Friday, February 25, 2005

See What I Mean?

Today I tried to post an ad on -- in order to verify myself to pose the personal ad, one has to type the five letters to prevent from being spammed.

It popped up five letters that reads like this:

I can't get a break from this.

Oh, well.


The Somerville Gates

You know The Gates, the famous orangish thing that runs around the Central Park?

Well there is another one in Somerville, Massachusetts.

It gets so popular that they had to shut the website down.

Just perfect for my grouchy mode.


Maria Shriver Must Love It!

This is gross.

Hopefully, gay men will think twice before imitating this fool.

(Still in that mode)

... And TGIF?

What the fuck is going on with the live reports about the old geezer in Rome? Like Beth said, drop dead already! Do not interfere with my ordinary yet so boring routine with life so far.

I don't care much for the old geezer and his pessimistic attitudes on gays. I rather to save Toby than to save this Pope John Paul II.

I'm still in that funky mode. It is getting worse. I think you can see it on my blogging performance. Maybe the weather is to be blame? It is still snowing as I speak.

These days, I am bit annoyed reading some of cliquish bloggers who shrieked about things that means nothing to me.

I just learned that Andy Lange, the current President of NAD, got a position within that group, the CSD organization in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He also purchased a home in Sioux Falls as well. It is certainly mind-boggling to know that the NAD's relationship with the CSD has been, at times, strained and each badmouthed the other in the last few years.

And now Andy, himself the President of NAD, works at CSD?

I guess it goes with a cliche that says, "If you cannot beat 'em, hire 'em."

I guess, this is another opportunity for Andy to continue and expand his personal needs which many Deaf people within the NAD and the CSD are aware of.

Ahh, I really felt for these persons who rejected someone' advances. In a certain way, I'm thankful that I'm faggot which I do not have to contend or deal with these crazy notions out there.

I was surfing the CSD's website. It is amusing to see that so many NAD members are working for CSD now. I cannot help but to be curious about the relationship between the Mother Rarus and the Son Rarus?

It is interesting to look at the "people" of CSD, so many of them used to work or serve the NAD before flip-flopping over to the CSD. Not that it is bad to flip-flop but certainly interesting. Curiosity piqued me a little -- I do not see any minority groups except for high profile figure like Dr. Davila. Maybe gays do not want to be caught dead in Sioux Falls. But what about African-Americans? Is there any in Sioux Falls?

I once visited Sioux Falls in '98 and stayed for two days. Visited CSD and SDSD. Even visited the town's only gay bar through the alley! I is the VEE! But guess what? I do not recall seeing an African American walking around the town.

I also learned that YLC (Youth Leadership Camp) is going back to Camp Taloali after the two-year hoppings at South Dakota and Florida. Because of repeated hurricane strikes that devastated Florida last year, the Camp Endeavour cannot provide the location for NAD's YLC. So it was left with no home. So they are strolling back to Oregon. I went to YLC in '90 and it was the first year of NAD's YLC in Oregon, after more than a decade in Minnesota. Tim Rarus was the YLC Camp Director at that time, now Tim Rarus works for the CSD.

Suffice to say, my memories of YLC was mind-blowing one. I am not sure if the readers wanted me to touch the good and bad sides of YLC during my stay at YLC. Do you guys want me to talk about it? Let me know so I can think about sharing some of explosive issues that the NAD probably does not want the world to know.

Anyway, as you can see the moods I am in as of lately, it is no secret that I am easily pissed off at little things around me. So when I learned about the recent developments that has nothing to do with me, I get annoyed anyway!

I must thank some certain friends who has been patient with my grouchy side. Merritt, Manny Swoosh, Toby O., defbef, McFly, Jeff, Alex (Yeah, that Abenchuchan boy), Perlis, Ty the Superstar and Sarah. They managed to make me smile for few minutes before I slip back into grouchy mode.



Wednesday, February 23, 2005

New Nickname for New York?

The Big Apple, to many, is so yesterday.

They wanted a new nickname for New York City in time for NYC 2012 Olympics -- they are working to make it "The World's Second Home".

I thought it was a hairball.

I preferred the term suggested by AM New York newspaper:

The City Your Mama Warned You About!


Funky Conspiracy Theories?

Was babbling to Ty about the funky moods and frustrated, along with few IMs with Beth, Sarah and Jason.

Ty in Califunny cracked me up -- here is the dialogue:

Ridor9th: i'm in these funky moods these days
Ridor9th: ugh
XXXXXXXXX: it's in the air
XXXXXXXXX: something's going on
XXXXXXXXX: i feel it too
Ridor9th: making me want to bang my head on the wall or something
Ridor9th: all right
Ridor9th: getting something to eat
Ridor9th: perhaps a cat [My roommate Perlis' cat]
XXXXXXXXX: ricky! eating pussy... you've finally come around... hee hee
Ridor9th: *groan*
Ridor9th: perv
Ridor9th: :-)

Slip Into The Ocean, Please?

I'm still in that funky mode.

You know, when I grew up, I had to hear the incessant remarks of how "awesome" California is all about.

Now, it's raining incessantly and the grounds are too saturated. Any homes can just slip down into the ocean if they wanted to.

Even if the rains are done, they are not out of the woods for weeks.

Should an earthquake occurs, things shall happen so dramatically -- things will go down with lots of rumblings and tumblings.

Much to my chagrin and amusement, I'm all for it. I'm so ready to see the portions of California in the ocean just to see people's reactions on it.

"Oh, California is so overrated."

"Hollywood is now located in Barstow!"

"Oh, California is so yesterday."
