Thursday, October 28, 2004

This Is A Sign -- Jesus Is Coming! Look Busy!

What a long day. I was goddamned busy all day long. Finally, at 7 PM -- I get to read the local tabloids and one article made me smile for the rest of the night.

I am certain that you guys will smile as well after you read this article. Mind-boggling, though.



Remmy The E-Mail I Got From Folks Who Urges Bloggers To Support Bush?

Well, I got another e-mail today. It is bit weird to read this.

Enjoy this!


* * *

A week ago, we sent you an email asking for help debunking anti-Bush documents. After receiving hundreds of responses, it become clear that all the documents were actually real: the Bush/Cheney DUIs, the Ken Lay letters, and even the bin Laden memo. For more information visit the documents page:

We also received hundreds of emails from concerned bloggers that eloquently expressed the problems with the Bush administration. And as we travelled across America campaigning for Bush, we learned more than we wanted to know about Bush's policies. We came to see that this administration is a catastrophe for most people.

As a result, we are abandoning our support of Bush and officially endorsing John Kerry for President. You can read more at the Yes Bush Can web site:

We deeply regret our misguided support and apologize for our previous email. This will be the last email we will send directly to bloggers. If you want to join us in supporting Kerry, you can find out more here:

Thank you for your understanding,

Yes Bush Can

A Message to Deaf Republicans From Al

Dear Deaf Republicans:

First of all, I want to congratulate you for creating DeafRepublicans and air out the pros and cons. I was the Executive Director of TDI, then Telecommunications for the Deaf,Inc., during the Papa Bush and Clinton administrations. I was very involvedin developing the ADA and FCC regulations covering telecommunications relay services (TRS), captioning, and 9-1-1 access.

What really had happened were as follows:

The original ADA was introduced by Senator Wicker (D-CT) in 1988. It waskilled by both parties. In 1989, it was reintroduced by Senator Harkin(D-IA) because Wicker became the Governor of Conn. Papa Bush (R) was against it. Senator Dole (R-KS) got involved and convinced Harkin to include undue hardships to protect the businesses. Harkin obliged andlobbied for it in the Senate. After it passed, Rep Hoyer (D-MD) lobbied in the House of Reps. Papa Bush (R) signed it into the law in 1990. The responsibilities to develop regulations to the Federal CommunicationsCommission on TRS and captioning and to the Dept of Justice on the 9-1-1 access. The watered down TRS regulations were developed in 1991 under the Papa Bush administration and strengthened under the Clinton administration. The 9-1-1 regulations were developed in 1993 under the Clinton administration.

The FCC is usually administered by five (5) commissioners. Three, including the chair, are appointed and are of the same party as the President. Two are appointed by the other party. The FCC Disability Rights Office was created by the vote of 3 Democrats with two Republicans opposing in 1995. Practically ALL disability related issues were passed by the vote of 3-2 during the Clinton administration. The 7-1-1 was created in 1997 by vote of 3-2 under the Clinton administration, not by Papa Bush as you had stated.

When Baby Bush became the President, practically ALL issues AGAINST people with disabilities were either carried or watered down by vote of 3 - 2. Even a hotline to the FCC Disability Rights Office using was abolished, making it more difficult for deaf people to appeal for assistance with the FCC by vote of 3 - 2.

As of today, the FCC, under the Baby Bush administration, is considering of abolishing already watered down programs on TRS, captioning, and emergency access, to name a few, in favor of the industry rather than deaf consumers. In other words, should Bush remain as the resident of the White House, it is very possible that we, the deaf people, will go back to the dark ages of minimal relay services and unempowered captioning and emergency access.

Question: Are the issues such as economy, abortion, gun control, and stem cells, to name a few, more important than relay services, captioning and access to emergency services for deaf people???

In closing, I dare you to post this letter.

Al Sonnenstrahl

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Lunar Eclipse's Luck?

Congratulations to Boston Red Sox, 2004 World Series Champion! They finally broke the Curse of Babe Ruth after 86 years. Let the riots begin. Last week, when they beat Yankees, Boston Police Department tried to control the riot in Boston and fired something related to the pepper spray and strucked a female in her eye and somehow, it killed her. It may sound morbid but how many will die in the next few days? I'm curious.

Tonight in Midtown on the way to see a friend of mine at a bar before going to kaybee's home, I watched the lunar eclipse -- hundreds of people stopped to watch the eclipse on 9 Avenue. I watched. Then a guy stood next to me on my left side. He tried to speak. I turned my head to look at him, he was confused. He said in a clear speech, "You deaf?"

