Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Tidbits for Tuesday the 21st

The Death of Gaydar?: Thanks to Spork, I was directed to this article. I kinda agreed with it. Only in New York, I could not identify which one is gay. But it is easy to identify which one is straight or gay in a small town like Nashville or Richmond. Very interesting stuff. This often made me wonder -- why in the world would the heterosexuals try to copy our styles? It is because we attracted women, not them. They wanted to learn how to do it, so that they can prey on women. Pathetic? And you wonder why the McCock married a cafeteria worker.

Terri Schiavo's Grave Marker: Am I the only one that feels this is silly? Terri's parents were upset that Michael added, "I Kept My Promise" and mentioned that she died twice, kinda.

Finally, Someone Did! Normally, many people vandalized something that they do not like or conform. It is the nature of human response. I was practically raised in Richmond where the city glorified the confederate soldiers, generals and all that crap, especially on Monument Avenue. I told Dad that Monument Avenue is not good for Americans. Dad said I'm too young to respect these folks. I rolled my eyes. Seeing Lee, Stuart, Jackson and Davis Monuments on this particular avenue is pretty sickening.

Dad said they made Richmond as it is today. I smiled with my own thoughts, "Of course it is. A town that never changed since the Civil War -- just like what Bob Daniels said to me."

Then in 1993, someone proposed to set up the monument of Richmond's native, Arthur Ashe, the first African American to win the Wimbledon competition -- hell broke loose. There were many people who lobbied against the idea of Arthur Ashe "descerating" the Monument Avenue. I'm like, "Shut the fuck up!"

Arthur Ashe Monument is there, much to many's chagrin. But not as big as all these so-called noble racists' monuments.

For years, I was waiting for someone to deface the Confdederate statues like the one I saw in Union Station in DC every year on Columbus Day -- someone threw the red paint on the statue every year in October. Absolutely funniest thing to see.

I'm still waiting for someone to do the same on Monument Avenue, but at least someone did in Portsmouth, Virginia.

Raise Your Hand If You Want B.C. Pills? According to this article, we may have birth control pills for ... men! Men, drop your comments whether if you will use the pills? Be honest. As for me, it is not viable option for me.

Until then,


Monday, June 20, 2005

Formula One at US Grand Prix

I ranted a while ago that I despised the NASCAR events. I clamored that it is not a sport. That it wasted the gas. That we should mind ourselves with the environment and economy. Blah, blah.

NASCAR is very popular in the South where it reigns amongst the white trash circles.

As for Formula One, it is racing sport that is very popular in Western Europe and trying to attract new fans in the United States by taking the competition in US Grand Prix in Indianapolis.

Then something happened. 14 cars pulled out of 20-cars before it started -- due to the safety reasons related to Michelin tires that was too fast and dangerous for the cars to operate on the track in US Grand Prix.

Suddenly, the fans were outraged that they had to pay the tickets only to see 14 cars pulling out of 20 cars line-up, leaving them to watch only six cars racing around the tracks. They jeered, booed and hurled obscenities at the FormulaOne folks, Michelin folks and Indianapolis' US Grand Prix folks. Sounds like the true white trash, eh?

Now this picture is priceless -- why did the Associated Press blur her hand but not the one on the window?

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Fook Yi!


Interesting Stuff To Talk about

Where Does He Bleeds? I cannot claim to understand how this guy is going through ... but where is he bleeding out? Out of its glans?

Of course I'm curious about this guy!

Reparative Treatment: This constituted as child abuse by Xians on people who are coming to terms with their sexual identity. But sadly, the modern society that Xians are perpetuating is supportive of this.

Goes on to tell you a lot about Xians in general.

Rape In Red State: Only in red state, you will find people who does stuff like this. That does not surprise me at all.

Arrogance Amongst the CMRA & RAD: I got the distributed email about the Flamingo Ball, an event that not many people are going on the first day of RAD 2005 Conference. Aaron Fudenske, the Chairman of Flamingo Ball Committee wrote the message in response to the people who are not interested in Flamingo Ball,
I guarantee this event will bring out plenty of “oh, my,” “boy, am I glad to be here!,” “it is so much fun,” etc. And it will be the much-talked-about event, including plenty of “you should have been there” to those who missed it.

I was alarmed to learn that only 86 people registered as of May, 2005. I do not know if it is true or not. If that is the case, the RAD 2005 Conference is slated to be one of the worst conferences ever. Oh, by the way, I got two persons emailing me that they are not going at all. I suspected that the numbers will be less than 200, I'm sure that the CMRA Committees & the RAD Board will declare it as "successful!", just like that guy who still has the horse's teeth, David Eberwein who proclaimed some SBG event to be successful despite the fact that it attracted less than 50 spectators when I was sophomore at Gallaudet. Stay tuned!


