Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I Hate This When ...

I had another flare with Mom today. Her incessant of using this particular sign is rephrensive. She knew it'd piss me off when she used her middle finger to stick out while leaving her other fingers back and rubbed the middle finger on her nose repeatedly to identify a particular group in order to degrade them in the process.

God knows how many times I told her to stop uttering that racist sign. Dad attempted to rebuke me that I should "respect" mother. I just cannot respect a person who has so much hate in her blood. Each time she used that sign, my stomach churns to no end. I ended up calling them "white trash" in retaliation.

This started after I read the article about Richmond Mayor Douglas Wilder mapping out the 5-year plan for the city, which I liked his ideas. Bob Daniels once said to me that Richmond is the town that has not changed since the Civil War. He is right. This particular town is pitiful. It was the largest city in the South before the Civil War. In fact, it was bigger than New Orleans, Charlotte, Miami, Tampa, Atlanta, Memphis, Nashville, Jacksonville, Orlando. Today, these cities soared past Richmond.

Atlanta already hosted the Summer Olympics. Let's be serious, Atlanta and many cities has accomplished so many that Richmond has not done. What did Richmond has to accomplish? Dad said, "History!" I mentioned that history can take us so far, but that is it. We gotta stop rely on history too much and start to focus on the growth of Richmond -- how? To enhance Richmond, one must restrict the history's influences to an extent.

Dad said, "Richmond has White House of Confederacy!"

Oh, I chortled that it is shameful that Richmond has attempted to preserve what should have been done in the first place -- destroy them. Do you preserve Adolf Hitler's homes? Do you preserve Josepf Stalin's homes? Do you attempt to admire the swastika flags and erect them in your neighborhoods? Same idea, honey. You simply do not subscribe to that shit, I said.

The fact remains the same: the North won the Civil War, people in the South has to shut up and move on. Let the Confederacy die. Let it burn. Let it be a tool to find in the historical books. It is bit amusing and sickening to see idiots trying to re-enact the Civil War battlefields for what? Do you see people re-enacting the D-Day?! Why don't we have the US Armed Forces dropping two Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki each year as a way to re-enact and remember our conquest of Japan during the World War II.

The truth hurts -- the truth is that the Southerners are bunch of idiots, especially the ones in Richmond.

All Hell broke loose as Mom kept on using her middle finger to rub on her nose and whined about the NAACP subjugating the whites and all that shit. It was ridiculous. That was not even the whole point. But what do you expect these people with the flawed educational background?

Man, I'm telling you -- it is tough dealing with these folks. How do you deal with these people, my friends? Do share your opinions about this racist sign.



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