Thursday, August 19, 2004

Hamm, Drunkard, Paris Hilton

Why is that people checked and typed anything with "gay" in it along with "Paul & Morgan Hamm" and directed to my blogsite?

I never said that they are gay. It is true that I think they are hot, gorgeous and all that. But I never said they are gay.

And I was happy for Paul Hamm who came from behind at 12th place to win the gold medal in Athens. They also showed a bit of the Hamms' Barn -- it is HUGE. Paul deserved it -- even I wanted Morgan to be part of this -- but I'm sure he is. When Paul learned that he won the gold, he was floored, excited, bewildered and pumped up. And humbled. That is sexy. Way to go, Paul!!

I watched the swimming meets, it is becoming of a rivalry these days between the United States and Australia -- very healthy, if you ask me -- but what made me look at Aussies differently is that its population is only 27 millions and the United States has 250-plus millions, and yet Aussies were able to compete with us very well. Kudos to Aussies.

There is an article that you guys will enjoy --
have fun reading this! Obviously, this one has a good taste -- the local ale is always better than the cheap beer.

Some of you asked me why I termed Melmira as Deaf Paris Hilton -- after chatting with a friend, we agreed that she dressed very well. She always look gorgeous and loves to shop. Like Paris Hilton -- I hadn't met a deaf woman who does that *all* the time. So I decided to use the term on her. It is a compliment, really.

Speaking of Paris Hilton, she is lucky that her dog, Tinkerbell, was found safely. Next time, it won't be. She lives in the area where there are plenty of coyotes, mountain lions and bobcats. Paris, next time, you'll see Tinkerbell butchered.


Addendum to Bass

I should mention something about Bass Hall. If you drive towards Staunton on Route 250, you'll see the Toyota dealership that went out of business on your right side, park it by the fence overlooking the downtown, Mary Baldwin College and my deaf school. You shall see the main building, appropriately called the Main Hall sitting on the top of the hill while other buildings sits closer to it -- Bass Hall sits right next to Main Hall on the right -- it is the tallest building in the area, perhaps in all of deaf schools, 7-stories high.

Today, there is a federal kaw that prohibits a school that goes beyond 4-stories high as per safety reasons. But my deaf school has a grandfather clause because it was built before the law was enacted.

It is remarkable to mention that in its existence of the dormitory, no deaths occured for many years ... until last year. You know, what happened is that there was a female student who returned to VSD from a weekend at her family's home. She went to 6th floor and jumped off and was dead on its impact. VSD students and staff were thrown into turmoil and confusion. Some people accused VSD of causing her to do that -- later, it was found that she was a lesbian and came home to tell her family about it -- her family is religious nuts -- and they were pretty harsh on her all weekend long so when she returned to VSD, she just went straight to 6th floor and did the deed. It was the first suicide in 160-plus years at VSD.


Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Few Tidbits from "I Remember..." by R. Aumon Bass

R. Aumon Bass, one of the most respected Deaf teacher by many others at VSD. Despite the fact that he was a teacher of the Deaf, the Board of Visitors named the girls' dormitory after him. Why not the high school building? Guess who ran the Board of Visitors back then? You got it right! It's hearies. So SYL to 'em!

However, R. Aumon Bass was educated at VSD and ended up staying at VSD to educate and work with Deaf students for more than 35 years. Not only that, he was actively collecting and preserving the history of Deaf Education in that state. He wrote two books. I'm going to select some interesting facts about my deaf school that R. Aumon Bass mentioned in his book, "I Remember..."

R. Aumon Bass lived to 101 years old, I believe. I'm not sure but I know he went over 100 years old. Here is what he wrote, the red comments are my own so you can follow what is going on:

"When I was a pupil at VSDB, an old soldier of the Civil War came directly to the chapel door and stood there and looked inside the chapel. I met there and offered him any help. He showed me where his bed was while he was in the hospital. His bed was near the stage on the east side of the chapel."

It is no secret that when the Civil War occured at New Market as the Northerners battled the Southerners, 30 miles south of New Market at VSDB's huge Main Hall and the Chapel was transformed into a hospital. There are stories that lots of dead bodies were thrown down the steep hill just few feet away from the current high school building.

"When I was in school, one of the boys and I found some human bones under the steep hill near Healy Hall."

R. Aumon Bass said it in a casual manner. To me, that is freaky.

"We had a good old former slave whom we called "Uncle Dennis" Shafer who worked and lived in VSDB most of his life up to his death in 1906. He saw the school under construction 1839 - 1845. He worked most of his time on the main hall. He was highly respected and loved by all at VSDB up to his death. I enjoyed talking with him."

