Friday, June 11, 2004

Washington Sports Sucks, Tards Sucks and Dodgeball Rules!

Mystics is 2-4. You know, I really can't wait for Abe Pollin to drop dead. He seems to thrive on having his teams to lose many games for many years. We need a new management who will turn the Wizards and Mystics into the winnable teams in professional level.

All professional teams in DC hasn't been doing well. Football, Men's Basketball, Women's Basketball, Hockey and soccer. Oh, gawd.

I think it is hilarious that people said that I can't write and am a retard, while they cannot spell words correctly. Underware? Anyone wants my sauterred onions that I found on my fat rolls? It s well cooked. Maybe I should sell it on eBay. Umm. You know how it is at eBay, anything goes over there. I swear this is my last one ... so help me, God.

I want to see the flick, "Dodgeball". It looks so funny. It reminds me of what I did when I was 8 at VSDB. In the basement of Llewellyn Gymnasium, there was a wrestling room designed for practices. The room is a rectangular sized with mats everywhere else. The groups of boys ranged from 6 to 15 years old were divided in two groups and each group were put at the end of the wall, squaring against each other. Using two balls to throw and hit someone else to get them out of the game. It was such a vicious and brutal. So many guys were out so fast ... then there were 5 of us, and 8 of them. Soon, it was 3 of us, 7 of them. I was one of 3.

The Recreational Director then pull the string to force us to battle each other bit closer than the room itself to tarry the time. The balls flew so fast and hard that it bounced off back to the other side of the room so fast that I cannot catch it. Sure enough, I was the only one left. 3 of them left.

After little bits of actions that I ran around trying to save my life, I managed to get 13 years old and 15 years old out of the game. I was 8, remember. The last one was Randy, a huge, muscular African American who is a starter on varsity football team at 15. He was a terror. He was the one who has the ability to throw the ball against the wall and it bounced back to him, denying me the chances to catch the ball freely.

The Recreational Director then took a ball away, thus only one ball is left. I was bit relieved not to deal with two balls flying around me repeatedly. Then the Recreational Director said that I have to be tough and face this monstrous being instead of worming myself out. That means what? Less than 10 throws, I'm out of the game. I have to do something drastic.

Randy kept on firing the ball, it bounced back to him repeatedly -- it was down to 4 throws left. My team insisted that I caught it even if it's being thrown so hard. I was afraid of being hurt. It aint no funny to have the ball slam on your chest and knock you down. Suddenly, I saw the ball coming straight at me (thanks to Greg who distracted me for a second), I had no choice but to try it. To catch it. BOOM.

That is the sound when you catch the ball in a rectangular room. My chest was on fire. Probably why I have hairy chest as of now. It hurts like hell. But I caught the ball. Randy was devastated. I won.

I was the hero for five minutes before the game resumed for the 2nd time out of 5.

It was fun being a hero for few minutes, really.


Thursday, June 10, 2004

Remember the AIDS Man?

Will, Dylan, Jake and I cracked jokes all the time about the comic book that was short-lived and mother nature buried it with embarrassment.

The comic book was known as "Dino-Man" and it was produced by Deaf artist/writer in Robert Johnson and one person, I can't remember who.

IN the story, Dino-Man is a deaf superhero who met a guy who was HIV Positive and he decided to mix ... ahem ... the steroids with his blood ... he turned into ... AIDS MAN!! *growls in the background with his hands clawing in the air*

It was incredibly dumb story. So easy to poke fun at it and suffice to say, the series was folded after the first issue.

Robert Johnson went on to produce one of most successful online business in Sextoon. Unfortunately, Robert Johnson was killed in an automobile accident in Austin, Texas not a long time ago.

My sister who is lesbian and often wary of men told me that she enjoyed chatting with RJ and that he is very charming and generous man. She was duly impressed with his laid-back approach towards women in general, despite the fact that he wrote a lot of raucous works on women.

The drama between me and this person prompts Dylan to mention that to me. Of course, it made me smile.


Honest Honest , Fear and Irrationality Rules Us!

I was reading some comments by some folks. Bobby wrote "in this day and age of hatred and terror...", he brought a topic I want to talk about.

Bobby is not the only person who said that we have to accept that we live in the age of terror and hatred as of now. Many prominent so-called leaders like Ashcroft, Rumsfeld, Bush and Rice often talked about the age of terrorism upon us.

