Wednesday, December 08, 2004


There are things in life you simply do not allow your parents to know. I happen to think that my blog is an outlet of my thoughts.

When I first set up the blog, it was for friends to read and be amused. But in a short time, I realized that there will be a time that the loved ones and enemies will find their way to my domain. Including my parents.

Today, I had a talk with my parents on the SVRS, it was nice. Blah, blah. Then Mom said, "Mary told me that you write something on the Internet, what's up with that?"

I smiled and said, "Yeah."

Mom asked, "I want to see it. What is the URL?"

"Mom, you'll piss have a heart attack if you read my blog because it is so filth, full of humors about everything else."

"Really? You talk about your gay sex?"


My eyes darted to Dad who rolled his eyes and sighed.

Mom then said, "Are you going to embarass me out there? I should castrate your damned penis!"

"Mom, you already embarassed yourself a long time ago. So why do you worry? It is my life. I can give you the URL but you have to respect what I wrote so far."

Mom smiled and said, "You crazy dumb ass."

Sure, whatever.

Here is the photograph of Hrandma. The hearing grandmother on my father's side.


Using Voice In Front of Deaf Peers

Remember the folks in the cafeteria at Gallaudet -- these losers that tend to sit in the corner among the weirdos and with hearing graduate students. mcconnell probably hangs over there all the time. Which is why he resented Gallaudet as of today. Which is why he resented Deaf students who lambasted or attacked hearing people (or hard of hearing students, for that matters to mcconnell) for using the cell phones in the cafeteria.

Let's be realistic -- the world is 99% hearing-dominated society. It is always offensive and discouraging when a hearing person picks up the cell phone and yakked in front of us, leaving us pretty much clueless. Whereas if we chat with each other, and they can read us because they knew ASL. But when they talk with the voice, they talked because they knew that we cannot hear nor lipread what they said. Is that rude?

Of course it is.

So it is my duty to make sure that the cell phones or using the voice in a "deaf-dominated places" are discouraged. Period. If you fling at me with that bird, you can bet there will be an uproar out of Deaf people.

For once, Gallaudet is ours. Not yours. It is Deaf place, not hearing's. We have to endure these offensive behaviors of hearies outside of Gallaudet campus, but at Gallaudet, let us have these rules in our own backyard.

No cell phones or using the voice -- use ASL at ALL TIMES.

It is common courtesy, like it or not. You want to bark with that disgusting mouth of yours -- go to the bathroom but not in front of us, dickwads.

On second thought, I have a question for some Gallaudetians, did you notice that people who sits in the corner of the cafeteria by the windows tends to be very bitter, pessimistic and/or resented at Gallaudet, even years after they left or graduated from Gallaudet.

For the record, I always sit in the center of the cafeteria -- which is the hub of drama.

By that, it is blessed life to be surrounded by weirdos on the south, reclusive hearies/hard of hearing students on the east, all fraternities/sororities/SBG/TC/BnB folks on the north, and the normal folks on the west. African Americans and wiggas on the southwest. Such a variety -- often I sat with my back on hearing people -- of course, I turn 'em back.

Except for Jim McCann. He was the exception.


Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Last night, I went to Chipotle's with Sarah. Read her entry about our evening, yapping about almost everything else.

I told Sarah about someone I knew in DC, a hearing Arab from United Arab Emirates, who is also gay. Sarah laughed out of her mind when I told her about this tale and she said, "You should blog this!" So here it is. The hearing Arab was cool, sweet and nice. One day, he paged me and said he wanted to see me and play a little. I came down to his hotel and saw him lying in bed, watching the television with a cast all over his left leg.

What happened? I asked.

He smiled and explained. I did not expect what he said.

You know, in the United States and Canada, millions of people swerved or unfortunately hits a deer or two in their lifetime in the darkness, right? Well, in the Arabian Peninsula, it is common for the people to drive and crash into ... a camel who streaks onto the traffic.

That is what he did, he strucked a camel. Can you imagine a camel bleating then collided with your car?

Thanks for everything, Sarah!

After that, I went home to change clothes -- I had to rabbit down to The Cock to meet Corey who was holding my sweatshirt which I forgot to pick up last week (Remember, I was drunk last week).

Some interesting drama emerged from the bar as well. After the treatment I got from The Phoenix last Friday night, I was not exactly in mood to deal with hearies. But I was in mood to make fun of them in a discrete manner.

