address few months ago on the blog that I wanted something else. Very vital.

Oh, Happy Halloween. I'll head out to Ridloff/Traina's Halloween Party tonight and bum around a little. How was the High Heel Race in DC? I missed that event! Always loved these brave men running up the street in high heels. I'd love to see Jason Lamberton do that ... Lambykins, let's wage a bet. If Bush lost the election, you must participate in the High Heels Race '05.

Had a haircut, bought new tennis shoes. And walked down the street. Saw a mother pushing a stroller onto the street, the mother standing behind the stroller, trying to look left -- I was thinking ... are we that idiots? Are mothers supposed to protect babies but why do the mothers push the babies onto the street first before the mothers did? Such an illogical move, if you ask me. But that is us, the Americans!

In Amsterdam, it is normal to leave the baby in a stroller outside while a mother enters to buy a coffee and eat a bagel.

We are that crazy. Hell, the world is.


Friday, October 29, 2004

Few Quotes To Smile Today

Saw this at a local bar recently:

"Raped (again!!!) without a fucking dinner today!"

"Dear Dotti: If I don't drive drunk, how am I supposed to get to work?"

And last, I just read this, this made me laugh. Enjoy this.



The So-Called Freedom Shit

I shall repeat what I said before -- my rights are not my privileges. My rights are my rights. I was born in this country, therefore I do not get my rights by a privilege. It is my right by birthright.

Ever since the 9/11 Demise, Bush cried for freedom. Then he cited the national security by promoting the Patriot Act which eroded our rights, trampled others' rights. He also chose the different words to describe the prisoners of war, Enemy Combatants to avoid the international laws -- prompting the cronies to degrade, defile and crush their dignity.

Is that the American way? No, it is not. It is supposed to be the truth, justice and freedom for all. Not manipulative, lying and stripping others of their rights. Yes, 9/11 happened for a reason. Now we must learn from it in order to make sure that it will never happen. How? By attacking back? Nah, it does not work. It shall make things worse than ever. Trust me.

Oh, Bill O'Reilly just settled the sexual harassment lawsuit. It goes to prove that he did harass her. Typical male chauvinist pig.

Oh, Chamique Holdsclaw is depressed. Boohoo, so was I. And I'm doing OK.

Republicans annoy me these days -- I hadn't met a person who came to my face and said, "I am Republican". Of course, they are afraid. Because I'd crush 'em literally and figuratively.


Oh, Ambulance Was Invented For ...

An interesting information from the book I am reading ...


* * *

Q. When did the first ambulance take to the streets of New York?

A. The first ambulance was seen on the streets in 1867, but it was for horses. Two years before, a wealthy New Yorker named Henry Bergh chartered the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Bergh, nicknamed the Great Meddler by newspaper reporters because of his confrontational style, was particularly horrified by the cruelty he saw directed at working horses, the primary beasts of burden at the time. Toward that end, the ASPCA created a horse-drawn ambulance in 1867 to treat wounded animals who would otherwise be left on the street to die.

Two years later, Bellevue Hospital introduced the city's first ambulance for humans. Each vehicle was equipped with a stretcher, splints, bandages, tourniquets, handcuffs, a straitjacket and a quart of brandy. Today the ASPCA is a nationwide organization. While it now treats mainly domesticated animals, its roots are not forgotten; the official seal of the organization depicts an angel rising up to protect a fallen horse about to be struck.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Lambykins, Republicans Are Cowards

There are a pattern where Republicans always roared but sent the poor people to do the fights for them.

When they subjected themselves to the debate, they whined and demanded the rules to ensure that they will not be embarrassed by any means or even pinpointed by others who trampled their arguments.

When Bush had the inauguration parade, he said that the protesters had the right to protest. But behind the scene, he schemed with the city and secret services to block the protesters from protesting at the parade.

When Republicans decided to have a national convention in New York, the groups wanted to criticize by protesting at Madison Square Garden and at Central Park's The Mall, the Republicans schemed with Mike Bloomberg to keep the protesters away from the sight of Republicans.

And I just read Mike McConnell's blog and I wanted to respond to some of his flawed comments, he blocked us except for his "group".

A sign of common cowardice at its best. Hiding behind your wealth, computer monitor and secret services may be the best weapon you ever had in your lifetime.

A fuckin' coward.


This Is A Sign -- Jesus Is Coming! Look Busy!

What a long day. I was goddamned busy all day long. Finally, at 7 PM -- I get to read the local tabloids and one article made me smile for the rest of the night.

I am certain that you guys will smile as well after you read this article. Mind-boggling, though.



Remmy The E-Mail I Got From Folks Who Urges Bloggers To Support Bush?

Well, I got another e-mail today. It is bit weird to read this.

Enjoy this!


* * *

A week ago, we sent you an email asking for help debunking anti-Bush documents. After receiving hundreds of responses, it become clear that all the documents were actually real: the Bush/Cheney DUIs, the Ken Lay letters, and even the bin Laden memo. For more information visit the documents page:

We also received hundreds of emails from concerned bloggers that eloquently expressed the problems with the Bush administration. And as we travelled across America campaigning for Bush, we learned more than we wanted to know about Bush's policies. We came to see that this administration is a catastrophe for most people.

