Saturday, May 21, 2005

I Need To "Happy Slap" these Idiotic Bootleggers!

When you inserted the DVD or videotape, you'll get the standard message from the FBI warning about the illegal copies of the film. When I was growing up, I thought it was silly message because I do not see the illegal copies in the South, especially in the Shenandoah Valley. Boy, was I ever naive. When I lived in New York, I was stunned to see so many DVD bootleggers selling the DVDs that were released in movie theaters few hours EARLIER! They sell these in very open view of NYPD and MTA cops in subway stations, street corners and yes, in restaurants.

It turned out that someone sat in the auditorium and filmed throughout the whole thing ... it often is grainy, it was said that people could hear the people in the auditorium talking. ONce in while, you'll see a black figure walking past the screen. I really do not care about that, though. But what really pissed me the most is ... its fake indications that it is captioned! They published thousands of "CC" on it so when Deaf persons bought it and realized that it is not even captioned.

Then they made copies to sell at very cheap price.

So reading this was not even a surprise.

Several times, I was approached by them (they are mostly Chinese or Latinos) in restaurants -- they would come in with a backpack, then pull out 20 DVDs then scatter it on the restaurant tables where people are sitting ... then go around again to collect money if anyone bought the DVDs, if not ... they pick up the DVDs and plead you to buy for "their cause".

The restaurant owner/manager tolerated it. If they tolerated this, they should be prosecuted for being the accomplice to the problem.

It was said that these monies financed the sex slave trafficking, but that is what they said.

One time, they put the DVDs on my table while I was dining ... at that time, I have had enough of that crap. So I threw the 10 DVDs off the table, creating a loud crash on the floor as one Chinese gal was stunned to see me do that. I mouthed, "GET OUT!"

Then I called the manager that what she did is illegal. The manager smiled and said, "I know but it is not that bad." I told the bitch that I'll call the cops if she does not leave. The bitch profusely apologized and kicked the fake bootleggers out.

I do not care if they made money for prostitution or whatever but to lie and disparage about the captions where Deaf people worked hard to promote the captions in the last 30 years is very offensive.

* * *

In London, there is the national phenomenon amongst the UK youths that alarmed the adults. It is called "Happy Slapping". I thought it was frightening and yet, so hysterical. If it happened to me, the world shall cease to exist. The people that do this to me would know the true meaning of terror.

What is happy slapping? Because of its popularity with cellphones, the UK youths often bet with their friends that they'll slap people they do not know who on buses, subway trains or wherever they are. Some elderly person would snooze off on the subway train only to find the slap on the cheek -- not cute slap but violent enough to warrant an assault charge -- that jolted or startled the bystanders as the kids fled.

It is not limited to elderly persons -- but the general idea is to have the shock value by bashing on an unsuspecting person just for the sake of a joke. Slapping is not the limited form -- you can punch, kick, push, bash ... as long as it takes someone to film or snap to exchange on the websites.

It is becoming a problem in the United Kingdom.

Some accused MTV. But I think the parents are responsible for their actions. Vida La Bam is hilarious but it already warned that everything they do is scripted, unlike the craze fad in the United Kingdom -- if it should spread in this country, let it start in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

* * *

Here is another awful antics of our beloved government at work -- this is one of many reasons why we alienated the world. We burned too many bridges with many governments to a point where everyone will turn against us.

To tranquilize someone through the anus? What a creative bunch of idiots, only found in the United States of America!


Friday, May 20, 2005

Today is May 20th!

Don't forget to send me the notes to bitch at anyone and anything in this world and beyond. The deadline is at the end of the day. The email address is -- no names will be revealed. If it does, it will ruin the fun of Bitch Session, really.

Be thoughtful, be funny, be wicked, be creative -- that is all I'm asking for. I got 15 so far, would like to aim for 20 or 25.

I got enough information to work on an entry about RAD's problems. It is petty, shameful and childish. When I am done with few errands, you can bet that I'll dissect the information and pass it to the readers.

Image hosted by On another subject, this picture contains a group of deaf female students at a deaf school (some said VSDB, but I'm not certain) that also included my great-great-great grandmother, Mary Norris.

One thing that I can attest that she is related to me -- she, like me, is surrounded by people. I have great friends that is surrounded next to me -- they are certainly a blessing to have. Yes, sometimes, they can drive me nuts. But they are there for me from day one. Just like Mary and her gang.

Ahh, I just had a chat with an old friend of mine. The conversation somehow evolved into a subject about Julianna Fjeld. This brought a bizarre incident that I had with her. Some of you knew Julianna Fjeld used to produce the television movie called "Love Is Never Silent" where Phyllis Frelich, Ed Waterstreet and Mare Winningham performed that garnered Julianna Fjeld to win the Emmy Award's Best Picture.