Memorial Sites For Dead People

Let it be known that I deplored the memorial sites.

When someone died at the intersection in an automobile accident, people tried to stick damned wetty, stinky dolls, disgusting rotting flowers and idiotic messages to the dead people (do the dead people read?!) as well as some silly pictures posted on the lampost, electricity pole or whatever that can hold it up.

This created an eyesore for the neighbors who had to put up with these ridiculous sites. I know of a particular street in Washington, DC where it still has the doll maimed to the tree for YEARS -- you probably could count the shades of fucked-up stinky teddy bear doll on the tree.

It is OK to set up the temporary memorial site for few weeks to deal with the grief -- but for months or even, years to a point where the neighbors who had NOTHING to do with this dead person who got killed on this street by random events that did not pander to the neighbors' interests -- do they have to put it up with it?

I knew of a couple in the District who tried to clean it up, the couple was sued by the parents and friends of a kid who died to preserve the memorial site that already disparaged the looks of neighborhood corner for years. But lucky for the couple, the case was dismissed and they took it down. But the family and friends made them feel like they were evil for doing it.

Now, I knew of a good friend whose her parents owned a home in The Poconos in Pennsylvania -- one idiotic teenager got killed using the 4-wheeler ATV, the same type that injured Ozzy Osbourne. This kid got killed on the spot where my friend's parents' entrance to the cabin is. So when they decided to go to the Poconos for a break, they were alarmed to see massive junks on that tree along with pictures, flowers, messages and all that shit.

The parents were not sure what to do with it since it is ON their property. They wonder when will it be the right time to take it off because it is eyesore and hideous thing to remind the owners that there was dead person on their property. Few weeks later, they shaped up and told the folks of dead boy to ... take it off. Since then, I am not sure if they had took it down.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comUpdate: My friend paged me that her parents' still has this memorial site by their entrance ... and this Thursday will be one year anniversary of his life being snuffed out. She enclosed the picture of this absurd memorial site. This is her parents' vacation home away from they urban lifestyle and they had to contend with these stuff on their property each time they ran off to the countryside. Enjoy the latest picture.

But the point is that they are hesistant of hurting others' feelings. But they have their own lives to live. They do not need to adhere to anyone's feelings because the owners are the ones who had to endure this everyday while others just came and go.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comApparently, last week, I went to Las Vegas, there was a motorcycle chase that resulted in fatal accident that snuffed the life out of 24 years old, Justin Wellers right across the street from my place next to the local church. The friends and family relatives just put the memorial site on the property of a pentecostal church. Of course, I'm piqued with curiosity -- how will the Church handle this in the long run?

AS you can see the picture, it appears that the guy who was trying to fix the electricity post seemed to hump it on the photograph. Oh, well. But the memorial site can be seen on the left side next to the guy with black polo shirt and blue jeans.

Only time will tell if it becomes an eyesore.


As Always, Things To Touch From A to Z

About RAD Conference: My sources confirmed that several people already requested the information from Ricky Drake and Bill Terrell, the Co-Chairpersons of RAD 2005 Conference in DC -- last year! It got so bad that they turned to the RAD Board for further information -- but as always, the retarded Barbara Hathaway referred them back to the Chairs in Ricky Drake and Bill Terrell who stonewalled the information that the registrants would like to know.

Irvine?! I was stunned to learn that from a friend that Irvine Stewart is going to be the keynote speaker (I'm not sure which one) for 2005 RAD Conference. What did he do to deserve the position? Or is the RAD that desperate and not well-planned to a point where they will just beg anyone else to come in and speak few words? In that case, invite Dorian Fletcher to join with Irvine on the stage. I guaranteed that the audience will erupt in heavy guffaws that hearing hoteliers will think that we are nuts.

Not to put Irvine down, I like Irvine. But he just received the Masters from Gallaudet few years ago and has been working at MSSD as a social worker for a short time -- it is not that much to gain the experiences enough to be considered for the keynote speaker? I guess, being a member of Wild Zappers helped, eh?

Image hosted by Photobucket.comBettie Creasy: Remember this and that? The links that I talked about the CODA, Mark Creasy who was murdered by a thug by the bike trail in Alexandria, Vrginia -- Mark's mother was Bettie Creasy whom I dearly loved for many years at VSDB.

I found the picture and I thought it is nice to put the name on someone's face -- I even noticed that I wrote the poem about her (which I swear I'll never share) when I was a senior about Bettie, I mentioned that I will not never forget her. For 15 years, I still hadn't forget Bettie Creasy. She had been good and fair to me.