I nodded. He smiled -- that flash of smile immediately surprised me -- and said, "It's cool, right?" He pointed at the eclipse. I smiled and nodded. He had a blue cap covering his black curly hair. He stood next to me for few minutes. That smile, I knew immediately, belonged to Diedrich Bader. I didn't bother to ask for his autograph -- I don't believe in that. I want him to feel normal. Then he waved me good-bye. It was cool. So cool.


O-Boyoboy, Cannot Wait!

I am currently reading a book called "Only In New York" which was given to me by Sarah. Thanks. So far, so fun, so informative and so cool. Here is one of many tidbits from the book.

Q. I understand that, long before my mother first called me by the name, the original "Wild Man of Borneo" was exhibited in a New York City sideshow. Was he an actual primitive, and was he, in fact, from Borneo?

A. P.T. Barnum is generally credited with conceiving of the first "wild man" exhibit in the 1840's, which he presented along with other human oddities at his American Museum, located on Lower Broadway across from City Hall Park. Actually, there were two "Wild Men of Borneo", who were costumed in animal skins and encouraged to grunt and scream and otherwise behave in accordance with 19th-century notions of savagery. The wild men were played by Hiram and Barney Davis, twin brothers from Long Island. A more sophiscated public, eventually grew weary of such an obvious canard, but until the 1930's, other wild men, usually said to be from Borneo, were commonplace in circuses and sideshows. In the early 1900's, a "bona fide" wild Man of Borneo was presented at Dreamland in Coney Island. He was an Alsatian from the Bronx who darkened his face with burnt cork.

Oh, yeah, it also mentioned that New York University (NYU) had a football team and it was powerhouse among the country. The team crumbled right after World War II, can you guess what their team mascot is?

The Violets!

Oh, god. That is so fag.

Speaking of fag, Mike Rogers of announced that in the next 24 to 48 hours, the site will out two prominent Republicans that will shake the foundations of everything else in the politics, thus will certainly make it the biggest news of the decade for GLBT community. Boy, I cannot wait! The suspense is killing me badly.


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

A Question That Many Wanted To Know But Were Afraid To Ask

This entry is dedicated to my closest friend from Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Last Friday, another friend from Belgium dropped a bombshell that nearly blew me out of SAC -- what she said knocked me for a loop. I had to take a timeout to breath correctly in order to prevent the faint spells. SKSK to Yassine for freaking me out with the news.

It appeared that my closest friend from Amsterdam has a new boyfriend (let's hope that it was just another case of infatuation!) -- and this propelled a curiosity with a question mark in their minds but were afraid to ask!

This is hypoethical question, suppose if this guy joined the fraternity and fell in love with his "fraternity brother" and had a relationship, is it somewhat incest?

My friend, Chapstick Boy, said that it is not. It is more of interbreeding, considering the history of Gamma & Zeta relationships.

Any opinions on this volatile issue, my friends?


What A Joke

Few political gimmicks for y'all to smile and chuckle.

This website is interesting. This is amusing and alarming because they are not "distant" cousins. They are GW Bush's second cousins, just like Mary (Li*La*Lo) and Sandy (Sandy) from Tennessee are my second cousins. And they just launched a website, urging the undecided voters not to vote for their cousins. Says a lot about GW Bush's relationship with his relatives.

Deaf Republicans also launched a website of its own. It made me chuckle. If you look around carefully, you'll realize that it is full of shit. Know why? They do not have the links to ADA, Education, Health Care and Kerry's Record. Only Bush's Record and Captioning. Whoopee!

As you guys may heard, Fidel Castro fell and possibly broke his leg or arm or whatever it is. It always bothered me that a communist country ruled by Castro was absolutely *hated* by our politicians to a point where our government figuratively and literally crushed Cuba. There are people in Cuba that played basketball games without socks. I guess, our government actions were very noble. 50 years of punishment is enough. Why do we condemn Cuba for its communism government while we are pals with Vietnam and China?

And for Mr. Boucher, the spokesman for State Department to say "No" to a question by the press corps who asked him if he wished Fidel Castro well. This is fucking silly, Mr. Boucher. Even my unborn kids behaved better than you, u dumbfuck. Let's be mature and work something out with the Cuban government. Let's just perestroika (sp?) the Cuban government like we did with the Soviet Union. Castro outlived many United States Presidents! Our government may be the most powerful in the world but we lacked the common sense, that is for sure.

Cuba is insignificant nation with devastated economy but proud people -- let them go -- drop the economic sanctions. And no, that does not make me a Communist, thank you very much.