As a result, we are abandoning our support of Bush and officially endorsing John Kerry for President. You can read more at the Yes Bush Can web site:

We deeply regret our misguided support and apologize for our previous email. This will be the last email we will send directly to bloggers. If you want to join us in supporting Kerry, you can find out more here:

Thank you for your understanding,

Yes Bush Can

A Message to Deaf Republicans From Al

Dear Deaf Republicans:

First of all, I want to congratulate you for creating DeafRepublicans and air out the pros and cons. I was the Executive Director of TDI, then Telecommunications for the Deaf,Inc., during the Papa Bush and Clinton administrations. I was very involvedin developing the ADA and FCC regulations covering telecommunications relay services (TRS), captioning, and 9-1-1 access.

What really had happened were as follows:

The original ADA was introduced by Senator Wicker (D-CT) in 1988. It waskilled by both parties. In 1989, it was reintroduced by Senator Harkin(D-IA) because Wicker became the Governor of Conn. Papa Bush (R) was against it. Senator Dole (R-KS) got involved and convinced Harkin to include undue hardships to protect the businesses. Harkin obliged andlobbied for it in the Senate. After it passed, Rep Hoyer (D-MD) lobbied in the House of Reps. Papa Bush (R) signed it into the law in 1990. The responsibilities to develop regulations to the Federal CommunicationsCommission on TRS and captioning and to the Dept of Justice on the 9-1-1 access. The watered down TRS regulations were developed in 1991 under the Papa Bush administration and strengthened under the Clinton administration. The 9-1-1 regulations were developed in 1993 under the Clinton administration.

The FCC is usually administered by five (5) commissioners. Three, including the chair, are appointed and are of the same party as the President. Two are appointed by the other party. The FCC Disability Rights Office was created by the vote of 3 Democrats with two Republicans opposing in 1995. Practically ALL disability related issues were passed by the vote of 3-2 during the Clinton administration. The 7-1-1 was created in 1997 by vote of 3-2 under the Clinton administration, not by Papa Bush as you had stated.

When Baby Bush became the President, practically ALL issues AGAINST people with disabilities were either carried or watered down by vote of 3 - 2. Even a hotline to the FCC Disability Rights Office using was abolished, making it more difficult for deaf people to appeal for assistance with the FCC by vote of 3 - 2.

As of today, the FCC, under the Baby Bush administration, is considering of abolishing already watered down programs on TRS, captioning, and emergency access, to name a few, in favor of the industry rather than deaf consumers. In other words, should Bush remain as the resident of the White House, it is very possible that we, the deaf people, will go back to the dark ages of minimal relay services and unempowered captioning and emergency access.

Question: Are the issues such as economy, abortion, gun control, and stem cells, to name a few, more important than relay services, captioning and access to emergency services for deaf people???

In closing, I dare you to post this letter.

Al Sonnenstrahl

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Lunar Eclipse's Luck?

Congratulations to Boston Red Sox, 2004 World Series Champion! They finally broke the Curse of Babe Ruth after 86 years. Let the riots begin. Last week, when they beat Yankees, Boston Police Department tried to control the riot in Boston and fired something related to the pepper spray and strucked a female in her eye and somehow, it killed her. It may sound morbid but how many will die in the next few days? I'm curious.

Tonight in Midtown on the way to see a friend of mine at a bar before going to kaybee's home, I watched the lunar eclipse -- hundreds of people stopped to watch the eclipse on 9 Avenue. I watched. Then a guy stood next to me on my left side. He tried to speak. I turned my head to look at him, he was confused. He said in a clear speech, "You deaf?"

I nodded. He smiled -- that flash of smile immediately surprised me -- and said, "It's cool, right?" He pointed at the eclipse. I smiled and nodded. He had a blue cap covering his black curly hair. He stood next to me for few minutes. That smile, I knew immediately, belonged to Diedrich Bader. I didn't bother to ask for his autograph -- I don't believe in that. I want him to feel normal. Then he waved me good-bye. It was cool. So cool.


O-Boyoboy, Cannot Wait!

I am currently reading a book called "Only In New York" which was given to me by Sarah. Thanks. So far, so fun, so informative and so cool. Here is one of many tidbits from the book.

Q. I understand that, long before my mother first called me by the name, the original "Wild Man of Borneo" was exhibited in a New York City sideshow. Was he an actual primitive, and was he, in fact, from Borneo?

A. P.T. Barnum is generally credited with conceiving of the first "wild man" exhibit in the 1840's, which he presented along with other human oddities at his American Museum, located on Lower Broadway across from City Hall Park. Actually, there were two "Wild Men of Borneo", who were costumed in animal skins and encouraged to grunt and scream and otherwise behave in accordance with 19th-century notions of savagery. The wild men were played by Hiram and Barney Davis, twin brothers from Long Island. A more sophiscated public, eventually grew weary of such an obvious canard, but until the 1930's, other wild men, usually said to be from Borneo, were commonplace in circuses and sideshows. In the early 1900's, a "bona fide" wild Man of Borneo was presented at Dreamland in Coney Island. He was an Alsatian from the Bronx who darkened his face with burnt cork.

