Saturday, April 30, 2005

A Suburb of Philadelphia

I'm currently in Norristown, a suburb of Philadelphia. I ran out of the city for the time being. I needed a timeout from everything else in New York. I can feel that I would head down for a burnout if I remain bit longer in New York.

I love New York because of its entertainment value -- it never ceased to amaze me.

But its connections with Deaf Community, especially with the gays and lesbians are dismal at its best. Philadelphia has a wide variety of Deaf GLBTs to loiter around. I may return to New York in few months (anywhere from 3 to 6 months, give it a shot!).

New York is not a place for people who wanted a boyfriend or a girlfriend -- trust me. It is a town of cheaters. Town of opportunists to play around. I'm cool with it, though. Hell, I played a lot when I was in the city. I fucked 6 or 7 married guys, to say the least! But I'm 31. I wanted to be content with someone else. Fags in New York simply does not have the time for that until they are in 70s, until it is too late. Or until they got the damned HIV thing first. Yes, I'm being stereotypical. So fucking what!

While I'm in Philadelphia, I am going to be content, eat right, work out (?! Yes, now I do have the time!), stabilize my exhausted mind and soul. I won't be that far away from New York -- after all, it takes less than $5 to get to New York by way of SEPTA and NJTRANSIT.

By coming to Philadelphia, I am exploring on finding ways to set up the Bed and Breakfast Inn, perhaps in New Hope or in Center City -- I preferred it to be in Philadelphia area because of its centralized location between the District of Columbia and Boston.

So it is an opportunity for me to figure out the exact things I needed to push before I hit the fortysomething, really.

Which is why you see the new picture logo of Philadelphia, instead of New York.

Since I had been here for the last two days, I slept heavily. I hadn't slept this good in a long time. I needed that, though. However, my friends, one negative thing to the whole thing is ... I do not know of any gay and/or deaf bloggers in Philadelphia! Any hints? Tell me.



The Dark Secret of Trekkies

I'm not a hard-core fan of Star Trek -- but I love Queen Borg -- I can envision myself as her, trying to conquer and assimilate everyone else into my collective! After all, I am always the perfect one and always the right one.

Among the favorite quotes uttered by Queen Borg was:
"Such a cold description for a beautiful gift."
"That is what many worlds and civilizations said to me, and now they are all Borg."
"Small words from someone else trying to attack something they do not understand."

However, this article from The Los Angeles Times was kinda alarming about the dark secret of Trekkies:

On one wall is a "Star Trek" poster with investigators' faces substituted for the Starship Enterprise crew. But even that alludes to a dark fact of their work: All but one of the offenders they have arrested in the last four years was a hard-core Trekkie.

Well, this is about the pedophilia article! Nearly all of Trekkies has a thing for kiddie porn.

And you wonder why people thought Trekkies were bit nutty ... but not me, I ain't a fan of Star Trek but by God, I love Queen Borg!

"Resistance is futile, you shall be assimilated into the collective."



Friday, April 29, 2005

Stop! Stop This ... This Is So ... MAGNIFICENT!

Thanks to Toby, my future hubby for the information -- this is simply magnificent. Read the article and pictures ... and be sure to have some kind of orgasm, okay?


Some 'Tards Did Not Mention ...

Gus and I stopped by some rest area to munch some food before getting back on the New Jersey Turnpike recently today. There was a nice frame by the entrance of the whatmacallit station that talked about Thomas Edison.

It mentioned about his childhood where he grew up not far from this particular rest area station. It mentioned all of his accomplishments. It mentioned about his marriage. It mentioned everything else except for one thing: his deafness.

None of it was mentioned that this guy is fucking Deaf.

I shook my head and flipped my middle finger at this frame in front of people who were reading as well. Gus asked me why, I told him to read it for himself. He did and said, "Thomas is Deaf, right? Why didn't they mention that?"

I responded, "Typical hearie crap, they are ashamed that they did NOT invent the electric bulb while we Deafies did so they clandestinely did not mention it."


For Your Own Thoughts, Women!

Category: Sports

In this era, I appreciated my penis. I really do. But I cannot help but be delighted with the progress of Title IX in the last 30 years. The law clearly forbade anyone that receives the federal fundings to discriminate women from playing sports. This was done in 1972 -- 33 years ago.

I mentioned about my passion with the collegiate women's basketball teams across the nation such as this, that and there on my blogsite when I can. It is a labor of love -- a passion of mine.

Coaches like Sue Gunter, Debbie Ryan and Pat Summitt talked about the days before Title IX -- they had to chip in order to survive with what is on their tables to make their teams successful. Mainly, many schools back then do not care if women's basketball teams win or lose. Only if they play. But to win or lose, who gives a fuck?

