Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Things That Makes You Sigh, Grimace and Snicker!

Cochran Is Dead! According to CNN, Johnnie Cochran is dead at 67 in a hospice due to the neurological problems. I was not aware that he was in a hospice? Either way, Cochran may be the nation's famous African-American lawyer. It is easy to recognize him anywhere. I think he is bold in what he does, not many old boys' groups liked him.

Another Hearie Dead: And they say that I'm bitter. Check this out.

From DowntownLad: DowntownLad, a charming fella in Manhattan pointed me to this particular blog which led me to ... Terri Schiavo's blog! Priceless! Hysterical! Now I know the Golden Doors in Heavens are permanently closed on me. Which is fine 'cuz do you think I want to be hearie up there?

Update: I found this community which is devoted to the killing of Terri Schiavo. Hysterical.

Billy is now Cliff: Billy of now-defunct Wet Dreaming is now Cliff Rhodes. That is a major turnoff. I used to enjoy his blogsite because he seemed to have a lot of experiences -- owned a home, used to run a gay bar, has a long-term relationship, was married and also had a child. He is in his 40s, has a beautiful daughter and has a great relationship. Or so I thought. He is now a porn star. Some people cheered him on. I saw the gallery pics. It is pretty hot ... and tacky. I mean, I really feel sorry for his daughter when she grew up and found out that her pop is a gay porn star. What kind of father is he? I do not know. Don't ask me, I'm pretty clueless -- it won't surprise me that some hearie gay elitistic bloggers will holler and cheer him on -- sometimes I wonder if being gay revolves around sex all the time? Back to his role as Papa, that is if he has a daughter which he claimed to ...

It reminds me of an article in The Onion where the teenager was going to jerk off until he realized that the couch is familiar -- and suddenly, it was filmed in his home -- and he realized that the fucker and fuckee are his parents. one day, it probably will happen to his daughter ... that is if he has one.


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

What Do I Mean By Hearie Fag Elitists?

When I cringe at the problems in different sections of life, I try to keep an open mind that there is more to life than just that.

It is interesting to note that there is a clique among the hearie gay elitists in every community -- including the blogosphere. Many would deny that it is true. In fact, it is true.

When Michael Demmons of FagOrbit copied and pasted the email from a guy who cannot spell very well and taunted this guy of his misspellings, he also attacked Mike Rogers of for crushing FagPatriot's voice. Well, you know the quote: People who lives in glass house should not throw stones. One person should not ridicule at an unfortunate person who cannot spell and advocate FagPatriot.

When I blasted him for that, his defense was that I'm a moron and that he knew some "sign language" -- yeah, right, like my ass knew how to sign! Did you notice that many hearies always claim that they knew a sign but when they do it, we rolled our eyes. One word sets off in our minds but we do not say it in front of 'em: Pathetic.

When I read BoiFromTroy's entry a LONG time ago, he hinted that he made a move on a teenager. Many of his friends hollered and cheered him on. I was the only person who told him that he is a molester. He is 29, according to his site, for the last two years. Nobody defended me. In fact, I was largely ignored or blasted. Later, BoiFromTroy altered his entry that he did not go "over the line". And he was never ostracized by his peers, eh? He is one of these folks who thinks they are God's gift to the society.

When I objected to FagPatriot's lies, folks either insulted me, ignored me and cheered on FagPatriot to continue his lies. It is appalling. FagPatriot also attacked others but hide behind the pseudo-name -- which I just learned is Bruce Carroll of Alexandria, Virginia -- when I pointed out that he shouldn't attack others while he remains silent about what the Bush Administration did, I was largely ostracized! Elitism.

Outside of the blogosphere, it is very common that hearing gay men tends to flirt deaf gay men on a superficial level in order to get what they wanted -- but when they are done, they tend to dump the other side and clamor with their group. It is very normal and common, but do I have to tolerate that? Fuck, no. I can make fun of 'em if I want to.

Look at -- it is a blog, right? And he called it an "" -- why a radio? To me, it is just my feelings, it sends a message that it is for hearing people only. Deaf people need not apply. That is the attitude of theirs. Elitism.

People out there thought they were cordial until I told them that it was offensive, they reacted that I was offensive, that they have deaf friends who never complained (yeah, right!) and that they knew sign language (yeah, right!). These excuses are very common among the hearies gay elitists who tried to shield each other and deny that they are racists, audists and offensive at times.