The Cock Bar (you dirty mind, it is named after a rooster, not your penis!) is dark and sleazy at times. For a Deaf person to talk in the dark is quite a challenge. Last night, someone kept on using the digital camera to flash anything, anyone and anywhere to a point where I cannot see clearly.

You twerps hearie bastards, don't you know by now that my eyes are my ears? I was ready to break the Asian's digital camera. Instead, I signed so fast that they did not have a chance to recognize anything else.

Then one guy behind me asked me how to sign "IDIOT TOO BAD BITCH". That guy reminded me of Matt Damon but with a goatee. Very irresistible. So I obliged.

Bad mistake.

He kept on saying, "IDIOT TOO BAD BITCH" to everyone else.

I sighed, a cute guy with a light beard was next to me introduced himself. Saul is his name. Yes, he's cute. We talked a little. He's from Los Angeles, moved here to NYC. I smiled then looked around ...


I rolled my eyes and acknowledged Corey who pointed at the bag of my sweatshirt. I smiled -- suddenly, this Matt Damon-type guy chortled at Corey: IDIOT TOO BAD BITCH


I groaned and wished I did not teach that to a dude. They are hopeless bunch of primates. Corey asked me what it meant, I explained. He frowned, I told him that he's just a dickwad.


One guy asked me how to sign his name.


You do not ask that. People who know each other tends to give each other their sign names. Do I know the dude who asked me how to sign his name? No.


I gave him his own sign name. He was proud and walked back to his friends and signed his new name. Any Deaf person would recognize what he said -- he signed, "Me retard".


Sometimes I love this life.



Monday, December 06, 2004

Boy, This Is Good

I saw two commercials by Nike -- one riveting and crazy. One somber, that made me applaud its choices.

This one ... I was like, "Whoa, stop the game, stop. Stop. I say, STOP!" But it never stopped.

This one .... very simple and sweet. Made me go sigh. Some stuff are made for the eternity -- this is one of 'em. It raised my hair on my arms. Wow.

Since we are on the wavelength of Sports ...

No. 18 Virginia Cavaliers (8-3, 5-3) will play Fresno State (8-3) MPC Computers Bowl in Boise, Idaho. It is scary to play Fresno State than to play Miami (FL) or Florida State. Richie, plans to show up in Boise to see my beloved team play?

Virginia Cavaliers WBB is now ... 5-3. Don't ask me.

Connecticut Huskies WBB's Head Coach Geno Auriemma lashed out at UConn fans as "the most spoiled brats and that I hope we lose the next ten games." The next game, UConn routed Holy Cross by 39. Go figure.

Virginia Cavaliers MBB team is ranked No. 24 after a great start at 6-0. Go Cavaliers!

Speaking of Virginia Cardinals, my alma mater, VSD Girls BB finished 2nd in Virginia Classic. Tennessee winning the 1st. But Kim Fuller of VSD was the star of the tournament as she averaged 31 points per game in 3 games. Kim Fuller is the niece of Rosemary Fuller, my sister's high school nemesis. Either way, Kim rocks.


No Bullying ... Except for Three

Ahh, bullying is normal. It is part of high school process, is it?

Well, here is the answer: A Big Fucking NO!

At Gallaudet, I remembered people bullying some people even in college. It was appalling. Good example: Jeff Kurz made fun of gays and ridiculed Warner of his unfortunate looks. When I saw it, I cringed. I always hoped that it did not happen to me.

Much later, Dorian Yanke bullied me at times. It took a while for me to stand up and finish him off. Some of my friends retaliated as well.

After reading the article, I was glad that some students went after the main bully and retaliated. Bullying has no place in the educational system.

Who is responsible of allowing the bullying to occur in the schools? Go back to 1950s & 1940s, the Nuclear Family concept. That is where it all started. My father told me that he was bullied but it made him stronger. But the scars on his soul can be read by anyone else. He was hurt by that. Who told him that he shall be stronger after enduring the bullying? His teachers.

Many teachers during the Nuclear Family Era -- tolerated the bullying to a point where the students themselves became the teachers and tolerated the whole cycle. But the problem is that the bullying itself became much worse, meaner, volatile to a point where it drove people to suicide. Again, back then, suicide were not something to be talked in 50s, 40s. I'm sure it was rampant but no newspaper talked about it.

Until the liberal-asskissers decided to radicalize the country with Love and civil rights, conservatives bellowed and battled. The liberal-asskissers prevailed, of course. Then the newspapers started to talk about bad things in the society where it comes to suicide.

If a person said that bullying is part of growing up process, I'll punch his face. Then tell him that that is what I am doing to him. I am bullying him right now because I wanted to. Same idea.

