Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Virginia Sports

It frustrated me that Virginia Cavaliers football team seemed to be unable to beat any teams from Florida. Even Virginia hosted Miami Hurricanes at Charlottesville, they were unable to beat Miami! UVa routed North Carolina Tar Heels by 34 points and Miami lost to UNC. Virginia trashed Clemson, but lost to Florida State who also submitted a loss to Clemson!

It is mind-boggling and baffling.

On another note, Virginia Cavaliers women's basketball team opened the season with a dismal start. They lost to Arizona State then barely beats Maine. By losing to Arizona State, they missed the chance to beat No. 1 Louisiana State. By losing to Arizona State, it proved that the team is vulnerable to shitty season.

Oh, well.


Few "Oohs!" at Republicans

One sentence: Practice what you preach.

It was reported that the Republicans National Committee National Field Director Daniel Gurley was exposed for having a profile that advocated the unsafe sex, known as barebacking.

Check the for his hypocrisy . How can he support the Party's platform and yet, participate in this barebacking activities?

It was said that when exposed Gurley's profile, the had to shut itself down after they were overwhelmed by Capitol Hill Staffers, trying to delete the profiles that they created in soliciting for sex.

There was a rumor on the 'net about the picture of Dick Cheney's dick. That his cock is well-hung. After seeing the picture, it is no wonder that he had several heart attacks. His blood went south, trying to maintain the erection -- probably using viagra too much.

Courtesy of

First, Gitmo Bay. Second, Abu Ghraib. Third, Fallujah Mosque. I saw the segment on PBS yesterday. The wounded guy did not seem to provoke anything. But it does not matter. The Marine yelled some obscenities then shot him dead. The Marines said that it was a "split second" decision to defend themselves because many insurgents had booby-trapped themselves with bombs.

I can take that. But ... the fights in Iraq is very delicate and sensitive to the cooperation of Islam-Christianity in stopping the insurgents. Yelling obscenities do not help at all. Don't the Marines learn to *shut* the fuck up?


Monday, November 15, 2004

One of My Favorite Pictures

Living in New York has a luxury of seeing so many cultures, all in one place. New York is also home to the world's largest jewish population, even more than Israel, I believe.

I got an opportunity to observe a jewish folklore dancing not a long time ago. It is gorgeous thing to observe but not to interfere. It was said that the original form of jewish folklore dances were eradicated, thanks to the Holocaust.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite pictures of all time.



Liberalism vs. Conservatism

Just read the local gay papers about Larry Kramer. Kramer is a controversial figure in both worlds -- gay and straight. He literally forced the nation to wake up to the AIDS pandemic. He also was instrument in founding the GMHC in New York -- Gay Men's Health Clinic -- after seeing the problems that gay men has encountered with HIV/AIDS discrimination.

Anyway, Larry presented a honest, blistering and damning lecture to the audience about Crystal Meth, Barebacking, Liberalism, Conservatism, Gay Community and of course, the recent election.

Larry told people who barebacked with crystal meth to "grow up". To stop "murdering each other." He also acknowledged that the conservatives scored a major victory in the recent elections. You can read his comments on this article.

Gary Hart wrote an article which he mentioned that liberalism has gotten the bad rap by conservatives. Liberalism is, by any means, not anti-religion. LIberalism was created to expose the hypocrisy and judgementalism in the government.

Conservatism was created when the hippies began to abandon the concept of 'Nuclear Family traditional values' in 1960s by a lawyer in Richmond. The conservatives simply never existed until after 1960s when they felt threatened that their "so-called" traditional values are being exposed and criticized. That's how they mobilized to "defend" their actions.

So liberalism is good, conservatism is bullshit. Apparently, over the times, Conservatives managed to influence the voters that if one challenged the government, s/he is a damned liberal. As if the word itself is dirty. It is bullshit, perpetuated by the Conservatives' pessimism. It is cool to be Liberal. In fact, it is better to be Liberal than to be one of the backward folks who insisted to live with outdated traditional values.

I got an email from a friend of mine whom gave me the link to the article. I was impressed with this. So to use the moral values as a justification to vote is ludicrious.

So essentially, liberalism rocks. Conservatism is just negative thing to deal with. A prick, to be honest.


Friday, November 12, 2004

Flying Ice ... or Flying Shit?

Found this on the website:

According to the, the family arrived home only to find a chunk of ice sitting on the daughter's bed.

Not sure if it was the flying shit from the airplane or something out of the skies.