Bruce Carroll Is Back! It is sickening that this prick is back to FagPatriot's blog. This person is completely coward from the start. He is gay conservative Roehmosexual who once accused me of stalking in person (!) which I have *no* clue where he lives or worked. He enjoyed berating people without disclosing who he is -- until Michael Rogers of blogACTIVE.com exposed him and ratted him to his bosses which he abdicated his blogsite for the time being. Now he comes back, crowing as if nothing happened. Please. Someone get me the whiffle bat so that I can whack him down. But thanks to SullyWatch, he already wrote several entries that kinda explained what kind of person Bruce Carroll is. He lacked the credibility in whatever he says. Fuck you, Bruce -- you're still the FagPatriot!

Image hosted by Photobucket.comFavorite Picture I: This picture is a favorite of mine for many years ... since '93 -- that is 12 years ago. I never shared this with anyone else about it. Until now.

Why do I like this picture? Because the picture, of course, contained Virginia Women's Basketball team whose killed Georgia Tech by 35 points. In fact, Virginia led by 40 points at the half.

As you can see Virginia's Heather Burge standing tall at 6'5 with her long arms in front berating the Georgia Tech player in the middle as Virginia's Amy Lofstedt sealing the defense from behind.

Basically, this picture is parallel to what I do in life -- I shall berate (and has been doing that for years!) people with a circle of friends backing me up on the opponents ... mostly jerks, idiots and pricks.

It is all about relativism, really. Think about it.

One Funny Moment: Many years ago, I went to DC Eagle with Keith and Mark. DC Eagle is the gay leather bar in the District. It has the notorious backroom where some guys would attempt to suck and hump in a discrete manner, especially during the weekends that has festivals or conventions. If the Gay Pride occurs on that weekend, you can be sure that the backroom is going to be active.

There was a bizarre couple at Gallaudet -- I cannot remember the names of the bizarre couple but some of you might knew her as the midget who walked like E.T. "I TTYed Home!" with long arms who also controlled his taller odd-looking boyfriend. There was always an odd feeling about this particular boyfriend's behavior.

Years later ... until the fateful moment at DC Eagle, I told Mark and Keith that I am going to cruise in the backroom to see what's up since nothing is happening on this particular weekend -- when I entered the backroom, I noticed a group of men huddling in the corner -- which means someone in the center was kneeling giving someone a blowjob. I smiled at the thought that no manager is coming out to bust them. I was curious to see who was sucking these guys -- then this guy looked at me, I did not recognize him in the dark but he did -- he stood quickly and pulled his pants and zoomed out of the backroom and out of the establishment. I was flabbergasted. It was this odd-looking boyfriend!

Favorite Picture II: Many entries ago which I cannot find as of now, I mentioned that this picture is parallel to what I do with how I operate my life. I am always surrounded good friends who has their own minds. I like people who has common sense, sees things more than the rule of law.

In this picture you'll see Virginia women's basketball team stepping on the court after a timeout, five women getting ready to play. The left to right are: Tammi Reiss, Melanee Wagener, Dawn Staley, Heather Burge and Tonya Cardoza.

Sometimes I feel the life is like this -- I like to be alone and at the same time be surrounded by friends. When I see the pic, I immediately thought of Tammi as Merritt, Tonya as Manny, Melanee as Mikey, Heather as Toby and Dawn as me. I can be stoic if I want to but I always knew I could rely on these friends to back me up if needed.

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Use Your Imagination: Merritt, Mikey, Ridor, Toby and Manny



Sunday, June 19, 2005

Sexton, Zoll & Jamika

Category: Sports

Thanks to Chris Rix: The so-called Quarterback of Florida State Seminoles, Chris Rix proclaimed to be the faithful Xian but he neglected to admit that he has the handicapped parking tag which he used for his car to park anywhere else on the campus. Some students were annoyed with hypocritical message about himself, his beliefs and his attitude towards the general students at Florida State. He was busted.

However, it was reported that last week, Chris Sexton was "detained" by the police officers and brought to the general hospital in Tallahassee, Florida. Why? Because the police officers got the calls that there was a person lying in the middle of the road, proclaimed himself to be the God. (Didn't he know that I am the God?!) It was evident that he went nuts, plain as simple.

Chris Sexton is the next Quarterback to replace Chris Rix's abysmal failures at Florida State. I wonder if Chris Rix influenced Sexton of his hocus pocus beliefs? Only time will tell. Maybe he was under influence of drugs -- Florida is infamous for 'Shrooms. Who knows? Or is he gay, feeling the undue pressures of everything caving on him with their expectations for Sexton? Of course, the name is so ... gay and hot.