North Dallas Thirty, Lloydletta, ChristianGrantham, and FagOrbit are still on the FagPatriot/Rogers subject, they need to get a life. It is amusing that they claimed that I'm bitter because I'm Deaf. They said it because they wanted to feel superior above the bitter people. IN fact, they are the ones who are bitter queens. They are still whining and crying about FagPatriot's sudden crush. I embrace Deaf identity, I always am willing to hang out with hearing friends but there are at times that I *must* stand up for my dignity and respect. Nobody will trample on it and get away with it!


Queen vs. Queen

Guestblogger: McFly

Got this from

Boy George is still going after Elton John for his duet with Eminem. “He said doing it was a big political gesture. It wasn't,” George told the London Mirror. “I said it was just a desperate bid to be trendy. And that’s why he is so [bleeped] off. His boyfriend chased me into the toilets, hammered on the door and started yelling about all the good things Elton does for the gay community. Yeah, I said, well, that wasn't one of them, was it?”

Some Thoughts

Remember Paul Hatcher, the Head Coach at Robert E. Lee High School not far from my alma mater that won 2nd consecutive state AA Championship in Boys Basketball? Well, there is an article about Paul Hatcher and VSDB!

Speaking of VSDB's Athletic Director, Wayne Hite is an intriguing character. He used to referee for our girls and boys basketball teams for more than 30 years. He also played for Lee High against VSDB when he was in high school, I believe.

However, when the Athletic Director at VSDB became available. No Deaf person wanted to apply for this, considering the fact that vSDB's future is shaky, thanks to the Republicans, X-ians and Conservatives' manipulations of Virginia budgets for years.

Wayne Hite could not bear to see VSDB's sports to fall through so he volunteered to be the Athletic Director. And ever since, he managed to do very well. He scheduled stronger teams to prepare for VSDB and it helped as VSDB Boys Basketball to win 2nd place last year in Mason-Dixon Tournament, Girls Volleyball winning the Championship last year in Mason-Dixon Tournament and this year, the Girls Basketball team finished 6th Place, the best output in a long time.

I vividly remembered my first turnover as a basketball player when I got distracted by my coach waving at me and another teammate pushed me, I stepped and travelled! Wayne Hite whistled me for travelling during the basketball game in front of friends, teachers and fans at Llewellyn Gym. I was traumatized with the fact that I only entered the game then about 15 seconds later, I committed my first turnover. Sometimes in my dreams, when I get embarrassed, the dreams immediately go back to the travelling violation! Thanks a lot, Wayne.

On another subject, there is so much commotion on gay bloggers about FagPatriot's "silence" by Mike Rogers who threatened to retaliate for branding Mikie Rogers as "Gay Terrorists" along with John Aravosis. Apparently, FagPatriot wrote something to an extent, encouraging people to do "something" about them. That's why Mike felt threatened by that. Fatal mistake, FagPatriot.

I'm amused by the whole scenario because it is much ado about nothing. I also found out that FagPatriot's real name is none other than Bruce Carroll. Saw his picture. He's gross. There is no way in Heavens or Hell that I want to stalk him -- he's so ... ew! Yeah, he once commented on a blogsite that he got a restraining order against me considering the fact that I never knew his real name and he does not know mine. A typical pathological liar -- which is very common among the Roehmosexuals.

As I read Christian Grantham, GayOrbit, NorthDallasThirty, FagPatriot, Mike Rogers and few others ended up fighting against each other. All are hearing queens to start with. It prompted me to search for a comic book of more than 12 years ago.

Mordru, as you know, is my favorite character, comic book or not, of all times. He is bad-ass character. IN one issue, he was sitting on the throne, listening to the battles that he waged against the heroes. He commented, "Yes, yes, yes! Such a joy it is to hear their desperation! How sweet the sound of once arrogant voices turned to anguish."



Monday, March 28, 2005

Rainy Days Make You Ponder About Life

It is true. When it rained all day, it gives me the opportunity to stare and wonder about things in life. You cannot change things in the past, so better to use it in the present or future.

Among few things to utter today:

Burger King: Hadn't seen one in New York. Don't know where they are, do not care much for it. But I know there is one just off from Gallaudet in the District. I saw the commercial this morning that they just unveiled the whoopiest breakfast sandwich -- 730 calories with 47 grams of fat! It has rectangular sandwich with sesame seeds on it, along with three scrambled eggs, 6 bacons, two sausage patties and two slices of cheese. EW! Maybe Gallaudet students will gain this time around. But again, not all Gallaudet students are morning persons!