Actually, none of it is true. Terror and Hatred has been with us for eons. Attila and the Huns terrorized Europe. Spanish folks terrorized Jews and non-Catholics. In fact, the British considered us the Terrorists when we attempted to take the independence for ourselves! There are Crusaders, they terrorized the Jews and Muslims. The Turks terrorized the Serbs, Croats, Bulgars, Bosnians and Greek. Should I go on? Japanese terrorized Chinese 50 years ago. Hitler terrorized the whole world, in fact.

One will argue that the Americans terrorized the Middle East countries with threats, money and sanctions.

These terrors spawned lots of hatred among the groups, turning themselves against the governments and so on. This has been going on for centuries.

But what prompted these so-called leaders and Bobby to say "in the age of terror and hatred"? One word: Sheltered. They were sheltered far away in a country called the United States of America where they did not have to listen to the problems out of Asia, Africa and Europe. If we did not like what we see, we send the reinforcements to force them to adhere to our beliefs or demands. Simply as that.

But the Islamic Fundamentalists changed it all. They infilitrated into our fabric sense of security and took down the Pentagon and World Trade Center. For the first time in centuries, we are forced to see the reality of the world problems and are appalled that the hatred and terror continues to run like wild horses around the globe. They acted as if it was something new.

Actually, it is not new. It has been there all along. Except that the rules of the game has been altered, it is not country against country, it is a group against the country. However, people chose to be blind for a long time and live in a sheltered manner for years, boys and girls. Someone cured your blindness and forced you to see things that you do not like. But please do not call it the age of terror or hatred. Because it is not true at all.


It Chugs for 50 Years

When I was a kid and a student at VSDB in Staunton, the houseparents occasionally took the kids to Gypsy Hill Park which is about a mile northwest of the school campus by walk. It is always fun to walk across the town. You get to go up and down the hills. You get to pass the birthplace of President Woodrow Wilson, you get to mingle through the antique shops in downtown Staunton. You get to munch a char-grilled chili dogs at Hardee's on way to the park.

Right next to the park used to be the site of Robert E. Lee High School. I always drooled over its guys. I even still remembered his name -- Trey Scott. Dunno if he's gay or not.

Anyway, at the park, it has a variety of everything, really. Playgrounds, baseball fields, a lake where the ducks dominated, There are several creeks where you can run and jump over. The open fields. There is a free-standing stage with white columns where you can sit on the lawn and watch the local music, talents and so on. It also has a football stadium designed for little league teams. Right across the park, there is a fenced area where you can feed and pet the deers. It has a road around the park -- where many people exercised.

All in all, it is All-American park, really. It also has one classic that not many parks have -- a site of mini-train where kids can ride for a dollar. I rode in it many times. Sounds lame? Yeah. But it was fun.

If you're curious about Gypsy Hill Park, check it out at this online park.


For You To Ponder About ...

I was informed by a friend that there was a riot in Yemen after the government decided to merge a deaf school with a hearing school. There was an arrest made as well. See? Deaf people across the globe, despite the differences in beliefs and religions, still view hearing people as incompetents to deal with throughout their lives.

Here is a quote that I found in a book.

Deaf people do not wish to be Hearing. Rather than mourning the "loss" of hearing, or wishing they were like the majority, they are frustrated at the lack of access and opportunity. The Deaf fantasy is not that they could hear, but that the world would be Deaf. -by Theresa Smith, 1996

Pronto. She said it all. Last night, I read a friend's comments regarding what MJ Bienvenu once wrote. MJ is correct when it comes to the fact that this world is not for hearing. It is not for whites. It is not for straight. It is for everyone else. I have as much the right to exist as a Deaf person in this world which is for everyone else.

Ahh. Few quotes that I want to throw in as well. It is not deaf-related thing. Enjoy.