Since Title IX was enforced, slowly over three decades, many schools now demanded the coaches for women's basketball to perform better or they'll be fired.

I recalled remembering the times in 1980s where I do not read anything about the coaches being fired and replaced with better coaches.

But in 2000s, even it is aghast enough to see some coaches being fired at schools, they are replaced with better coaches because the schools wanted the national championships.

This year, I already saw the coaching changes at Richmond, Tulsa, Colorado, Miami, Louisiana Tech, Oklahoma State, California, Yale and so on. These schools (except for Yale) expected the term that is not familiar amongst the women's sports: Performance.

It is nice to see some changes in this country, especially for Women's Basketball ... since Dr. James Naismith invented basketball not for men but for women but fuck, men stole it for 20 years before women reclaimed it.

Again, even I have a nice cock, I acknowledged that men are pigs.

OH, yeah, some of my readers asked me why I started to like women's basketball -- I blame it on Aloha Tackett. This Deaf girl who is who I labelled as a corn-fed chick -- she's big gal. She can maul an opponent if she wanted to. When she fouled someone else, she'd be pissed off and when she had to stand by the line waiting for a hearing player to shoot, she'd shout at the hearing player to distract her from shooting the ball into the basket. Then the referee would warn her, Aloha would shrug it off. Then the hearing player tried again, Aloha shouted. She got a technical. And Coach DeVito would blast Aloha for being irresponsible with that behavior -- Aloha would 005 back and say, "LOOK AT THE SCORE! WE 58, THEM 22. SO WHAT!"

When I saw Aloha silencing the coach, that was the day I liked this sport. Ever since. Aloha Tackett, you rock, bitch. ;-)


iPods or MTA's Fault?

Let's Face This, iPods Suck: The news are being said that the iPods craze are to blame for the surge of subway crimes. AT least, very few Deaf persons owned one -- I mean, it's stupid thing, really. They can, at least, observe and be amused with each other on the subway train instead of being oblivious to their surroundings by listening to the sounds emitted by a machine. You will *never* find me wearing or try the iPods on me. If you do, you'll see the pigs flying in the sky.

Maybe the iPods Aren't To Be Blamed: The blame lies with whom? The MTA Workers, I absolutely *hated* dealing with the MTA fuckers when I came down to the subway station and was not sure where to go from there, I'd ask for a pen and paper to communicate, the person behind the thick glass refused and kept on screaming, ignoring or slamming the windows trying to get rid of me when I try to persist for some genuine information.

Sometimes, I want to blast the thick windows and murder them savagely -- one organ at a time. That is the least thing they deserved for behaving like this. I'm sure there are Deaf New Yorkers who wanted to murder them savagely. Perhaps, their incompetence caused the increase in subway crimes. Because what they do in that glass box is nothing but dozing off, insulting, berating and/or ignoring others who sought for information or help.

Hell, there are many posters on the trains that encouraged the commuters, tourists and riders to report the strange stuff that is being "left" on the trains -- it is worthless effort, honey. These guys in the glass boxes won't respond, listen or cared -- even if you banged on the glass boxes, they will NOT listen. They will just yell or make obscenities at you for trying to communicate with them. If I saw a bag under some seats, I won't report it to the MTA workers behind the glass boxes, fuck them. I rather to let it bomb. Let them learn the lesson for not doing their job. I may sound very cold -- but sometimes, shit happens. Deal with it.

Not Surprising ... Denny's Restaurant Got Sued Again: This time it happened in a red state ... in Jeb Bush's homestate ... Florida! Seven Arabs filed $28 million lawsuit against Denny's Restaurant because they refused to serve "Bin Ladens" in the restaurant. It is Arab discrimination, but what do you expect from Florida, really?

Upon reading the article, when the Arabs asked the Police Officer to file a compliant about the manager's behavior -- it was reported like this:
The lawsuit said a police officer who was a patron in the restaurant shouted at the plaintiffs to "Get out! Get out" and threatened to arrest them when they asked her to make out a police report about the restaurant manager's behavior.

This is very common among the Deaf people who got discriminated by hearing people -- when they asked the Police Officer to get involved, they would respond like this. Which is why many Deaf persons hesitated in dealing with the Police Officers -- why? Because they are hearing first, they are not Police first. They are hearing persons, first. They will side with THEM before rationalizing with the others.

IN this case, my instincts indicated that the Arabs are telling the truth while the cops and Denny's (also headquartered in South Carolina, famously for racists) manager claimed that the story was not entirely true.

Fuck hearies once again!


Thursday, April 28, 2005

A Sign On New Jersey Turnpike

Recently in the evening on New Jersey Turnpike, Gus and I drove down the highway. We saw the red neon flashing light warning the drivers, it reads:


Gus and I quickly looked at each other and broke out in heavy snickers.