Smurfs? This morning, I watched The Smurfs, remember the tiny blue people. They lived in a community that has one or two female smurfs and the rest are males. Does it sounds like Chelsea? The way they decorated their community, they sounded so ... gay.

Gang signs: Yesterday, on the way back home from Chelsea, I walked past a group of young boys who were saying good byes to each other, they attempted to do the gang sign to bid them farewell. It was hysterical to see how they tried to sign. I wish I could tape it. I could not help but grimace until I passed them by and when I'm far away from them, I snickered so loudly. People around me may think I was insane.

Ever Seen 'Em? Living in New York means that you will have to contend with pigeons frequently, right? One guy on the local news commented that we never saw the baby pigeons, do we? Indeed. Where are they?

Speaking of birds: Ever seen a bird having a heart attack in the mid-air and fall down on the ground. Never did. Why?

Life is mysterious. It's fun that way.

Oh, by the way, kaybee will come over tomorrow to take a picture of my head. I'm taking a risk of losing a cute guy like DowntownLad, really.



Sunday, March 27, 2005

Think About It

You know the volatile issue with almost everyone else when President Clinton attempted to issue an executive order to overturn the ban on gays and lesbians from serving in the military during the first 60 days of his first term, I believe. Republicans, Conservatives, Pentagon officials and X-ians objected loudly for days.

Many said they cannot stand gays, they do not want to shower with gays. Blah, blah and blah. Clinton was pretty much cornered by this and Democrats told him that his decision to rush the change damaged his relationship with the Pentagon officials. How to solve? By having a compromise called, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that was adopted by Pentagon.

My good friend, Helmuth Boy, had a boyfriend in the US Marines. He was pretty open. I was horrified when he kissed Helmuth in front of his Marine buddies. But they kept his secret. Helmuth Boy said that he played with his boyfriend at the Marine barracks, always verging on a risk. It was funny, though.

Basically, the main reason President Clinton did attempt to issue an executive order was to fulfill his promises he made during the campaigns to stop discrimination on gays and lesbians who served well for the US Armed Forces. Many were dishonorable discharge which means they cannot get a decent job with the government. Don't tell me that they can find a decent job somewhere else. I know because my brother was dishonorable discharged from the Navy, not because of this policy but because he KO'ed the drill sargeant who berated him. He had a hard time to get a job for a long time before he finally got one, like 4 or 5 years later. Was it right? Of course not.

Anyway, it was much melodramatic in Washington (I know because I was there!) that Clinton had to make a compromise to appease both sides.

Now, many gay Republicans and gay conservatives taunted Clinton for starting it. It is ridiculous. They completely exonerated Republicans and conservatives who objected to this and held Clinton responsible for the DADT policy.

Tonight, I watched the rerun of famous show called M*A*S*H which ran from 1970 to 1981, won many acclaimed awards and was very popular with the viewers. In fact, when it aired its last show, the nielsen confirmed that it was the highest rating ever in the history of television. It even beat Super Bowl games, Seinfeld, et al.

But many Deafies did not care much for them because they were never captioned until now. Go figure.

But anyway, when I stared at that show, I thought it was ironic that in that show, everyone accepted Maxwell Q. Klinger's sexuality and he did his job. He was a drag queen ... always dressed as woman all the time but nobody cared.

Yet, the right-wing nuts goes bazooka in '92 over Clinton trying to override the ban with an executive order? These folks need to watch the reruns of M*A*S*H all over again.


Females Oppressing Females

Guestblogger: McFly

There is a strange phenomenon that has eluded from our microscope, female oppression of other females. Despite the women’s civil rights movement, women have not made strides in the encouragement and advancement of each other. Especially Deaf women-the worse lot. If anything, it is a well hidden and subtle form of abuse. Oppression begets oppression.

As long as this continues not to be dissected and discussed out in the open, each and every one of us is capable of this kind of abuse on our female counterparts. Females are raised in this society and unconsciously taught to nurture and care for men, thus neglecting the nurture of the same gender. Our media, role models and daily sublimal messages are bombarded with automatically honoring the male gender first and foremost.

Female bosses *tend* to impose a tougher standard on their female subordinates. What are the signs and behavior? What does it look like? For an example, during staff meetings the female manager has more eye contact with the males. Female managers practice a different set of behavior norms/rules and standards for females subordinates compared to male subordinates. Female managers verbally abusing female subordinates more than the male subordinates. My favorite bosses/managers over the years were the male ones. Sad to say, my most hated ones were the females. Female Deaf managers have many moons to go before improvement is made to end this cycle of abuse.