Sunday, February 05, 2006

Bitch Session XVII

Disclaimer: The comments were written by many readers. I simply copied and pasted the comments on the entry. You may defend your turf by firing back. As always, names and email addresses will be removed. Only comments will be posted. You can compliment or offend anything or anyone else. Confidentiality is assured 100%. Enjoy!

Don't be a Marbie Doll!

Rex, the bomb sniffer dog, sure did understood Bush's State of Union speech. ARF!

Joy, you crazy gal, you rock my world! From one of your fans!

Heather WhiteStone, I find you to be distasteful, and a pussy because you choose to ignore a wonderful side of yourself, your deafness. You only see it as a handicap and its folks like you that give the rest of us deafies a bad rep. Please grow up! Cochlear Implant doesnt make you hearing, anymore than Michael Jackson is white.

I secretly hate Chuck Baird for giving me an C in Intro. To Drawing class because I drew much better than him... He drew a stupid cat while I drew a hot guy with a monstrous cock. Perhaps because it had forbiddingly aroused him.

Sam, you tried to rip me off finacially, you tried to kick me out, you tried to bombard me with stupid ass emails, and guess what, I'm still here. Go fuck yourself and crawl back to the trailer youre from in WVA!

RT got it right about Aubrecht -- that woman deserved to be trashed!

Abenchuchan Boy, congratulations. Be sure to preserve your ass during your pledge probation. After all, it belonged to me.

Until you learn that you get what you give, dont come crying to me and expecting me to bend over for you to fuck me up the ass! After the kid smeared shit on the bathroom walls, after the roaches multiplied because you cant wash your fucking dishes, after the psychotic bitch from last year verbally abused me, I have no sympathy left for you at all.So let me sing, sign, yell, mime, write, do interpretative dance all to say the same thing, "GO FUCK YOURSELF!"

Oh my goodness! Who died and made McWeenie king??

Chris Corrigan, one damn HOT guy on campus and why is that troll following him? Oh! Milana!

Haha DS is pledging Kappa Gamma! It should keep his hair short and his fly zipped shut for a while. His hair last year was scary. Maybe he really is becoming a man now?

Weenie and Whale have very strange priorities! They both need to get a life.

DSP?! Your pledge announcement = Lamest scene in gally history

Please pardon Nanc's drunken celebrations this week. After all, her Steelers won it all.

Tanya is one hot mama!

Sarah I miss you so much, I think about you often and you're not far from my heart. NYC isnt the same without you! I miss our talks, comparing sex lives and I just MISS YOU Pack!

William Schmidt, why did you cut your hair?? It was so cute before.

Muslims at Gallaudet needs to shut up and show some respect and gratitude that they are in this country. Who gives a fuck about drawing a cartoon of Prophet Muhammad, really? There is more issues to deal with than to whine about cheap cartoons!

Ricky you hot studmuffin, I wuv you and am addicted to your blog. You're not allowed to go more than 2 days without blogging! Its your God's given power, use it for good and to better mankind like you've been doing! mwah!

Roy Ricci is awesome--his art is so fab fab fab. Can't wait to see his show with Muck as special guest artist in two weeks!

Brokeback Mountain's open-captioned films still has not been distributed at all. Why is that we have to be apathetic when it comes to things like this?

We should be glad that Dr. I. King Jordan is going to be retired -- he is responsible for instilling many bad people that perpetuated the audism practices at Gallaudet!

i *heart* ty giordano!

Anyone saw Tate's comments about Brokeback Mountain? "I hurt myself." -- Priceless.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Weekend Tidbits & First Video!

But first thing, gotta tell few things.

DPHH Sux: Last night, after dining with two great gals at Urban Thai restaurant -- fabulous food -- I go umm umm on every bite. It did not make me feel full, just perfect dinner. Loved the name that I ordered: Pad See Eew. If you try to sign that in ASL ...

However, went to DPHH which was located few doors down the street. It was cramped, small, smoky and awkward. Stayed like five minutes -- saw some familiar faces. Greeted some. Decided to leave after 5 minutes, my friends and I kept on bumping people on the street more than we did inside. In fact, it is safe to say that we hung outside longer than the inside of the pub. That's how bad it was.

Stopped by Freddie's Beach Bar & Restaurant, the NOVA's only gay bar. Nice place -- too many lezzies. But that's OK. Was amused to see several Deaf patrons coming in by mistake. Asked us if we were here for DPHH. Told them that DPHH is at the pub down the street. Should see how they smiled when they had the pictures taken at a gay bar. Come to think of this -- the DPHH never took place at a gay bar. Homophobia? Maybe, maybe not.

Compliments, Compliments and Compliments: During my stay in the DC area, I received nothing but compliments about my blogsite. Naturally, I was bit surprised at the numbers of raves, considering the unique situation with my blogsite. Sometimes people wanted to shake my hands just because I write stuff. Basically, thank you for the compliments. I'm not quite used to accept the compliments. I guess, it is my weakness -- I grew up not getting enough compliments. And now people are coming at me in every directions and it kinda blew me away a little.

One most amusing comment by a reader: "Every morning, I get my coffee and check your blog for further information. And in the last two days you did not blog anything -- I think I need to check myself in rehab or detox or something!"

Bit Long Article But Think About It ... Read Slemo's article and reflect this upon many deaf-owned (and some hearing-owned, of course!) businesses. Is this familiar among us all? Discuss.

Remember PM Mark Oaten? According to PopBitch, the married man of 3 who was outed by the London tabloids last week for having lengthy relationship with a rent-boy -- in other words, a male prostitute. However, PopBitch has reported that Mark Oaten was interested in coprophilia. Apparently, PopBitch said that Mark likes to eat shit. Umm.

Thanks to PopBitch ... Check Ashton Kutcher when he went into the toilet stall. [work not safe] Now that is hot, Ashton!

Audism At Its Best? I winced when I read The Buff and Blue about the plans for Sorenson Language and Communication Center (SLCC), it mentioned that the entire 2nd floor will be devoted to Audiology Department while on the first floor, half of the first floor will be reserved for Deaf Studies, ASL and Linguistics Departments. Why is that the Audiology has the whole floor while these three departments has to cramp together? Why? Someone said that the Audiology Department got $4.7 million from some grant. Perhaps it did. But this reeks of audism.

Irony But ... ! I purchased a plastic bracelet from Kappa Gamma for $3. The price is bit high for one plastic bracelet -- but I had to get it -- the color is black with white words: STOP AUDISM. One funny thing about this is that the Kappa Gamma fraternity is doing the fundraising to support the SLCC!

Now For Your Own Entertainment! I'm posting my very first video production on my blogsite -- this 7 minutes was produced, written and directed by myself many years ago when I was in college. Thanks to a dear friend of mine, I was able to transfer from VHS tape to the computer.

The title is very lame. The actors in the film were: the late Jake Temby, Christie Abrams, Stacy Abrams, Manny and Liam Sharpe. If a hearing person wanted the transcript, feel free to shout in the comment box. I'll come up with it sooner if you guys wanted this.

It is possible that you might see a glitch in the first few seconds -- be sure to play around with pause/play to continue the tape. The remainder of the film seems to work all right. Enjoy the film!



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Thursday, February 02, 2006

I Should Slap Your Head Off, Allison Aubrecht!

Allison, people often told me behind your back that you're one incredibly whiner and liar. I care less about that. Because it does not affect me at all. It is your business to lie and whine, really. After all, this is free country.

But for you to say that I'm a troublemaker is something else, honey! Nothing is far from the truth.

You claimed that I did things despicable to Jake. I challenge you to prove it. All I did was to free him from the lies that he buried himself with -- by coming clean to his former wife whom he cheated on for months. Yes, I caught him in bed with that $1.29 slut by the name of Brooke Budzinski. Yes, Jake asked me to keep a secret from my own best friend (who happens to be his former wife) -- which absolutely goes against my very rule, I do not keep secrets from my best friend. I literally forced Jake to confess everything or I will. If you regard that as a form of troublemaking, then by all means, I am one!

I never went to his funeral and memorial services because that $1.29 slut whined a huge river about it, besides I had other plans on that day. So your claims that I plan to interfere is utterly ridiculous, Allison Aubrecht. In fact, Jake and I chatted online before he died. So I kinda knew the routine but for you to claim that I did this, that and there is silly, m'dear.

Coincidentally, today is 3rd anniversary of Jake Temby's death. Bet you a dollar you did not know about that, Ally? Today I saw you at Results DC Gym, and you actually fled the gymnasium after seeing me, eh? You were afraid of me, Allison Aubrecht. In fact, you told someone else that you could not believe that I was at the gym and you said you would not come back to the gym. You know what they say about liars and troublemakers? They often avoid the persons they bashed upon. Essentially, I should have confronted you about your lies. But lucky for you, I was busy doing the cardio.

You may run all you want, Allison. But at least, what people said about you initially is something that I believed as of now. You're truly a good liar, Allison Aubrecht! And I hope people knew what kind of person you are.




MICA RUNWAY 2006 is slated to happen on Saturday, June 16, 2006. Perhaps the most surprising thing about itself is its location -- it will be held at crobar, a massive nightclub geared towards gay men and open-minded persons.

I had been to crobar before. It is fun, huge and great. I'm certain that the MICA participants and supporters will enjoy the rest of the day and night at crobar!

Ridor To Support MICA Runway 2006: Since I'm enthusiastic supporter of MICA Runway 2006, it is only fair that I promote this on my blogsite from now on until June 16, 2006. I also offered them the option of blogging about any updates and announcements from the MICA Runway 2006.

Naturally, I shall be at MICA Runway 2006 to observe but not interfere -- and report it from there.

Its website is if you want to look around.

The theme of the MICA Runway 2006 is "As in Art ... be Daring, Avant-Garde, Guerilla, Creative, and Innovative."

MICA Runway 2006 To Set Up Scholarship for Sarah Marie Pack: Bravo to the Committee of MICA Runway 2006 for setting up the scholarship for Sarah Pack, a dear friend of mine who passed away suddenly last November. Check its website for further information on the Sarah Marie Pack Writing Award.

MICA Runway 2006' Call for Open Casting: The Executive Committee of MICA Runway 2006 is open to the auditions for anyone over 5'7 feet tall. Plus size models are welcome! Please contact for further information on modelling audition.

MICA Runway 2006' Prices: $100 per person. $250 for VIP Ticket.

Naturally, there will be updates on this in the near future. Stay tuned.



Wednesday, February 01, 2006

So Much Things To Do, So Little Time To Blog ...

Yes, that is true. it is nice to be back at Gallaudet. I met so many old faces and friends on and off the campus. It was nice to see them up and running. I could go on and on and on ... but time is so limited. So I'll cover what is needed to be addressed.

blogACTIVE Warns Repubican Senator: Mike Rogers of blogACTIVE has issued a warning to the certain Republican Senator here in the Nation's Capitol that if he voted for any anti-gay legislation, he will be massively outed for his oral sex activities at Union Station! This is the best -- this particular senator is married! Hat tip to Lambykins.

ExxonMOBIL Nets Nearly $11 Billion: ... IN PROFITS! Wait a minute -- was it they who said that they had to increase the oil prices because of this, that and there? And yet, they produced enormous profits. Let's face the music, they are mocking at us. We need to do something about it. Did you notice something? When I was a child, there was TV commercials by Exxon. These days, you do not see one. Know why? These oil companies knew we needed them more than they do for us!

Shut Up, Muslims! Muslim Extremists are decrying about the cartoon that was produced by a company in Denmark. They pressured the Arab countries to boycott the Danish nation when they said that they do not prosecute the freedom of speech. Good for Denmark! For a long time, Muslims had mocked others for their beliefs and when someone joked about theirs, they cried a huge river. I am all for respect and dignity but this is silly, Muslims need to do something else than to decry this shit. My hats off to Denmark for being firm in this manner.

Seattle Seahawks vs. Pittsburgh Steelers: Among my best friends are from Seattle and Pittsburgh. I want Seattle to win. But at the same time, I want Nanc's Steelers to win just to see her react like a wild monkey. I can imagine her going haywire over this. She is bona fide Steelers fan. My prediction? Seahawks 31, Steelers 28.

Umm, Am I Supposed To Smile At This? I think it is not funny. I think this is lame, simply put. Hat tip to Philip.

Remember Vonetta Flowers? Few months ago, I mentioned about Vonetta Flowers being the first African American to win a gold medal in Winter Olympics. I also mentioned that she has a deaf son. She recently took her son to Italy to do some more damages to his head, as expected. Hat tip to Karen von Pills.

To have A Deaf Family Is Nice, But 11?! I'm not sure if having 11 deaf children are good idea. Another Visco in the making, I guess? But this article should be commended for not portraying such a negative image on Deaf family in general. In fact, it was very cute and positive. Hat tip to PJ.

Bitch Session Due This Friday: Wanna bitch at someone else? You know the drills.

Bored? Wanna See Jokes In ASL? Check this link -- look for "Videos for Jokes" on your right side.

Whatever Happened to the Freedom of Speech? Arrested Cindy Sheehan for wearing anti-war t-shirt, and kicked Beverly Young out of the Gallery for wearing pro-war t-shirt -- what does it spells for our so-called Freedom of Speech -- of course, it is blatantly violation of our freedom. Of course, it is allowed under the Bush regime! Either way, nobody cared about the State of the Union -- I even missed it. I did not care. I mean -- who cares?! Evidently, the press do not. For God's sake, they covered Cindy and Beverly's antics more than Bush's comments! Hat tip to Karen von Pills.

DC's DPHH: This Friday, I shall be at Crystal City Sports Pub for its DPHH function -- feel free to stop by and say hey. Today at Gallaudet, many people complained that I hadn't blogged in the last few days. I apologized for that, it is just that I was overwhelmed with many things. I met old friends -- met new faces including ... the fabled Alex Abenchuchan. He's good as advertised ... I think!

Next Entry Is All About MICA Runway 2006! Be prepared. I got enormous information to entertain the readers -- of course, I will be in attendance and you should be, too!

Confidential To McWeenie & Whale Fatterson: Both of you are impudent to start with. I think the idea of whining about one's tendencies is a sign of desperation. All roads must come to an end, and you both have reached the end of yours. Your lies wouldn't fool a child, in turn, you had to attempt some kind of amusing rhetoric to attack me directly and indirectly on your websites, comments and emails. Let's face the reality, you guys lost. I am simply beyond you both. Next!



Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Weekend Tidbits and the Recap of Delaware

CSD In Spotlight by its State Newspaper: Last August, I mentioned about the salary of Communication Service for the Deaf (CSD)'s CEO Benjamin Soukup in this entry. Then I heard about CSD laying off its staff last December. Now, the statewide newspaper of South Dakota, Argus Leader, has took on to question the need of CSD's CEO Benjamin Soukup's salary of $857,380. Trying to point out that Soukup deserved the salary for all the hard work he did out of closet-sized charity into the national powerhouse is not going to help at all. Look at Kenneth Lay, Ben Soukup! What goes up will go down, eventually.

This Woman Needs To Be Poisoned: Ann Coulter is pitiful as always.

Return of Deaf-Peddling? Check this link. Some people enjoyed reading bout the deaf peddlers. Hat tip to Krajnak.

Remember The Iraqi Marlboro Man? Turns out that James Blake Miller was from Pike County, Kentucky where my good friend grew up. It was rather sad to read this article. What a sempfer fi! Not.

The Week In Delaware: Simply magnificent. It was such a pleasure to get away from everything and spend time with Paul and Bob, a dear friend of mine. Paul and Bob has a fabulous home. I totally felt relaxed the whole time I stayed there!

They owned 4 dachsund dogs and they knew that these little cute dogs could not take the stairs to their masters' master bedroom on 2nd floor.

Guess what Paul and Bob did next? They personally built the doggie ramp from the master bedroom on 2nd floor into the first floor's den. These dogs are living luxury, really! You can view the pictures up close if you wanted to.

I was fortunate to be invited to a magnificent dinner last night by Alan, Paul's friend for many years. God! It was so impossible to describe the delicious food. In fact, it was amazing. I had a blast time being dined and wined by this particular gifted chef! I'm not a fan of zucchini but seeing onions, cheese and mushrooms on zucchini, who really cannot resist?!

The whole week was particularly wonderful for me, mentally and spiritually as I get to relax and recuperate to the fullest. Yeah, I get to work out with Paul on daily basis which is cool as well.

Then the weekend came when Brad, Imran and Masa arrived as well as my first meeting with Marc. In fact, everything ended on a high note that I really left with a good feeling. A part of me wanted to stay behind for another week or two. *sigh*

Laughter is the best medicine, especially when you spend the time with your friends, really..

Ridor Is Here, Act Busy! Yes, I'm in Washington, DC. Start the red carpet, folks. Make an appointments if you want to worship before your god.



Saturday, January 28, 2006

A Message to Dishonorable Senator Frederick Quayle!

I got this junk letter from Senator Frederick Quayle after I wrote him not to support the anti-gay marriage amendment. It is so pitiful. Frederick Quayle voted YEA for this anti-gay marriage amendement and wrote me this bullshit letter. I think I'll leave you to enjoy this.

Frederick Quayle, I do not consider you as my senator any longer. From now on, I shall dig up the dirts on you -- and perhaps in time, I shall find some interesting tidbits to derail your political career. The media surely will love this someday. Your tactics are transparent, Frederick. Your lies wouldn't fool a child!



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For the original letter without words on it, check this.