Saturday, March 09, 2013

Who Is Racist Pig? His Name Is Joseph Chen

I'm not crazy about Facebook mainly because the company grew so fast to a point where it lost the control of what's going on with its users. For example, I had been suspended for fifth time - all of them were done by retaliation by others when I called them out publicly. But this is a tale that will be told soon but not today.

I have more than 1,500 "friends" - I'm sure, the majority of them are lurkers, fans, haters and shit like that. It takes time for me to trim who's who but it ain't easy. It is never comfortable to reject or eliminate humans but sometimes it is necessary. 

I have more than 150 "friend requests". Since I'm suspended (Gee whiz, you can thank Julia Silvestri for that one), I am unable to accept, decline, remove or block anyone on my friends list as well as friend requests. 

However, I'm going to talk about this particular weirdo kid from Indiana School for the Deaf. His name is Joseph Chen. He is a senior at ISD. Oh, I can talk about him if I want to. Why? Because he is 18. Anyway, few weeks ago, he sent the "friend request" to me via Facebook. At that time, I was suspended from Facebook and you can thank Maria Dollhopf for that. 

Joseph was on my friends list until I removed him last summer after I found out that it was him who engaged in malicious trolling upon me and my friends. So he was kicked out so fast. I have no tolerance for people like that. I also found out that he is infamous for impersonating people's user names to create the problems.
Fast forward to two weeks ago, he sent me the friend request?  No thanks. No way. 

Then today, I got this message from Joseph Chen via Facebook inbox which is quite disturbing thing to see. You see, he sent this message to tell me to approve him as a friend. And he used the n-word. Joseph is not African-American. He is Asian-American. And he used this to address me like that?  Joseph Chen, you are not cool. You are a racist pig. You have no right to use or throw the n-word around liberally. What you did was juvenile and you should be ashamed of yourself.

UPDATE:  Since I posted this entry, Joseph Chen has continued to spew hateful comments via emails. Grow up, little deformed boy!!



Kudos to California School for the Deaf in Fremont!

More than 2 years ago, I made a vlog under (6-24-2010 Tidbits, it started from 00:00 to 05:35) which I talked about the need of having our own symbols that ultimately reflect the true beliefs, mission and social values within our communities across the country and beyond.

Not a long time ago, I was thrilled when I saw the vlog by CSD-Fremont's Superintendent Sean Virnig announcing that CSD will develop and pick the logo that ultimately represents its beliefs, mission and values as well as reflecting the school, community and alumni as well. Obviously, Supt. Virnig saw the need of having a logo mainly because he knew that having a logo/symbol will make a huge impact on people outside of Fremont.

I must congratulate the CSD community in Fremont for doing the impossible task but they successfully pulled this one extremely well.  They saw the need of having a logo that represents the school, with its beliefs, mission and values.  After a brief setback which Elena Ruiz and her so-called Bay Area DYUSA puppets protested the original logos because they argued that the logo with the famous Bear Hunt Statue is racist, demeaning, violent and cultural appropriations to an extent.

This led to CSD's decision to dump the original logos and he turned to its student body to come up with their logo vision.  Then everyone gets to vote on the logos that were created by its students at CSD. 

They chose this particular logo because it fits with CSD's Motto:  Learn, Experience, Thrive. If you look at the logo itself, you'll see that it has 3 images on it (two gray, 1orange) - that represents its motto perfectly ... in ASL.

It is gorgeous!  It is fantastic!  I hope other schools will follow what CSD Fremont did.  Kudos to Supt. Virnig, Wayne Betts Jr, its students, its staff, its faculty, its alumni and beyond as well for doing the right thing!

Once again, congratulations!



Friday, March 08, 2013

You Decide For Yourself

In the previous vlog (3-7-2013 Tidbits), I talked about Clare Cassidy who hated me so much with a passion, claiming that I made fun of her brother's suicide. I vlogged that I never knew that he had a brother until Kurt Ramborger mentioned that to me last year when he was here in Frederick.

Apparently, for years, Clare truly hated me. She often disparaged or left dirty looks each time my friends or others mentioned of my name. I know because they occasionally told me of that and asked me why. I could not figure out what's going on.

After seeing Clare going off against me on a dear friend of mine's Facebook wall, I have had enough of her crap so I vlogged about her. And guess what?

Clare provided the proof.  It turns out that it was not done by email but by my old blog,  Clare kept on forgetting that when I run, I got hundreds, if not thousands, of tips from various people across the nation, Canada and the world. I try my best to edit and put it together for an article on daily basis.  Apparently, yes, I did mention about Clare Cassidy's brother who killed himself.