Anyway, I saw the photo of her putting the arm around the small pine tree, I believe on her desk at Gallaudet when Julianna was the adjunct professor. I asked her why she had her arm around this particular tree. She went on to tell me that her mother was buried just on this ground and she planted a tree. I thought it was cool. She asked me if I knew about her mother. I shook my head. She said, "She killed herself."

I was sorry about that, then she said, "She burned herself to death."

I flinched and said, "That is odd. Most died by razor blades, hanging or overdose with pills. Why fire?"

Julianna Fjeld shot a line, "Because it served a purpose."

She stared at me as I said nothing. But yet, today, it is one of the most bizarre comments I ever had witnessed. But that is what makes the world interesting, is it?


After Page 3, I Stopped Reading This

I was not surprised but I was disgusted and disturbed to a point where I stopped reading at page 3 out of 8.

I cannot stand the Pentagon, CIA, FBI and the Bush Administration crying a huge river about one insignificant bad report by Newsweek about flushing the Koran down the toilet which instigated the anti-American riots in Muslim countries.

People who are Conservatives, Republicans and X-ians thought that Newsweek did a disservice that made Americans look bad -- actually, what Newsweek did was insignificant -- in fact, too many incidents had been coming out of prisons in Cuba, Iraq, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Jordan and in the United States where our soldiers and interrogators bashed people brutally to their deaths.

And the Pentagon always investigated and blamed "few" individuals that did not "follow" the policies -- the truth is that it is the current policy that enabled our soldiers to do whatever is necessary.

This is the reason why many people despised us.

More Americans will be killed anywhere in the world, even in the United States, eventually -- when it happened, don't act like you are a victim. Your silence and support for the troops to torture the accused ones ultimately proved that you are apostate of this behavior.

The Pentagon and the whole United States Armed Forces claimed that they do not tolerate these behavior and shall "investigate" -- in fact, it is another lie, they encouraged it. Again, most folks who are in the Armed Forces are 'tards. That's why they cannot live as civilians. They needed someone to discipline their behavior 24/7.

Sempfer fi? My ass, they lacked the honor and dignity. They are their own joke amongst themselves. They are pitiful creatures that does not deserve to have the welcome mat in this country.


Thursday, May 19, 2005

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Gus and I drove to Bensalem, a township north of Philadelphia to catch the Episode III: Revenge of the Sith at 9 PM with rear caption window. Bought the tickets then had a dinner. I hate picking and carrying this equipment to the auditorium where hundreds of people were perplexed that I'm carrying this stick with darkened glass! But what choice do I have, really?

When Gus and I struggled to adjust the viewing for ourselves, I noticed something interesting ... before I could mention it to Gus, Gus snapped, "Did you notice that too many overweight guys here loved Star Wars?"

Great minds think alike.

One cute guy right behind me tapped my shoulder and asked what it is -- I gestured that I can't hear so I watch (pointed at the wall in the back which this cute guy saw) by on this rearview window to follow the dialogues.

Now with the review of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith! I won't ruin the surprises. I swear! I love to spoil the surprises but honest, what is there to be shocked in this film -- everyone knew how it panned out in the end but how it is being done is different, really.

Shut up, McWeenie, stop whining about Lucas' poking fun at GW Bush's antics. George is billionaire. Michael Moore is millionaire and you are? Some white trash living in nowheresville in New Mexico that nobody cared to know.

The first 30 minutes of the film was mind-blowing one, since I'm not used to the RW thing -- I was trying to get adjusted but it took me a while to get used to it and be able to follow the massive battles that took place right above Coruscant.

I agreed with the critics that the lousy part about the movie is its dialogue! George Lucas simply sucked at dialogues. The love relationship between Anakin and Padme is simply unbelievable. But I must admit that despite what people said about Hayden Christensen's portrayal of Anakin Skywalker in negative manner -- I find his performance to be powerful, perhaps the best of 3 films.

The concept how the story evolved from Episode I to IV is great, I'll grant it to George Lucas but he shouldn't have scripted the dialogues -- let someone do it as long as he controls the storyboard.

I really felt for Anakin Skywalker when Obi-Wan Kenobi left him helpess to his oblivion in the end and when Obi-Wan said, "I regarded you as my brother, I loved you." Anakin, you could see the fear, hurt and pain in his face, muttered "I hate you."

Was it his fault that he became Darth Vader? Partially. But I'd say that the blame lies with the Jedi Council because they did not really care nor make sure that Anakin is OK. They left him to figure things on his own, always telling him to "search his feelings" to a point where Anakin was misleaded by Darth Sidious.

It was a tragedy in the making.

