Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Defund the Police

Let's face the truth.  Many Law Enforcement Agencies are overrun with white supremacists, racists, neo-nazis and all that shit.  This link proved it all.  We have these dangerous and bad cops and what's worse, we also have the so-called "good" cops who enabled and protected these dangerous cops as well.  To make things worse, the departments tend to fabricate a lie after another lie to protect its own staff members.  Not only that, they have these police unions who will do anything to protect them. 

And at the same time, they continue to ask for the complete support of funds, community and all that shit. They also militarized their departments to a point where they can sustain a local battleground if they wanted to. And it is appalling that with these facts, they continue to send out the messages of "doing good things for the community" through its heavy propaganda on their Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and website.  

This is why defunding the law enforcement agencies is necessary. It is to re-allocate the funds away from them that makes them too powerful in the first place, it is time to control the departments.  They are supposed to protect and to serve but these days, they are not doing a good job of doing that. In order to cleanse the racists and systemic racism, one needs to take back the control of these departments.  Defunding is one of them.



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