Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Few Jabs: Dartmouth, HushStorm and Sith Queens

Last November, I went to Hanover, New Hampshire with Chris and Shane for Dartmouth College's Gay-Lesbian Alumni Reunion. I wrote during my stay in Hanover which Dartmouth is the heartbeat of Hanover.

You see, Chris graduated from Dartmouth. Yes, he's a hearing but he's my friend first. When I was a junior at Gallaudet, Dartmouth intrigued me after its fierce battle with Virginia Cavaliers Women's Basketball team in the NCAA Tournament which Virginia won by 3. Dartmouth intrigued me becaue of its attitude. Meeting Chris kinda echoed my suspicions about Dartmouth. Chris asked me if I wanted to go with him to Dartmouth. I seized upon the opportunity.

I did mention to Chris that I was hoping to meet Dartmouth's Andrew Goldstein, an All-American lacrosse player who is probably the first gay to come out of the closet, especially with 'team-based' sport while he is STILL on the team. Gymnastics, fencing, figure skating and swimming do not count, honey. Chris grinned and said that anything can happen but no high hopes. I never saw him, though. Maybe I did but was too distracted with the beauty of the college and its town and Andrew probably passed me by. Who knows?

There are athletic players (no, working at the gym does not count!) who are gay like Dave Kopay and Billy Bean. But they came out of the closet AFTER they stopped playing. Of course, they do not count. Andrew is the first. Billy Bean turned me off when I went to see his lecture which he lacked an interpreter (after I asked for one) and I fired an email to Billy which he took a fucking YEAR to answer it!

But either way, I'm glad that ESPN did a great spotlight on Andrew Goldstein. You can read the articles I talked about the visit to Dartmouth on this, that and there.

Andrew Sullivan is correct when he said that we will win the whole thing related to gay issues including marriage because people will see that being gay is not a threat to the society after dealing with their teammate in Andrew Goldstein. We may losing battles as of now, but when the baby boomers are dead and removed from the society, they will be replaced by Gen X and others who probably will outpoll and outvote the anti-gay folks in everything. Mark my words.

* * *

Aarie of HushStorm lied! He said that "The Grudge" is not good as it is. I thought it was scary flick. I told Jason that if that damned child tried to yowl at me -- I'll fucking jump on the kid just to throw him off the track -- I won't show my fears. He agreed. Then I walked in the kitchen to get a drink -- then walked back to the living room through the dining room in the dark. Jason sprang like that child from the movie in the dining room -- scared me shitless. I nearly tossed the drink away. I actually screamed enough to wake up the Vietnamese and Guatemalans and some dead folks around here! Damn Jason.

* * *

I was supposed to head back to Philadelphia on Tuesday afternoon. But ... the group insisted that I stay one more day so that we can watch the open captioned of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith at 9:45 PM. Yes, I already saw the film two weeks ago with rear window captions, I was overwhelmed and confused for the first 30 minutes because I was not used to the RWC thing. But now with the open captioned film in Chinatown's new Gallery Place Regal Cinemas, why not? So expect to see us there!


Monday, May 30, 2005

Perhaps ...

Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise.

I took the Metro subway to Greenbelt. The line where I rode is filled with tourists for the Memorial Day Weekend. I saw a child lying on the subway platform, bored out of its mind, rolled around the floor. Its tongue touching the platform floor as the child's parents begged it not to stick the tongue on the floor. If I was a hearing person, I would kneel down to the child and say, "Honey, last night someone vomitted on this very spot. Think about it."

Proceeded to see Darlene for a dinner. We pretty much caught up with everything else. It was nice seeing Karl, Therese, Alexander and Heidi. Therese made a fabulous dinner of roast beef. I enjoyed it very much.

Soon I split from them in Chinatown en route to DuPont Circle, trying to beat the closing time at the store -- I failed.

So off to the Lizard Lounge. It is filled with twinks and bois, much to my disappointment. Lots of shoves and pushes, since my left knee is still not 100 percent healthy, it was pretty aggravating for others to bump into me. Naturally, drink after another drink, I became expressive in what I expect of others to behave.

I busted one wannabe interpreter trying to eavesdrop our conversations then I blasted him to smithereens that it was rude of him to do that. He profusely apologized.

Blah, blah, blah. I bumped into ... Luke and Ted! Two hearing friends of mine in the District whom I hadn't seen in nearly 4 years. They looked so good. It was such a blessing in disguise to see them in a lousy place like Lizard Lounge.

I also bumped into an acquaintenance whom I knew from New York in that bar.

We ended up gong home at 6 AM.

So today was very shitty for me and we are going to rent some horror movies so that we can snicker at sissies' shrieks tonight. Poor the neighbors.


Sunday, May 29, 2005


A Checklist For Sunday

_X__ See Darlene for a dinner!

____ Buy Kyle Breakfast and Bed's Inn graphic novel!

____ Buy JSA's Princes of Darkness!

_X__ Buy a jockstrap!

_X__ Go to Lizard Lounge tonight!

Ta ta!


Saturday, May 28, 2005

Big Ben Stopped

I saw a joke on MAD-TV where a dumb blonde twink was distraught to learn that Big Ben was named after a building, not someone's penis in London. He came back to the States and told his gay friends who wept at that. Hysterical, though.

Here is the information about Big Ben in London.


Mom Was Right

...And our Mothers said it'd make you blind or that your palm will grow hair if you jerk off too much. WE thought since they are women, they do not know a thing or two.

But now, it appears that they are correct, thanks to the FDA's announcement about the viagra linked to blindness!


Third Day

Ahh. I'm still crippled. If you saw me limping around the town, that is me. I personally suspected that I may have a minor ligament tear in my left knee. The reason why I suspected is because it kept on happening again and again.

Last night was relatively quiet night for all of us because we were largely exhausted from the fiasco on Thursday night. So we took it easy on ourselves and my dying knee.

Right now, Toby, Mikey, Wittig, Marby and I am staring at something in a bedroom right across from Toby's bedroom which is on 2nd floor. We are staring at a guy jerking off to the porn tape. The window is about 10 feet away from Toby's bedroom. All of us are enjoying the voyeurism. In fact, others are still upstairs watching the guy doing his nature's wonders.

The picture is grainy and bit dark -- but you can get the idea.

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Stroke It, Baby!

Of course, Wittig wrote this on Toby's fridge two days ago, of course I responded.

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Friday, May 27, 2005

Last Night

Last night, as expected, drama ensued.

Had a good time with Jess, Wittig, Toby, Mikey, Marby and Manny at Green Lantern. Then we went to The Fireplace's for an hour. I chatted with the bartender whom I am quite fond of when I used to live in DC -- and God, she still remembered my favorite drink!

Met another blogger. His address is in my jeans' pocket somewhere in Toby's bedroom. I'll mention it later, he has a cute boyfriend.

Then we went to The Apex where drama continued. And my left knee gave away ... again. I was trying to get away from the crowd that seemed to mirred with shoves and pushing. Then suddenly, my left knee was too slow (maybe IT was drunk) to turn left and I crashed on the floor, tossed my drink on the crowd. It was evident that I was drunk because I was concerned about not finishing the drink more than my left knee and the crowd that my drink landed on.

And today, I'm nursing the sprained knee.

Only first night of 4, already I got injured. Go figure.