Gus is not a fan of Star Wars, he apparently thought the prequel films were taken place right AFTER the Episode VI -- for some reasons unknown to me, don't ask me why -- Gus was stunned to see Padme giving birth to Leia and Luke. It was hysterical.

When the film is done, Gus and I played by using the RCW sticks to imitate the lightsaber fight -- people were horrified that we were using the RCW sticks to bang on each other.

Dialogue sucks, no question. Storyboard? GREAT! I finally understood why Emperor Palpatine looked awful. I think this movie will make Darth Vader not "villain" but "tragic character that was caused by others". I enjoyed it immensely.

On the way back home, I thought of Anakin's rage, frustration ... and his desire to control the destiny around him and his loved ones. It appeared that Anakin was trying so hard to protect his loved ones, he was willing to tap in the dark side of the Force in order to protect his loved ones.

I was thinking -- Anakin's pain was attributed by women. See? Women caused galactic problems for Anakin, resulted in untold numbers of deaths across the galaxy. His mother died, he was hurt and enraged. He wanted to protect his wife, Padme from anything else (find out why he did it in the film, ok?) and it resulted by plummeting him in the dark side of the Force. So you see, women caused it all.

I told Gus on the way back home, "If Anakin is gay, none of this would have to happen -- so it was women's fault." He'd make be good for a gay man, very loyal. He could have fucked Obi-Wan to relieve his stress and frustrations.

Honest, women are the source of Anakin's problems a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ... !


Few Things Before I Zoom

Latter Days -- Good or Bad? Saw "Latter Days", very cute film -- I probably won't rate it as the best gay film. Nah. It proved what I knew all along, the Mormon guys' asses are meaty. Easy on my eyes. Which is why I am enthusiastic about going to Salt Lake City in 2007.

Oh, yeah, I knew that 40 percent of Las Vegas residents are Mormons and they worked in The Strip, not to engage in gambling but because many businesses trusted them to handle money. So you can see why I am looking forward about going to Las Vegas on June 12 to 16. Oh, yeah, I'm going to stay at a hotel that is about few blocks away from Apollo Spa. Can't wait for that stuff to VEE-VEE, oh -- we'll be in that place on Tuesday night.

Then I get to google these Mormon guys then again in 2007 in Salt Lake City.

Loved one fag hag's line -- the one that defBef probably will utter anyday if she wanted to: Alcohol and homsexuality? I can't imagine going to Heaven without these two.

Episode III! Oh, yeah, Gus and I am going to dine at Ruby Tuesday then stroll down to a movie theater with rearview windows to see the Revenge of Sith!

No, I won't dress as anyone in the film -- Gus and I will probably try to take pics of us via his SKII. Hope the Episode III is going to be great one of prequel films. I still think the Return of Jedi is the best. I absolutely HATED the Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. I thought it was nuts. Name the planet where the Cloud City is -- you won't. Because according to some Star Wars fans, Lucas never named the planet, though.

Otherwise, should I report the spoilers or just a review about the movie? Let me know so I can decide!

May the Force be with you.


Cannot Wait About Three Things!

I cannot wait for three things today:

1. Seeing the Episode III tonight (possibly) with rearview captioning. Better than nothing -- at least, some folks would probably look at us as "futuristic" folks and ... the movie is based not in the future but in the PAST!

2. Buying the graphic novel of JSA's Prince of Darkness where Mordru devastated New York before chained to the Rock of Eternity.

3. Seeing Liz and Cory tomorrow night at L2 Bar & Restaurant on South Street. Liz is hearing, gorgeous and dynamic woman. It is been ages since I saw her. Liz is fun and wild girl -- the gal that I immensely enjoyed very much. Cory, some of you knew him as ... Cory Donahue. 'nuff said. Don't act so surprised!

Gus' little bird is fucking a stick in the birdcage -- if you want to see it via the videophone, let me know.

It is beautiful day. I'm going to watch "Latter Days" now. It is about the LDS guy on the missionary who fell in love with another male.

Whee! Whee! See? I love the LDS guys -- many of 'em are fuckable. Oh, yeah, Jeff Carlson is fuckable but that does not mean we will do it, though.


Few Comments About This, That and There

Herpes Caught From the UV Booth? Apparently someone thinks so. Dumb trollop that amounts to nothing on the subject. The Kurzetard once whined that Mike Rogers called Bruce Carroll's workplace about the blog he wrote as GayPatriot -- which he immediately resigned. But it is the same antic that Kurzetard is attempting on several people who blasted her to smithereens for her lies. IN turn, she is making calls to badmouth the people that she loathed so much. So much for her so-called Christian hypocrisy whoremonger.

Kurzetard, here is the message: Seva mi levo jaje!

