Saturday, February 04, 2006

Weekend Tidbits & First Video!

But first thing, gotta tell few things.

DPHH Sux: Last night, after dining with two great gals at Urban Thai restaurant -- fabulous food -- I go umm umm on every bite. It did not make me feel full, just perfect dinner. Loved the name that I ordered: Pad See Eew. If you try to sign that in ASL ...

However, went to DPHH which was located few doors down the street. It was cramped, small, smoky and awkward. Stayed like five minutes -- saw some familiar faces. Greeted some. Decided to leave after 5 minutes, my friends and I kept on bumping people on the street more than we did inside. In fact, it is safe to say that we hung outside longer than the inside of the pub. That's how bad it was.

Stopped by Freddie's Beach Bar & Restaurant, the NOVA's only gay bar. Nice place -- too many lezzies. But that's OK. Was amused to see several Deaf patrons coming in by mistake. Asked us if we were here for DPHH. Told them that DPHH is at the pub down the street. Should see how they smiled when they had the pictures taken at a gay bar. Come to think of this -- the DPHH never took place at a gay bar. Homophobia? Maybe, maybe not.

Compliments, Compliments and Compliments: During my stay in the DC area, I received nothing but compliments about my blogsite. Naturally, I was bit surprised at the numbers of raves, considering the unique situation with my blogsite. Sometimes people wanted to shake my hands just because I write stuff. Basically, thank you for the compliments. I'm not quite used to accept the compliments. I guess, it is my weakness -- I grew up not getting enough compliments. And now people are coming at me in every directions and it kinda blew me away a little.

One most amusing comment by a reader: "Every morning, I get my coffee and check your blog for further information. And in the last two days you did not blog anything -- I think I need to check myself in rehab or detox or something!"

Bit Long Article But Think About It ... Read Slemo's article and reflect this upon many deaf-owned (and some hearing-owned, of course!) businesses. Is this familiar among us all? Discuss.

Remember PM Mark Oaten? According to PopBitch, the married man of 3 who was outed by the London tabloids last week for having lengthy relationship with a rent-boy -- in other words, a male prostitute. However, PopBitch has reported that Mark Oaten was interested in coprophilia. Apparently, PopBitch said that Mark likes to eat shit. Umm.

Thanks to PopBitch ... Check Ashton Kutcher when he went into the toilet stall. [work not safe] Now that is hot, Ashton!

Audism At Its Best? I winced when I read The Buff and Blue about the plans for Sorenson Language and Communication Center (SLCC), it mentioned that the entire 2nd floor will be devoted to Audiology Department while on the first floor, half of the first floor will be reserved for Deaf Studies, ASL and Linguistics Departments. Why is that the Audiology has the whole floor while these three departments has to cramp together? Why? Someone said that the Audiology Department got $4.7 million from some grant. Perhaps it did. But this reeks of audism.

Irony But ... ! I purchased a plastic bracelet from Kappa Gamma for $3. The price is bit high for one plastic bracelet -- but I had to get it -- the color is black with white words: STOP AUDISM. One funny thing about this is that the Kappa Gamma fraternity is doing the fundraising to support the SLCC!

Now For Your Own Entertainment! I'm posting my very first video production on my blogsite -- this 7 minutes was produced, written and directed by myself many years ago when I was in college. Thanks to a dear friend of mine, I was able to transfer from VHS tape to the computer.

The title is very lame. The actors in the film were: the late Jake Temby, Christie Abrams, Stacy Abrams, Manny and Liam Sharpe. If a hearing person wanted the transcript, feel free to shout in the comment box. I'll come up with it sooner if you guys wanted this.

It is possible that you might see a glitch in the first few seconds -- be sure to play around with pause/play to continue the tape. The remainder of the film seems to work all right. Enjoy the film!



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