Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Weekend Tidbits and the Recap of Delaware

CSD In Spotlight by its State Newspaper: Last August, I mentioned about the salary of Communication Service for the Deaf (CSD)'s CEO Benjamin Soukup in this entry. Then I heard about CSD laying off its staff last December. Now, the statewide newspaper of South Dakota, Argus Leader, has took on to question the need of CSD's CEO Benjamin Soukup's salary of $857,380. Trying to point out that Soukup deserved the salary for all the hard work he did out of closet-sized charity into the national powerhouse is not going to help at all. Look at Kenneth Lay, Ben Soukup! What goes up will go down, eventually.

This Woman Needs To Be Poisoned: Ann Coulter is pitiful as always.

Return of Deaf-Peddling? Check this link. Some people enjoyed reading bout the deaf peddlers. Hat tip to Krajnak.

Remember The Iraqi Marlboro Man? Turns out that James Blake Miller was from Pike County, Kentucky where my good friend grew up. It was rather sad to read this article. What a sempfer fi! Not.

The Week In Delaware: Simply magnificent. It was such a pleasure to get away from everything and spend time with Paul and Bob, a dear friend of mine. Paul and Bob has a fabulous home. I totally felt relaxed the whole time I stayed there!

They owned 4 dachsund dogs and they knew that these little cute dogs could not take the stairs to their masters' master bedroom on 2nd floor.

Guess what Paul and Bob did next? They personally built the doggie ramp from the master bedroom on 2nd floor into the first floor's den. These dogs are living luxury, really! You can view the pictures up close if you wanted to.

I was fortunate to be invited to a magnificent dinner last night by Alan, Paul's friend for many years. God! It was so impossible to describe the delicious food. In fact, it was amazing. I had a blast time being dined and wined by this particular gifted chef! I'm not a fan of zucchini but seeing onions, cheese and mushrooms on zucchini, who really cannot resist?!

The whole week was particularly wonderful for me, mentally and spiritually as I get to relax and recuperate to the fullest. Yeah, I get to work out with Paul on daily basis which is cool as well.

Then the weekend came when Brad, Imran and Masa arrived as well as my first meeting with Marc. In fact, everything ended on a high note that I really left with a good feeling. A part of me wanted to stay behind for another week or two. *sigh*

Laughter is the best medicine, especially when you spend the time with your friends, really..

Ridor Is Here, Act Busy! Yes, I'm in Washington, DC. Start the red carpet, folks. Make an appointments if you want to worship before your god.



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