"1839 - 1901, we had no nurse until 1901. The matron took charge of the infirmary. "Uncle Dennis" Shafer took charge of the children in the infirmary for the matron while he lived in the infirmary for many years. The whole school loved him up to his death in 1906."

I thought it was interesting that a former slave, black man was reveled by a white-dominated deaf school. At that time, no black student was *allowed* to enroll in VSDB. Yet, the school permitted a black man to take care of its white students. Plenty of contradictions, really. But again, that is so VSDB.

"We had only one Christmas holiday for many years from 1839 to a few years after I graduated -- 1908. The pupils were not allowed to go home from the opening of the school to closing (June)."

Can you imagine that? My Dad told me that we were lucky to go home "every weekend", he went home only twice or thrice per year in 1950s.

"1872, Paxton Pollard (deaf) was the first student from VSDB to be admitted in Gallaudet College."

"1907, Alvah Rasnick was the first student from VSDB who graduated from Gallaudet College."

Wow, it took 68 years for a student from VSD to graduate from Gallaudet College. Sigh.

"1958-1978, Mr. Joe R. Shinpaugh was appointed Superintendent of the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind, Staunton, Virginia. See the Virginia Guide, November 1958 - Page 1-2. Since Mr. Shinpaugh became Principal and Superintendent of the VSDB, he has turned out more graduates than all the superintendents of the past. He has also sent more students to Gallaudet College. More Virginia students have graduated from Gallaudet College. We, the students, the parents and the alumni take our hats off to Mr. Shinpaugh."

Many of you might say, "So what? Who cares about Mr. Shinpaugh?" His sign name is "S" on a person's heart. He is the child of deaf adults from ... Arkansas! Yes, his parents graduated from Arkansas School for the Deaf. Hold on this subject for a minute or two.

"1876, the aged mother of two of our pupils arrived at the school having walked, in two days, a distance of fifty miles for the purpose of visiting her children. After she had recovered from the fatigue of the journey, money was furnished for her to return to her home by rail."

Interesting, is it?

"Dr. John W. Michaels was one of our graduates, 1873. He taught at VSDB and at Arkansas School for the Deaf. He was a teacher, principal, author and minister. He married Miss Mary Agnew Scott with me in 1912."

Again, Arkansas. As you can see ... even today, Arkansas and Virginia still shared these bonds for more than 100 years. Drake, Shinpaugh, Frick, Copeland, Michaels and now with me, Chlms, RozRana, Fears, Silas ...

So you can see why I hang out with Arkansas friends at the Gallaudet Barfeteria -- I never planned it ... apparently, someone intends me to be stucked with these Arkansasites.


Wanna Be Branded?

I watched the local news last night where they interviewed a girl who was hospitalized after falling off her skateboard in East Village near my workplace.

She showed her back, which the doctors at the hospital applied the ice on her back for several hours and warned her that it is going to be permanent. What happened is that she fell on the manhole and apparently, the manhole was very hot and it branded the whole thing on her back. ConEd is "investigating" the incident. Yes, I saw the "ConEd" on her back.

Only in New York, my dear children, only in New York.


Monday, August 16, 2004

Where Are You, Patti?

I miss Patti Raswant. Can anyone else help me out by locating her and get her in touch with me?!

Plus, I added a new link to my cousins' blogs. Welcome, Mary and Sandy. My god, you guys are blogmaniacs!


Few Things To Be Amused

How do you guys like my newest look with haloscan box?

Happy Birthday, Merritt!

I'm completely JEALOUS of Eric and Delanne's newest home. These views of Mount Olympic is simply overwhelming! It will be absolutely great to wake up and breastfeed and watch these mountains, all in your home!

Benis is now 21. Happy Birthday, Benis! I'm tickled pink that Benis drank his first Alcoholic beverage -- Cape Cod -- I know y'all groaned at this. For people who do not know why, Cape Cod is my favorite drink.

I'm disappointed that Hurricane Charley did not come to Manhattan. It wimped out like many hurricanes when it comes to New York. They probably sensed that we'd have wild parties if it comes to Manhattan!!

Reading Amy's reminiscing moments about her Hurricane Frederic -- it reminded me of mine.

