Saturday, November 06, 2004

Gay Marriage Nixed, What Next?

The State Board of Education in Texas just announced that they omitted the words like "gay", "partners", "contraceptives" or "unmarried couples" in the textbooks -- this forced the national publications that manufactured the textbooks to alter the wordings.

Gay marriage nixed by the religious nuts, now with this?! One official from Texas said that they nixed because they felt that gay people are suicidal, into drugs and unsafe sex. They do not see that suicide, drug abuse and depression were caused by the same people who oppressed against gays in the closet! Think about it! Oops, the religious nuts cannot think clearly. They follow the book. This right, this wrong. This right, this wrong. They cannot think on their own. They are just puppets.

And we have to deal and suffer for this bullshit. Now, the Bush Administration announced that they bring Dr. Hager, who is religious nuts and against the contraceptives in preventing unwanted pregnancies to run the FDA Board.

How great is this?

More X-ian nuts on the loose. They are dangerous than Osama bin Laden.

Thanks a lot, Bush supporters.

The City of Brotherly Love

After work on Friday evening, I decided I wanted to get away from Manhattan and hang out with few friends somewhere outside of New York. I thought of Jason and Gus -- Gus is having a birthday bash on Saturday nite, so I got in touch with Gus and Jason.

Got the nod, it was the last minute thing so I hurried almost everything to catch the 10:34 PM train to Trenton where Jason picked me up.

Then we were reunited with Liz. A hearing but yet fabulous and cool gal in downtown Philadelphia by South Street. It was so good to see her again and loitered for few hours. Then it was off to a suburban town called Norristown, just northwest of Philadelphia.

Upon arriving, the town is quiet at 3 AM. Unlike New York, 3 AM is dead. Drove Jason's car to Gus' place. It was a cinch to find Gus' home, after the years of visits.

Went to sleep downstairs in a cozy bedroom while Jason and Gus creaked one of their own upstairs.

Sometimes it is a good life. Good enough to forget the bitter disappointments. I think I am blessed to have good friends in life -- so many, true friends that did not disappoint me. But again, I want to emphasize that Amy is not a true friend. She is just a fiend with no "r" in it.


Friday, November 05, 2004

Is That For Me?

Awww, are you THAT happy to see me today?


On A Light (Bright) Note

This is going to hurt your eyes.

But who cares!

Happy Birthday, Beth Szymanski!


SYL to Amy, Brent and Jason

I shall repeat this -- more than 59 million people were retarded to vote for Bush. They unwittingly gave the victories to Christian fundamentalist groups who are capitalizing on this to advance its goals -- its goals to make sure that as long as I am gay, I am not entitled to the equal rights.

The Christian fundamentalist groups may claim that they are nonviolent but they promote violence by disregarding us as human beings first, thus permitting anyone to bash or ambush us, just for fun. Just like the school bully picking on effeminate guys. To them, it is good. It is healthy. That it is normal.

Speaking of normal, what is normal? Who died and allowed you to define normal? For a year and half, I lived in New York and observed different things -- one thing I learned the most valuable lesson of all is that being normal varies from one person to the other. You cannot decide which one is normal, which one is not. To do that makes you condesceding above the rest. To me, that is not normal. Mind your own business, for god's sake.

As Jim David clearly pointed out in his article which many people like Amy, Brent and Jason continued to overlook -- except Elisa, she is religious nut, she knew and advocated this despite the fact that she might have gay friends, but that does not matter to her as long as it benefits her, not anyone else -- our rights will be undermined in the long run.

I agreed with Jim David, it is time to evaluate my friendships with certain persons who voted for a person who supported the anti-gay platform. Amy the liar backstabber who does not know how to quit when you're behind, you are finished. You cannot say that you support the gay issues, you just cannot because you voted for a person who endorsed the Federal Marriage Amendment. It indicated that you supported a person and his party when they smeared gay people in order to scare up the voters and spread the false information, just to win the votes.

I cannot condone anyone to keep their heads in the sand while their party sent out the homophobes to use my feelings as an issue to wedge and divide the country. Shame on you, Amy, Brent and Jason.

And worst of all, Elisa, you professed to be a Christian and yet, turned your cheek or bury your head in the sands and permitted your party to use my love to create a wedge and divide the country -- that is something you should be ashamed of yourself. You are not a Christian as you would like to believe in. Elisa, you are simply just a white trash girl from Florida. Just like Amy.


59,054,087 Are THAT Dumb

Truer words were never spoken, Londoners.


Thursday, November 04, 2004

New York Smart, Heartland Dumb

It is not easy to work today. Considering the election turmoil that made me sick to my stomach. It is even worse to know that some of so-called friends went to vote for Bush, just because it's about taxes, morals or terrorism.

You will not solve terrorism by force. Get educated, please. Solve poverty and grant the equal rights to the masses will make terrorism disappear.

One person was right, New York is an island off the coast of Europe, separated from the rest of the country except for the District and the Northeast. New York, along with the District, Philadelphia, New Jersey and New England are filled with many educated persons who can tell that the administration was not telling the truth.

Many people in the Bible Belt, Midwest and the Mountain states are filled with gullible people who lived in isolated towns, villages and cities that often fell for any ideology that comes through the town. But here, people has street smarts, they knew who was telling bullshit or not. I guess that was what separated the most.

The Republicans and the administration fanned the flame that scared people related to the "gay agenda", "terrorism" et al. It is all rubbish.

New York was attacked, not the Heartland. And New Yorkers voted for Kerry -- that says something, does it? Even the citizens of New York knew Bush was lying. And the Americans who claimed to stand up for New York, abandoned New York on November 2.

When I went to a small town in Virginia, I was bit set back by its behavior. New York may be fast-pacing, behavior may be snobbish at times and so on. But what I saw in that town is surreal. Its people reacted to everything as if it was true all the time. They will say, "Gay sex is sinful because the bible says so." No rational explanation. No nothing. They believe anything that comes their way. They believe that rapture will happen tomorrow. They believe that to kill Osama bin Laden will stop the threat of terrorism. They believe that their government did nothing wrong with many countries. That we are always innocent. That everyone blamed us for screw-ups. They believe that Islam is evil and that it needs to be destroyed.

These stuff are what you called: Their traditions, beliefs and customs. These things lacked rationality.

When I visited a town in Vermont, I don't see that. I see the enlightened town with full of educated and informed people.

Bush succeeded in getting the people to vote for him using the scare tactics. The whole thing is simply sickening to deal with.

I will *not* be surprised to find out that a town somewhere outside of New York will be bombed. Perhaps, by that, people will realize that stopping terrorism by force will *not* solve anything. Nor using the gay agenda as a scare tactic.