I wrote only 3 sentences about the death of John Cassidy.  This brief paragraph enraged Clare Cassidy to a point where she felt that I was mocking her and her family on the death of John Cassidy.


I'm going to share the screenshot of that brief paragraph so that people out there can know the truth.

The question is:  Did I mock the Cassidys on the death of their brother?

I think the worst thing is: Clare is a teacher at CSD Fremont, I feel sorry for her kids. If Clare cannot understand what I wrote in 1st place, what kind of teacher is she? *shudders*



His name is Tom Willard

My dear friend, Dawn Schriver wrote this important message on her FB. I feel it is important for me to post this on my blog as well!



*   *  *

Deviants. Social deviants.

This society is FULL of many kind of deviants. This gives me better insights about certain types of deviants.

I'm now reading, studying and learning the profile of abusers, controllers and manipulators.

I have came across a person last night on someone's post. Admittedly, I was involved in a heated argument with this person who seems to think he had done no wrongs to anyone when he is truly a destructive individual. He continues to bash an agency, ASADV and myself as a person to no end.

This person is not a productive citizen to the community given that he has no ability to carry a healthy discourse. Nor can he reason with his actions.

Yes, he is considered as a deviant to the Deaf community.

His name is Tom Willard.

Anyone who comes across this post, remember this name.

* * *

True words were never spoken, Dawn Schriver!



UPDATE:  Tom Willard has quietly turned his blog ( into private after an uproar that seemed to turn against Tom for what he did to others including myself.   This is what community accountability is all about. 

Thursday, March 07, 2013

VLOG: 3-7-2013 Tidbits

Staring at you with ... contempt.

Once again, this vlog is not positive nor pleasant one. But it is necessary for me to expose and address this mess in order to stop the lies and misinformation. This vlog focuses on 5 individuals that I wanted to address:  Dr. Reginald Redding, Clare Cassidy, John Proffer, Alex Long, Jeff Kurz and Keri Macfarlane-Ogrizovich.  

That means what?  I still hadn't gotten a chance to talk about Julia Silvestri, Leala Holcomb, Dr. Harold Mowl, Chris Wagner & Elena Ruiz. That will be dealt in the next vlog or two. 



Messiah Complex?

I finished making the 3-7-2013 Tidbits vlog but could not be able to upload since I'm at work. As soon as I get home, I shall upload the vlog to appease the insatiable viewers like you. However, I appreciated the messages via YouTube, Twitter & my blog asking for it.

On other hand, I have to address this with a certain fool who claimed that I have "messiah complex" - I nearly shot the unsweetened Iced Tea out of my nose when I saw someone flinging this upon me.

Umm, according to wiki, "messiah complex" means: A state of mind in which an individual holds a belief they are, or are destined to become, a savior.


It appears to me that some people confuse or distort one's ability to enhance their knowledge in life with  the so-called messiah complex.  I am on a mission to understand the universal message. It is a personal journey for me to infuse myself with different subjects to empower myself with knowledge. After all, knowledge is power. The more I know about things in life, the more I become confident in my ability to share my thoughts.

And that is when some people would try to fling the messiah complex upon me or others for acquiring too much knowledge.  I find that somewhat ... flattering, though.

It is amusing, though. My first reaction would be: "What's the point of me doing that?"

Absolutely nothing, really.



Wednesday, March 06, 2013

No Anonymous Allowed

People, the comment section has been enabled.

Due to my experiences with the social media in the last 10 years, my tolerance for anonymous commentators are at an all-time low, mainly because of their repeated threats directed at myself and my readers who supported me from time to time. So I am making this an official policy - Anonymous commentators are not *allowed* on this blog at all.

Last night, I already got a notification that someone tried to leave a comment using the "Anonymous" with a discreet threat on me. That person assumed that I knew nothing about the law, defamation and all that shit.  That person thought I am clueless when it comes to dealing with the laws. It is obvious to me that this person has no idea on what I have been doing in the last 5 years. I filed a lawsuit. I won the court cases. I retained the attorney on various topics including blogging/vlogging in the last 5 years. I am confident enough to say one thing: I am well-versed on this matter.

So that person who tried to make a threat on me, that is quite lame thing to do. All I can say is:  Try me.



P.S.  "Cheers" is my trademark and for you to copy my signature says one thing about you: You lack originality and creativity of your own. That is for sure.

UPDATE:  I highly recommend you to check this link where David Eberwein discussed about the anonymous comments in our communities. Here is the link to get the gist of what is going on. Thanks, Joey Baer!