Remember: The sky could kill you without an explanation.


One insignificant death, one significant death

Only in New York -- it was reported that a kind guy decided to give the local homeless bum a sandwich, then the next day, the same kind guy felt bad for that particular bum who seemed to be hungry. So he gave him $5 for food. The bum was offended and shot the kind guy dead. Ahh, just another insignificant death in New York.

In Knoxville, Tenn -- my cousin reported on her blog that a deaf student died in an deadly van accident which 5 other deaf students were injured as well. Maria Wooten is deaf, athlete student at Tennessee School for the Deaf. I was relieved that my cousin (Mary's daughter, Tori) was not part of the accident.

On another related subject, go to this particular website where you can view the funeral of Maria Wooten, there was a guy named Jamie Hensley. He's cute and my gaydar nearly broke itself when it went off uncontrollably after detecting Jamie. Umm. How awful am I, checking out guys at the funeral service?


Fun To Talk About People, Right?

Two days ago on 13 Street walking towards home from the GLBT Center around 11 PM. It was such a brisky evening. I saw a caucasian male in a fancy suit, looked very conservative with a sharp buzzcut hairdo. His eyes darted on the the sidewalk then to me back and forth in a rapid manner. It was obvious that he was scoping me out to make sure that I'm not "one of them".

Of course, I was not sure what he had in his mind as we walked towards each other. Soon enough, he passed me by with no problem. I turned to look at him. What startled me was that he pulled his spray paint can and sprayed on the abandoned building. I was stunned. This was not a liberal, thug, bum or even a punk. This was not a hispanic or black dude. This was a fuckin' guy who could pass as an employee at some taller building in Manhattan! Of course, always in New York. You cannot predict anything. This is the town where you can expect a female to rape a male. Or even a cat biting a dog. Or a rat chasing after a cat.

I just read the article that two cops in Miami used a stun gun consists of 50,000 volts to knock out a 6 years old boy who attempted to slice himself with a piece of glass. Wait a minute -- 50,000?! C'mon. Be serious. You'd be electrocuted by this little plug at your home up to 110 volts. But that amount of volts are absurd.

Scott Peterson was found guilty. Mark paged me that the prisoners where Scott will be assigned is going to be lucky guys. I smirked. Scott, enjoy the moments in the prison. Oh, you just dropped the soap over there.

I read another article on where a lacrosse player came out of the closet at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire -- the same school where I mentioned that I enjoyed visiting. I believe I saw him at the DGALA function at Dartmouth College with Chris and Shane.

Speaking of Shane, the charming guy over there in Ithaca who recently posed his picture which he apologized for failing the world to stop Bush from winning the re-election. I was bit baffled but now I finally understood. So I'm doing the same thing. Enjoy the pic -- and be sure to visit the galleries, by tapping on the link right below the picture! Absolutely amazing collection that will keep you looking at it for ... hours.

Sorry Everybody

I just read an article sent to me from a Kenfuckian about its deaf school. I once mentioned that it seemed to me that Kenfucky School for the Deaf seemed to roll out a lot of faggots from day one. No need to mention the names but trust me, the names outnumbered many deaf schools across the nation. I guess, the Kenfucky school knew how to train boys ... tad well. However, the article talked about the plans to "shrink" the KSD campus from 166-acres to 50-acres as a part of accomodating the "fiscal reality" for the school. The enrollment went from 450 to 141 in 28 years' span. Oh, well. C'est la vie.

Oh, yeah, that retard girl who claims to be 100% Jesus Freak (says a lot about her sanity) on Xanga claimed that a gally student made a death threat on her. I noticed that she was talking about me who shot her an email to let her know that I find her Xanga despicable, pitiful and ridiculous. That if she got shot, she'd deserve it. Actually, the world would be better place without her in terms of her warped but yet so misinformed thoughts.

She also thought I am also a Gallaudet student. Go figure. Says a lot about her current educational background. I love the irrational minds, they're funny to observe but not interfere. Oh, yeah, that wild4surfing prick. People like her made me cringe from time to time. Such a self-righteous pig. EchoJCharlie is pathetic as well.

Speaking of Gallaudet student, I just learned that a student fucked a professor at Gallaudet, not a long time ago. How interesting, though.

Have a good weekend -- it is raining as of now, but I also learned that Manhattan possibly will have an inch of snow by tomorrow morning. I'm heading off to Hell's Kitchen for my birthday dinner with S.