These are one of funniest curse words found in Serbian language.

Mordru Is Back! I know it is silly, really. Dylan emailed me to let me know that Mordru is making an appearance in one of comic books, which I suspected, led to the DC Comics' major crossover called "Day of Vengeance". I'm so thrilled -- the last time Mordru was seen when Doctor Fate imprisoned him in the Rock of Eternity. But apparently, he is taunting Shazam's Wizard who regarded the Rock of Eternity as a good place to imprison Mordru. Well, Mordru is an omnipotent being -- he was never born, nor will ever die. Whoo! I was also informed by a writer inside the DC Comics that Amethyst is making a dramatic return in this summer's crossover, pending the approval from big guys above. If that is the case, expect me to drain lots of $ to read Mordru's struggles to conquer the universe and ultimately, face Amethyst once again ... hopefully. That is the entertainment, folks.

One of many quotes I liked from Mordru -- when Mordru ambushed a group of super-heroes with his allies, his allies wanted to continue by assault and burning the city. Mordru smiled, "Why burn it when you can rule them for eons?" Smart man.

Today is Thursday! Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is being shown across the world. I need to find out the dates for captions in Philadelphia -- anyone care to help? Don't be so bitch, please.

Anal Sex is Family Value! Want to read Dr. Hager's concept of family values? Appparently, he is Christian and is against the birth control pills but enjoyed raping his ex-wife by anal sex while she sleeps. Such a cute X-ian family values, really!

The best line of the article was: 'Oh, I didn't mean to have anal sex with you; I can't feel the difference,'

The Dangers of Patriot Act: Joan Airoldi is the true American Patriot. I already warned the dangers of Patriot Act. Check this. Soon, you'll be whisked away for reading something that goes against the American beliefs.

Patriot Act II: The 'tarded Republicans are working on a bill to permit the Homeland Security Department to subpoena records without the permission of a judge or grand jury. This is one of many little steps that will turn the nation from democracy into dictatorship.

And They Said Republicans Are For Small Government: People said that Conservatives and Republicans wanted less governmental interferences, tax cuts, smaller government -- yet, this Republican Ted Steven of Alaska is regarded as No. 1 for wasting government's money.

Review about Episode III: The New Yorker has the way of words with things in life: Anthony Lane, The New Yorker -- What can you say about a civilization where people zip from one solar system to the next as if they were changing their socks but where a woman fails to register for an ultrasound, and thus to realize that she is carrying twins until she is about to give birth?

Dead Sea and Jordan River: Between Israel and Jordan lies the famous body of salty Dead Sea with a river lining up from the Sea of Galilee to Dead Sea, dividing two nations between Jordan and Israel. Well, the Jordan River is dirty, filled with raw sewage and dead. The Dead Sea is fast disappearing -- 3 feet per year. Thanks to the growth population of Israel and Jordan -- maybe it is a sign for us just to disregard the Holy Land as a thing of the past? If you insist to be baptized in raw sewage-filled Jordan River, more power to thee.

This reminded me of Devils Lake in North Dakota, the lake is *growing*, much to the chagrin of residents. IN fact, the city of Devils Lake, also home to North Dakota School for the Deaf, is negotiating with Canada to SELL off the excessive water that was drained into this lake. This lake is growing at the pace of 2 feet per year.

So this reminded me of something funny in a comic book a long time ago where a scientist argued with another scientist -- one scientist said, "This is blasphemy, you expected me to address this to to the prestigious groups that might finance this?!" Another scientist said, "But the evidence is there! It is there! The Empire State Building is growing!"

First Street and Second Avenue? This actor on Desperate Housewives were busted for smoking weed outside of a bar on First Street and Second Avenue in New York -- I'm bit baffled. I know of a gothic bar on that corner, The Hole and that Japanese Bar and yeah, the Urge between 2nd Street and 1st Street. My bet is the Japanese Bar or The Hole.

Red uniforms win better? My high school consists of red and black, I must be that lousy. I could not even win a championship not even for sixth place in the Mason-Dixon Tournament even with red uniforms on.

Birds Go Haywire In Houston: As a bird, I would attack anyone else who comes too close to my babies, motherfuckers.

About Matt Drudge: Matt Drudge seems to enjoy bashing on media when they questioned the hard ones to White House. But when people turned the tables on Matt Drudge, he whined that his life is privacy. No, Matt Drudge, you lost your privacy when you peppered on others' lives. People already knew that you're gay -- you looked like one, people saw you kissing a guy, several claimed you hit on them. But you re one of many Roehmosexuals -- like Roy Cohn who denied that he is gay but enjoyed getting fucked in the ass. Bizarre guy. Oh, by the way, Matt is not attractive.