My favorite hurricane is Gloria. It was a massive, huge storm that skimmed North Carolina and Norfolk-Virginia Beach area before skipping back to the open sea. My parents' house lived about 60 miles outside of Norfolk, my brother and I pulled the recliners from the living room to the front porch as we enjoyed watching the trees doing these wild dances. Man, it was CHAMP -- when the thunders boomed, we looked at each other and say "OOOOOO", then when the lightning flashed, we giggled like little girls in a church who noticed an old man's pants with an open zipper. When Mom arrived home, she went berserk that we hauled the recliners in the front porch -- she thundered worse than Hurricane Gloria, "What if these fucking Gloria decided to blow this fucking porch apart and you in it?!" Suffice to say, I was more afraid of Mom than Gloria.

My 2nd favorite is the Ghost of Daniel -- this happened right after Hurricane Daniel hits the land and when the eye died out, it becomes a ghost but it still provided heavy rains, tornadoes and all that shit. It flooded the cul-de-sac at my home -- I was excited and saw the neighbors' kids running and swimming. I ran out to join them. My brother, Gary followed me along as there were winds, lightning, thunders and heavy rains happening all around us. Mom was horrified and tried to pry us out of the "pool". We refused -- but when she shot a line, "Fine! If you get one of these 400 different diseases, don't make me take you to the hospital!" Gary and I looked at each other and ran back inside. Ahh, well.

Hurricanes are fun. Enjoy it while you can. Sometimes it kills, destroys but it is always entertaining to weather through one. Ask Berna and Rico, we weathered a tropical storm while we were at a waterpark. Only less than 15 people were at the park -- we swam all day long. That was Tropical Storm David, I believe.

Amy and Jeff, do you remember introducing me to the boat landing at 2nd floor of MSSD Parking Lot? Did you know that they replaced that cushion?

Do you remember the drive we rode with Monigan and French girl to the Lincoln Monument. Then we tried to stop that French Girl who fell into the Potomac River? These memories still lives within me. I laughed so hard that I bawled myself out.


My Weekend

To my fellow Blogmaniacs, I apologize for not entertaining you with the latest additions. That will not happen again unless I am on a vacation. *smirk*

What did I do over the weekend? I had a nice time, really. Honest! I'm serious! My weekend began with watching the Olympics, witnessed a pregnant woman beating up on her boyfriend and hanging out with Ty.

Yes, true biz about the pregnant woman beating up on her boyfriend in my apartment!! Some things are better left unsaid. *smirk*

I was watching the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics in Athens ... twice. During the evening and during the late night. Why? I missed some key points that I was told by some friends. Did you know that Iraqi's flag-bearer is the one who is the nation's best in ... shooting? BJ and Web looked at each other and laughed so hard. Of course, he is the best in that shit.

On Saturday night, I wanted to stay home. I really do. Like I mentioned before, I did not want to go out. I was not in mood to go out and deal with people. I like to be reclusive. But Perlis, Breen and Web insisted that I go. I caved in. So off to Barracuda where I met Ty and Bianca. Ty looked so good as ever. Ty brought his friends who performed in Big River to the bar and mingled with us all. I was the VEE-VEE the whole night long. I got a pissy hangover the next day. So I spent the day watching the US Olympics.

I saw the Hamms. Their facial expressions on their performances in gymnastics are SEXY!! Too bad I did not jerk off. I never wank off to the shows that has clothes on. It must be off. Sometimes, the guys with underwears can turn me on.

I watched the US Men's Basketball team with horror, I quickly paged Beth -- knowing that she did not give a shit about it -- that this is going to be horrifying game. You know, when I heard that Stephon Marbury and Allen Iverson being selected to the team, I knew that they will not win the gold medal. Both players are into themselves. Why do you think Coach Larry Brown left Philadelphia for Detroit and subsequently won the NBA Title in Motor City?!

I personally saw Allen Iverson when he was a sophomore in high school. He played at Tabb High which defeated my hometown, Hopewell High, 74-68. In that game, Iverson had 44 points and Childress had 26. It was such a show. I knew that he'd end up in NBA eventually. But he does not qualify to be on the Olympics team. I expect us to lose to Puerto Rico by 5 or 10. But not fucking 19!! Of course, I'm pissed off about it.

I do not know if Terrence Parking, the Deaf swimmer from the Republic of South Africa, will get to play against Ian Thorpe (Thorpedo is sexy than Phelps!) and Michael Phelps. I wish Terrence gets a chance to shock them. That would rock! That would be the coolest thing that a deaf person kicks a guy of that magnitude.

You know, when I watched Michael Phelps being interviewed by NBC TV, the TV zoomed in on his face. It showed his teeth. It seems familiar. Then it hits me -- I said, "Oh, my god -- Boucher!!"