You just do not bully anyone else, not based on looks, behavior or sounds.

Except for Dorian Yanke, Jeff Kurz and Amy Kurz, of course.


Resistance Is Futile

We are The Blog. You will be assimilated into the collective of Blog. Resistance is futile. As you may know, the blog is already the most used word of the year, according to some dictionary.

I just completed reading The Washington Post of our heroic Pat Tillman (*gagging*), his final words were:

"Cease Fire! Friendlies!"

Sounds pitiful way to die? You bet it is. To me, a hero means to save someone's life. I hate to say something like this -- FDNY and NYPD ran to the flaming towers because it was part of their job. And yeah, they died. But does that makes them hero? I question that. But again, that is my opinion.

For fun stuff, I just completed two quizzes. Which high school stereotype am I? It said that I'm normal, in other words -- boring and too plain. Which American City do I fit in? It says that I belong to San Francisco.

Last night, I chatted with Alex A-bench-u-chan. That is the first time I spelled it right without checking it repeatedly. I can confirm that Alex is not stupid. He may be bit gullible (Hell, when I was a freshman, I was bit naive and gullible) -- so gullible will dissipate out in a short time. But one thing that remained on the list -- he's still cute. That is undeniable, though. He was fun to chat with. Thanks, buddy.

Oh, yeah, last Saturday night, I saw a lady turning her right ankle on six-inch heels -- she was wearing a skirt and apparently on the way to a bar, maybe? She tumbled on the sidewalk. Good thing, her tight skirt did not rip -- I had to suppress the laughter and offered to help her out. She declined.

Then this morning, I turned my right ankle in front of some cheap-assed Asian and tumbled on the sidewalk en route to the office as a car darted by the road. It was pretty humiliating and painful. My right ankle always has been an Achilles heel for me after I twisted it in a high school basketball game. High school basketball game? Yes, a fag like me played on the team.

So I ended up getting back up here. Some Asian gibberish probably was spoken in trying to help me out but I shrugged 'em off. Just like the lady did to me. And that Asian probably suppressed a laughter as well. At least, I provided a good show. Bet you a dollar or two that if Rayni was there, she'd howl with heavy fits of laughter.

C'est la vie.


Sunday, December 05, 2004 and LePore's Birthday Bash

Amanda LePore will celebrate her birthday bash on Thursday at The Plaid. Ben wondered about how old she is. He asked. He found out and flinched. He told me and I flinched. I know that if I mention her age, Manny and Merritt will whack the poor monitor and say, "That girl is lying!"

She said she is going to be 22.

Yeah, right!

* * *

You know, I was boiling mad last Friday evening after the encounter with the hearie loser at The Phoenix. Then I wrote this on, urging the people to do something about it.

Let's hope that hearing people will be able to restore my faith in this society -- but my guts said ... fat chance.


Jim the Bartender at The Phoenix on E. 13 St btwn Ave A & 1st Avenue
Reply to:
Date: 2004-12-05, 11:30PM EST

Last June, my friend and I came to The Phoenix. Both of us are Deaf by birth, our parents, grandparents and before that are deaf -- guess what? We never bothered to learn how to use the voice to bark or utter a sound, OK? We use signs to communicate but when it is necessary to communicate with someone who cannot sign, we make sure to talk via paper & pen method. Not hard, right?

Not with Jim the Bartender at The Phoenix.

My friend asked for a pen and paper. Jim refused and said that he should try to use his voice. My friend refused because he, like me, is self-conscious with our voices. Jim insisted repeatedly until I told him that not all deaf people can use the voice. Jim got upset, became rude and abrasive to a point where we decided not to order a drink from him ... we switch to the other bartender -- Jim told the other bartender not to serve me and Mark. IN fact, they barred me and Mark from ordering anything!

I attempted to get in touch with the owner or manager of The Phoenix -- guess what? No bartender wants to help me to rat on Jim. They were protecting him.

This happened last June. Well, last Friday, when I got off from work, I needed a break so I went to The Phoenix -- keep in mind, I never saw Jim again since last June -- when I entered the bar, Jim saw me and gave me the rude, abrasive, degrading behavior that I was left speechless and left the premise.

When will someone else stand up and tell Jim the Bartender that he has NO right to do that to a Deaf person! Enough is enough.

Jim is the reason why many Deaf people are wary and cautious of hearing people. Hearing people, do something about it.

Go to that bar and lambast him for his behavior towards Deaf persons.

this is in or around East Villageit's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests