Thursday, June 09, 2005

Liar, Liar, Michael Demmons, Your Pants Are On Fire!

As you may already know, Michael Demmons is the one who wrote GayOrbit. The obnoxious bitchy queen who accused me of "perpetual victim" which is absurd to start with. I noticed that I posted 3 entries that uncreative fag Michael Demmons had to cruise and lift the contents from and talked about it as well.

I asked him bluntly via the email, aware that he despised me from day one. But I try to be nice and ask him to put the differences aside because I'd like to know whether if he reads my blog or not?
I noticed something. Youhad been taking the contents from my site for your own. Nick Jones, St. Augustine's rainbow flags, A&F dress code, and few others.

What's up with that? I know you hated me, I do not like you but what's up with this? You claimed to get the references from this, that and there. C'mon, let's be nice for a change.



Michael went animalistic:
You know what? I haven’t read your site. I don’t read your site. And I don’t plan to read your site.

I got the Nick Jones pic from Towleroad.

I got the Abercrombie & Fitch stuff from Fark

I got the St. Augustine stuff because I have friends there.

You obviously consider yourself much more important than you actually are. There are only so many gay things to write about. Some self-important guy named Ridor isn’t the only person who reports on them.

Then Michael quickly emailed me another one under his different email address, it reads:
That I posted most of that stuff BEFORE YOU DID.

What? I just caught him lying.

Let's examine this stuff, shall we?
1. The content about Nick Jones? I published the comment and picture of Nick Jones on Sunday, June 5, 2005. Michael did today on June 9.

2. St. Augustine Rainbow Pride Flag? I published the entry on Monday, June 6. Michael published it today on June 9.

3. Abercrombie & Fitch Dress Code at BJU? I published it on Wednesday morning at 1:43 AM, June 8, 2004. Michael published it on June 8, 2004 much later in the afternoon.

AS you can see, the evidence is THERE. He lied, I did not lie.

Michael, you lost the competition. Pay up, bitch.

I also emailed him to calm down with his typical attitude:
Just calm down. All I am asking a question -- tone down with your bitter attitude.

You think you are all that, too. You begged people to spread the words to come to your blogsite. You advertise. I have my standards. You're that low.


Again, Michael lied:
I have never advertised my site.

And only a bitchy queen would write something whining about stealing content.

And only an idiot would write it with so many spelling errors

For a person who is obsessed with errors, he did not finish it with a period. Go figure. AT least, by not mentioning it, he admitted that he wanted more traffic for his blogsite by begging the readers to come back and spread the word. Pathetic. Nevertheless, I shot back:
spelling errors like what? prove it.

dont bother to lie.

But again, what do you expect from a guy who is newbie and anal retentive? One who is more ooncerned about making his blogsite the most attentive thing on the blogosphere? If you see his pictures, you'll understand why. He is pitiful character. At least, people will see how obnoxious Michael Demmons is.


God, He Is So Hot

I called the video relay service today. The male interpreter came on. I was bewildered. I stuttered. I grimaced, grinned and flustered at the sight of him!

He is bald by choice, obviously. He is very macho, rugged-looking guy and signed like a man truly should be. I muttered, "Please call Liz."

He smiled, his white teeth gleaming. I knew I'm going to be fucked.

Liz answered, "Hey RT, how was the menage a trois?"

The hot interpreter then stared at me and smiled, "HI RT, HOW MENAGE A TROIS?"

My life is over as I know it. I said, "Can I come and visit you, Liz?"

Liz shouted, "This bar is very crowded, baby. Come over and tell me all about it."

The man interpreted it with masculine moves.

Oh, god. I'm so fucked up. I asked for his name. He said, "I cannot tell my name. My SVRS number is XXXX."

I'm idiot. I can't believe I was that dumb.

Who the fuck is he?!


Take A Pill, Alex!

Image hosted by Photobucket.comSt. Augustine Rainbow Pride Flag: Look at this great picture! Resident Jim Kruger is fabulous when he said, "Live and let live, shake it up a little." Too bad, some St. Augustine residents sneered and whined about this.

INcluding Alex Abenchuchan of St. Augustine who commented to me via IM today:

AlexXXXXXXXX: damn you
Ridor9th: Yea?
Ridor9th: what s wrong?
Ridor9th: u saw it? [referring to the Bridge of Lions]
Ridor9th: :-D
AlexXXXXXXXX: im gonna take one down
AlexXXXXXXXX: walk on it
(after few comments that has nothing to do with the subject, we came back to this)
AlexXXXXXXXX: im organizating a group of guys
AlexXXXXXXXX: we'll rip em down
Ridor9th: stop it
Ridor9th: do it, i'll sic the cops
AlexXXXXXXXX: i'm going to get it on tv
AlexXXXXXXXX: send it to the news
(blah, blah and blah -- he said something odd)
AlexXXXXXXXX: the whole point - its offensive to a lot of poeple
AlexXXXXXXXX: so i find it in bad taste
AlexXXXXXXXX: got to go!
AlexXXXXXXXX: home depot to buy some cutters

He's worried about "taste"? After all, the heterosexuals lacked the taste in almost everything but vagina. And it is hysterical that he would go to Home Depot where its workers tend to be gay.

Alex, you lost. Accept it.


Grateful Is Not Something I Usually Talk About

Note: The names are not real, because I want to protect them at all costs.

Yesterday at 3 PM, I was greeted by Steve outside of my place. I met Chris via online chat room and I mentioned about Chris & Steve few days ago on this entry to check out the possibility of participating in menage a trois. Of course, I was bit concerned about the menage a trois since the last time in New York ended up badly for me.

Went to their place which intimidated and impressed me greatly, particularly because it is luxury apartment, sort of. It was gorgeous place, not far from where I lived. I finally met Chris. God, Chris looked much cuter than the pictures he sent. We talked a little, I get to know the couple bit more. They were absolutely great and impressive. Shortly, Chris and I swam. I get to talk with Chris -- I'm glad to meet him, I do. Oh, yeah, both are hearing and cannot sign worth a shit. But that is not the issue here.

I was blown away when we convened back in the apartment for dinner, Steve cooked his home-made chicken pot pie for three of us -- know why I was blown away? Steve made the crust lining up with our names on each bowl! I feel like it was the cake that you cannot eat. My own name on my chicken pot pie!! Fantastic!

I kept on staring at Chris' eyes -- it was intense. He had a soft and thin beard. He reminded me of someone but I could not figure out who it was. I told him about it. He told me that I looked like Greg Kinnear (!!) and that I looked much better than Greg. Now I really like Chris's optimism. It is not overtly optimism but soft one.

Back and forth, we talked, dined and wined. Then Chris wrote on the paperpad for Steve which made me smile gleefully, it reads: "Daddy, Can we keep him?"

Such compliments are sweet and touching.

You bet that Chris, Steve and I will meet again soon to hang out ... as soon as I return from Las Vegas or Toronto. I really liked them very much. Oh, yeah, menage a trois did occur. It was such a positive experience. For that, I am grateful of Chris & Steve.

Later, studying Chris's face, it struck me ... I know who he looked like -- Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi! I told him, he smiled gleefully and said, "Not me! Wow, me? Not me! I don't look like him!" I nodded vigorously.

It was such a good experience. Thank you, Chris & Steve.



Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Stuff To Cover For The Day

Victorious: Now Alex Abenchuchan can shut up -- discrimination is discrimination -- I expected to put the flag up for one day but after winning the court case, the rainbow flag will rise on the Bridge of Lions for SIX DAYS -- what a way to rub in the conservative pricks? It reminded me of Virginia Cavaliers Women's Basketball team being ranked No. 1 in the nation with no loss, they went to College Park to play Maryland Terrapins who was ranked No. 23 in the country. The Cavaliers wasted no time in trashing the Terrapins and walked out with 111-64 rout. IN fact, the halftime reads Virginia leading by 45 points. Just like the gays did to the city of St. Augustine -- we routed them.

Ryan Zimmerman: Ryan Zimmerman has been selected by Washington Nationals as the fourth overall pick in the first round of the 2005 MLB's Draft, smart move by the Nationals. Expect the great stuff from Ryan Zimmerman for DC's Nationals. Perhaps in time, I'll stumble upon him somewhere else. I'd love to.

The Birth of Hybrid Man: Interesting article and I guess these guys in the Appalachian mountains shall join the ranks of Neatherdals?

How Refreshing! A friend of mine forwarded this to me about this and I thought it was great -- McWeenie needs that so badly.

How Bush learned from Nixon: This is great article -- makes you wonder about the sincerity of GW Bush and Dick Cheney. These are not true All-Americans nor good people. They are interested in power, prestige and money.

Russell Crowe's Another Brawl: It was reported in all media that Russell Crowe became agitated and threw the telephone at the hotel clerk in Manhattan's Mercer Hotel, thus injured the hotel clerk that required the stitches on his face. Russell Crowe was subsequently arrested and he now is facing the possibility of prison time for 7 years and banned from entering the United States permanently. I honestly do not care about his antics. It is so fow. But ... what caught me the attention is that the hotel where Russell Crowe stayed costs $3,905 per night. Cowabunga!

A Question For Women: Today, I called the video relay interpreter -- an interpreter popped up on the screen. It was the person with bald on the top of head with long hair around the sides. What baffled me is that it is a woman. Can a woman go bald? I know of women being thinned out with their hairdo, but completely bald? Is this possible?

The Reasons I Hate GW Bush: Thanks to John Aravosis' about this link. Very creepy. Flash Required to view the contents.


Welcome, Jacob Allaire

I'd like to take a moment to congratulate my dear friend whom I once worked for as the supervisor of computer labs at Gallaudet. She was a great boss, I absolutely loved her as a boss.

I was delighted to learn that she delivered the baby boy -- Jacob Allaire Augustine last Tuesday evening. It is healthy and big boy, 8 pounds and 9 ounces. Many of you knew that Shannon is feisty short woman but she managed to pop the darling just fine! Amazing!

Congratulations, Jason and Shannon. Welcome, Jake.


UPDATE: You guys can see the pic of Shannon Augustine before Jacob Allaire was born. It is gorgeous!!!! I know Shannon is going to KILL me for saying this!


Dress Code & Thought

Bob Jones University is perhaps the nation's most nutty religious college. However, it has a dress code which is strictly enforced. I felt sorry for these nutty students. It is not prestigious to graduate from Bob Jones University -- in fact, you should be embarrassed that you graduated from BJU if you mention to secular friends!!

Anyway, it is hilarious to read the University's dress code..

I'm not a fan of Abercrappie & Bitch but after reading this, I say WEAR THEM!

* * *

It was reported that Natalee Holloway is likely to be murdered. Even her uncle said that she is naive and dependable on others to do the job for her. Such a classic dumb blonde, is it? She also attended her church regularly -- if she learned to fk the church and be the true mischevious a little in life, she'd be alive. Now there are people who are passing out the yellow ribbons? Yellow? Perfect color for a dumb blonde. What a FOW!