Oh, yeah, it also mentioned that New York University (NYU) had a football team and it was powerhouse among the country. The team crumbled right after World War II, can you guess what their team mascot is?

The Violets!

Oh, god. That is so fag.

Speaking of fag, Mike Rogers of announced that in the next 24 to 48 hours, the site will out two prominent Republicans that will shake the foundations of everything else in the politics, thus will certainly make it the biggest news of the decade for GLBT community. Boy, I cannot wait! The suspense is killing me badly.


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A Question That Many Wanted To Know But Were Afraid To Ask

This entry is dedicated to my closest friend from Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Last Friday, another friend from Belgium dropped a bombshell that nearly blew me out of SAC -- what she said knocked me for a loop. I had to take a timeout to breath correctly in order to prevent the faint spells. SKSK to Yassine for freaking me out with the news.

It appeared that my closest friend from Amsterdam has a new boyfriend (let's hope that it was just another case of infatuation!) -- and this propelled a curiosity with a question mark in their minds but were afraid to ask!

This is hypoethical question, suppose if this guy joined the fraternity and fell in love with his "fraternity brother" and had a relationship, is it somewhat incest?

My friend, Chapstick Boy, said that it is not. It is more of interbreeding, considering the history of Gamma & Zeta relationships.

Any opinions on this volatile issue, my friends?


What A Joke

Few political gimmicks for y'all to smile and chuckle.

This website is interesting. This is amusing and alarming because they are not "distant" cousins. They are GW Bush's second cousins, just like Mary (Li*La*Lo) and Sandy (Sandy) from Tennessee are my second cousins. And they just launched a website, urging the undecided voters not to vote for their cousins. Says a lot about GW Bush's relationship with his relatives.

Deaf Republicans also launched a website of its own. It made me chuckle. If you look around carefully, you'll realize that it is full of shit. Know why? They do not have the links to ADA, Education, Health Care and Kerry's Record. Only Bush's Record and Captioning. Whoopee!

As you guys may heard, Fidel Castro fell and possibly broke his leg or arm or whatever it is. It always bothered me that a communist country ruled by Castro was absolutely *hated* by our politicians to a point where our government figuratively and literally crushed Cuba. There are people in Cuba that played basketball games without socks. I guess, our government actions were very noble. 50 years of punishment is enough. Why do we condemn Cuba for its communism government while we are pals with Vietnam and China?

And for Mr. Boucher, the spokesman for State Department to say "No" to a question by the press corps who asked him if he wished Fidel Castro well. This is fucking silly, Mr. Boucher. Even my unborn kids behaved better than you, u dumbfuck. Let's be mature and work something out with the Cuban government. Let's just perestroika (sp?) the Cuban government like we did with the Soviet Union. Castro outlived many United States Presidents! Our government may be the most powerful in the world but we lacked the common sense, that is for sure.

Cuba is insignificant nation with devastated economy but proud people -- let them go -- drop the economic sanctions. And no, that does not make me a Communist, thank you very much.


Monday, October 25, 2004

Dancer in the Dark

Remember I wrote an entry about John Ostrander who wrote the comic book series called Spectre that changed my views about the death penalty? It is true that John Ostrander played a role in making me seeing things differently.

But it was Lars von Trier who totally turned me against the death penalty. Lars wrote and directed a movie called "Dancer in the Dark". The film is about an Eastern European with a young son who moved to America, embarking on their hopes for better life, especially with their degenerative vision issues. But when the mother, performed by Bjork, discovered that as a new immigrant, they cannot access to Medicare and Medicaid to get the proper treatments for her visual problems. Later, she found out that her son also has the same problem. She saved money for her son's treatment.

She lived in a small house right behind a big house owned by a local police officer, who also had a thing for her. The police officer eventually learned about her visual problems and stole her thousands of dollars. One thing led to the other, the police officer was shot. The courts found the mother guilty and sentenced her to death. It was horrible mistake but the courts were *determined* to get rid of her.

In one scene where Bjork had her last walk, it was moving. It made me angry. It made me walk out of the living room for few minutes.

That was good enough to make me doubt the system.

And Bush supported the death penalty.

Go figure.


My Long-Term Goals

I've decided that I'm going to explore the possibilities of launching a business on my own -- I'm going to figure out a way to set up my private bed and breakfast inn, perhaps somewhere in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

I'd like it to be cozy, beautiful and friendly-accessible to everyone else. Perhaps I can check out the possibilities of locating a nice home in or near New Hope, Pennsylvania. Why Pennsylvania? Because it is kinda central to every major city: Philadelphia, Harrisburg, New York, Baltimore and Washington.

Yeah, that is it.

I'm going to explore the chances.

Why? I am not looking to be a millionaire. I am looking for some kind of stability. Some kind of content. Some kind of pride. I loved the idea of BnB.

What else would I enjoy to chat and host the friends all over the world on every weekend? The BnB is the "that".

