Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Why, Colin, why?!

Colin, why?!

Why her?! She's that old geezer. I cannot believe this. Two hours?! God, Colin, you can get me in less than a millisecond -- in fact, you can get me without EVEN asking me a question!

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Such A Fuckable One!

And I probably will fuck your brains out. And when I'm done with you, you'd never want to try a woman again, I can vouch that.

Hat Tip: Wojnar for the link.


This and Over There

I got 4 emails telling me that there is an article in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about a Deaf brother killing his Deaf sister and Deaf brother-in-law, check the Simich Drama out.

A Brief Note to Fucktard: NO, there won't be divisions between pro-Simich and anti-Simich like you both wanted it to be. It won't happen at all. Like Larry, I was at Gallaudet when the drama ensued with two murders, in fact, I was next to Jeff Carlson when they announced the identity of the murderer -- my first reaction was: Joseph Mesa, Jr who?

My second reaction was snickering at how the dumbass Provost Jane Fernandes jumped wildly on the stage -- so embarrassing.

But I digress. Nobody divided into pro or anti groups as you would LOVE it to be, Fucktard(s).

Anyway, I have a lingering question -- should I leave Mordru on the top right there or replace it with Amethyst?

Vote this:

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Take a pick. Let me know.


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Bombarded Him To His Death ... ?

Boynton Beach, Florida -- It was reported to me that a certain deaf elderly person died of heart attack a day after sustaining the barrage of offensive insults, slurs and demeaning comments during the committee meeting to finalize the plans to have the bowling tournament for the Deaf in West Palm Beach, Florida recently during the Easter weekend.

It was said that this particular person who died was not profilic in ASL, not familiar with Deaf Culture and was not exactly smart to begin with. But that did not stop Elmer from putting on an offensive campaign to demoralize his ASL and intelligence skills as well as crushed his self-esteem. Elmer ultimately punctured this misfortune person's heart to a point where this person died of heart attack the next day.

The rumors, of course, went as far as Seattle, Boston and to Los Angeles and came back with the question: Did Elmer cause him to have an untimely heart attack in the process? It was said among the Deaf elders that they considered Elmer to be the "murderer with words". This particular person, Elmer, has a reputation of being abrasive and mean at times.

Any thoughts on this subject?


Mann Coulter Is Still The UGLY Bitch!

This girl/trannie/boy needs to be bashed. It'd be hilarious to see someone picking up the whiffle bat and knock the ugly bitch down to the floor.

Why? Enjoy this entry. This ugly bitch decided to be the spokeslut for people who dissented the government of its antics.


Is This Wrong?

I'm not certain if it is offensive -- it kinda sounded offensive AND a way to compliment a player.

Coach Cochell, the Head Coach of the University of Oklahoma Baseball team, resigned after he praised Joe Dunigan III of his committment to the baseball program, "There is no nigger in him."

Naturally, the coach resigned and also has to undergo the heart surgery to relieve his coronary artery that was 70 to 80 percent blocked.

What do you think of this? Is it offensive or what?


Wow, Richard Gere Is So Nice!

Two deaf siblings who has a severe form of muscular dystrophy wanted to meet Richard Gere at White House Correspondents' Dinner ... Richard Gere kindly responded with inane comments and behavior that pretty much turned off two deaf fans in the process.

Makes you wonder about what kind of person Richard Gere is?

One time, Steven Seagal reached out to handshake me in Los Angeles, I stared at his hand and shrugged off on it, I personally do not believe in that stuff -- Steven Seagal insisted that I shake his hand. I declined. Then he went on to shake others' hands then came back to extend his hand to me. I still refused to do that.

Imagine that.


Thank You, Joe Shirley, Jr!

The Navajo President Joe Shirley, Jr. vetoed the gay marriage ban proposed by the Navajo Tribal Council which extends its control in Utah, Arizona and New Mexico.

His argument is that it is waste of time to focus on whereas there are more immediate problems to take care of such as domestic violence, sexual assaults and gangs on the reserves.

And it comes in conflict with the Navajo's teachings that promotes the nondiscriminatory towards all.

Thank you, Joe Shirley, Jr.
