Wednesday, September 08, 2004

There, there and over there!

It is nice. No, it is not nice, really. At the same time, it is not nice and nice.

Two days ago, I was at The Phoenix with Benis. Yakked, yakked and yakked. Then the bartender interrupted our conversation. He slowly fingerspelled that a guy with a head shaved thought I was very hot. I was surprised and delighted. Then I asked the bartender where? He looked around then looked back at me and indicated that he left.

Oh, well.

Last night, one fuckin' ugly guy thinks he can have me. Of course, I boot him back to DC. LOL.

But from time to time, I am noticing that more and more people are starting to say nice things about the way I look.

In time, I'll be thin and Chris Kaftan will be like Chris Farley.


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