But it does not stop me from staring at Chris Sexton's picture -- especially with his partial visible bellybutton.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comSharnee Zoll Is The Next ... ? As a die-hard fan of Virginia Cavaliers Women's Basketball team for the last 19 years including the Golden Era (1990 - 1995), I had been somewhat frustrated and disappointed with Coach Ryan's teams in the last 8 years. Coach Ryan received some of my blistering comments which she told the local papers that it "hurts" her. Well, she earned more than $100,000 a year -- which means, she has to win games and championships.

When Sharnee Zoll signed with Virginia Cavaliers two years ago, Coach Ryan bluntly told me that Sharnee will bring the team back to the national prominence the way Dawn Staley did for the Cavaliers in '89 through '92. I rolled my eyes.

Sharnee Zoll's first year already broke the freshman record of assists with 159, trampled the old record of 144 held by whom? Dawn Staley

And Sharnee Zoll was the first Cavalier to make it on the USA U19 World Championships Qualifying Team since whom? Dawn Staley

Perhaps there is a light at the end of the tunnel with sophomore Sharnee Zoll leading the way for the Cavaliers.

Jamika Made Its First Run: Remember Merritt's little teacup chihuahua that everyone thought is very adorable rat? No, I'm just kidding. It is not a rat. It is adorable dog. But by the Warlords of Oka'ara, Merritt lavished Jamika with everything. From there, Jamika decided that she is the Queen, like it or not.

Anyway, Merritt took Jamika everywhere except for the United Kingdom -- they do not permit Elizabeth Taylor to bring her dogs, so I expect the same for Merritt, though. Sometimes I rolled my eyes because when Merritt and I hung out, people would stop us in our tracks and go "Awww!" on Jamika. I'm like, "So fucking what? It is just a dog that the Bald Eagle will pick it up in Alaska!"

But I lived with Jamika for a while. I like Jamika. She is classy and easy to take care of.

So it was not surprising to find out that she won the two First Places in Best Mirror Image (Merritt and Jamika dressed the same stuff) and Terrific Pet Tricks Performance categories and finished Third in Grand Finalist during the Pride of Pets in DC's DuPont Circle last weekend. The close-up snapshot of Merritt with Jamika is soon to be released.

Congratulations, Merritt and Jamika!


LW3 Confidant Delivered The Punch

You Suck, Rob! Mark, one of my LW3* confidant, paged me last night with an one-liner that left me stumped for hours while he slept in peace. He said, "I have sad news for you, Ricky."

Anyone who knew me very well ... I do not like the sudden one-liners or secrets that left me stumped for minutes, let alone hours! Later in the morning, Mark told me that Rob's ex husband died.

I was baffled. Ex?

Image hosted by Photobucket.comYou see, when I lived in the District, I met a cute, charming and smart fella named Rob. Turns out that he was 32 years old charismatic pig who enjoyed cheating on his naive husband who is also ... very old. You see, Rob likes big men and ... old geezers. He once told me that if I told his husband the truth that he has many conquests behind his back, he'll cut me off so fast that my head will not have the time to spin.

But by then, I moved to New York. Did not care nor ache for this shit-eating pig, I had enough of his antics so I ratted him out to his ex. Suffice to say that his "husband" broke up with Rob after I dispatched the lethal email. Ever since, Rob hated me for that, considering the sources that my friends bumped into Rob at times in DC. I care less.

Mike Harris, the ex husband of Rob, was old ... but nice. He did not deserve a pig who cheated on him all the times. Rob was charming, trust me. Very cute. He was extremely proud that he fucked his Dad's best friend. I'm like, "What?"

Anyway, Mark told me that Mike is dead, since last September 23, 2004. I felt sorry for Mike, but certainly not for his ex, Rob. Good riddance, Rob. Oh, by the way, when it comes to things like this, I always win!

Why Is That? My eyes *always* rolled when gay couples said, "My children" -- it turned out to be mere dogs or cats, not human beings. It is ridiculous. They wrote the blogs and said, "I have to tend to my children." Then you see the pictures of dogs. Maybe Rick Santorum (R-PA) was right about the "man on dog" comments.

Marb(t)y Bonales Is Desperate: I was amused to learn that Marb(t)y has been paging several friends of mine and in the process, harassed them about me. Marby, Marty, Marb(t)y -- grow up and eat some feces. Bet you a dollar or two that he does not know what "feces" means.

* LW3 = Lethal Weapon 3 which applies to Mark, Keith and me during our last few years in college