Ha! Fulfillment when you've suffered as we have suffered there can be only one fulfillment ... vengeance. -Mary Bierbaum

In this make-believe, laminated business of mine, finding true innocence's rarer, true honesty even rarer, and true love nearly impossible. All the happiness I've ever clawed and fought for, what I wouldn't give to know that kind of feeling. To be part of a world of innocence, honesty and unequivocal love. To be truly happy. God, what I wouldn't give for that. -George Perez

Must I make ashes of Heaven before you understand? -Mark Millar

Life is the ultimate adventure and Death the prize that awaits us all. Since it's inevitable, why worry about it? -Chris Claremont

Maybe never. Maybe Love can never conquer Hatred. The struggle between the two may be integral to what we are. But there are small victories. The conquering of our own hatreds. The discovery that our means are superior, at least for us. And in this existence, perhaps these are the only victories to be had. -Tom & Mary Bierbaum

The constitution wasn't perfect. But we were allowed to change it ... maybe even improve it. And if America sometimes fouled up along the way -- and it did -- that was the fault of the dreamers. It was not the fault of the dream. -Steve Darnall



Wednesday, June 09, 2004

I Am The Gay Deaf Militant Terrorist, So He Says!

Tom Tricoli is at it again. This time, I am not annoyed by his rantings. The scary thing is that I am *amused* by his creative manner to name me something cool. Something cool. Something that MJ Bienvenu and Furlano will smile with pride -- call the churches to toll the bells for Ridor is now known as Gay Deaf Militant Terrorist ... GDMT! Now the Universe shall tremble before me!

One word: Whatever.

He went on to accuse me that I was the one who sent him the anonymous messages. Actually, the truth is that I was not the one. It was my female friend who got upset when I showed her what he wrote. Simply put, she got on the computer and attacked him. But to him, it was me. Always me. Always for ever. His word is the ultimate one.

Hey Tom, you opened the Pandora's Box by ridiculing that Deaf people are bad tippers (which are not true), you were quick to label us all in a whim. Then you repeatedly called me fat, stupid and so on. What can I do to shrug you off? By calling you ugly, dumbfuck, facial wasting, AIDS boy and so on. An eye for an eye if you ask me. It is not to elevate myself above you, it is to return the favors of what you did to me in the first place.

I never asked you to read my blogs. I never asked you to care about my deaf culture, I never asked you to come over. There is always "X" on the top of your right corner if anyone does not like my blogs.

When a person is ignorant or bigot about deafness, I shall call him "hearie" until he learns his way out. For years, people always call deaf people as "deaf and dumb" or inane comments online like, "What did you say? I did not hear you." These antics are insulting, demeaning and degrading. I think it is healthy to brand a group, especially with hearing people because it indirectly empowered us to stand up and say, "So do you, dumbfuck." So I return the favor by calling you a fuckin' stupid hearie. Deal with it, honey.

Tom Tricoli, please do not deny that you never make fun of one's disabilities. You just did to me in several emails and on your blog. Suffice to say, you are a lousy liar.

When I bring your full name, I never do it with malice. I poke fun at it, you're the joke unto itself. Which is why I knew I made people snicker when I told Captain-Obvious to suck your diseased cock. It is not my problem that you got HIV+, who was careless? Of course, you. If I got HIV Positive, I'll admit that I was stupid and careless. Going to the party where you can get 2nd and 3rd strains of HIV is a testament to how stupid you are. But sadly, you are not the only one in the gay community.

If you believe that I need help because of my deep resentments and/or anger towards hearing people, it is your right to do so. I know who I am, you do not know who I am. It is hard to get me angry about hearies, I often discard and ignore them when they annoy me. Then I crack jokes about people that tried to belittle me. Then after that, I forget all about it. In other words, you are not worthy of my energies, Tom Tricoli.

Of course, you woke up an annoyed hornet today. But today, the annoyed hornet is amused with your lies and creativity. But let it go, little boy.


My Desk ...

After some tumbles on the Chinese bus to New York. The arrival time was 7 AM, but I got there at 6:15 AM. Gawd, the Chinese bus drivers drove too fast. It was refreshing to see such a haze covering the skyscrapers as the sun rises in the open sky.

I have a thing for skyscrapers. I always surf this website when I am very bored. Maybe it is symbolic of male supremacy? I do not know.

Anyway, I found out that my desk at the office was drenched when someone upstairs left the water running all over the floors to my desk. My desk got the brunt of damages. Which means more workload for me to take care of. Just in time for an audit next week. Not a good sign if you ask me.

But I shall learn and move on.

And I'm sorry to say this -- I cannot wait for Benis to come! I just enjoyed his company immensely.

Last night, I cleaned up the boxes and discovered my old index cards. I was relieved. Because it contains some quotes that I amassed over the years.

I shall mention over the time.

Now back to work and fix my desk.
