Sunday, September 13, 2020

When Will We See Mordru The Terrible On Any Motion Picture?


So far, I'm enjoying the first season of Cobra Kai. It is quite refreshing to focus on the character that was once a hated figure in 1980s rather than to focus on the beloved one. 

Many of you knew that I'm a diehard fan of Amethyst and Green Lantern - these are superheroes but I'm also a huge fan of one particular, powerful supervillain named Mordru the Terrible (Or Mordru the Merciless). 

I always felt that there should be a motion picture focusing only on one figure: Mordru.  He is a simple yet so complicated character.  It is quite frustrating that he only made four brief appearances on television - in 1979, 2004 and 2006 - while DC Comics chose to focus on Zod, Doomsday, Poison Ivy, Darkseid, Joker, Penguin ... these characters, Mordru would have killed them all in one move. 

Hell, they made a movie about the life of Joker. Mordru would have snuff his life just like that. Harley Quinn?  How cute, Mordru would have her as a personal slave.

Mordru is immortal being, he was never born nor will ever die. He's some sort of energy, a being that belongs to the Lords of Chaos. The background on the Lords of Chaos, due to many reboots, is not clear at this point.  So you can see the potential to explore and identify Mordru's history and background is absolutely open for anyone to seize and create.

Give me the film that will focus on Mordru and his conquests, DC Comics & Warner Brothers - and don't fuck it up. I know WB has a long history of fucking the characters up but don't fuck my Mordru.



Friday, September 11, 2020

About HandSync

Show the support for BIPOC-created performance group called HandSync presenting its first performance tomorrow night via online.

HandSync was founded by LiLou Covvarios.

For further information on buying the ticket and watch the event, visit this link:



Today is 9/11. It Is Time To Honor Nicholas P. Pietrunti

Nicholas P. Pietrunti was Deaf fellow who worked at Cantor Fitzgerald at World Trade Center, working at 105th floors when the plane crashed and he perished.  He was a member of Staten Island Club of the Deaf and beloved fellow of Deaf friends in New York City.

When I visited New York last year, I made it clear that I must pay the respects to this fellow at World Trade Center.  

Today is 9/11/20.  That means what?  it has been 19 years since his death.  Please post and mention his name.  He does not deserve to have his name slip into the great void and be forgotten.  We need to remember him as well.

His name was and still is Nicholas P. Pietrunti.  



Thursday, September 10, 2020

All About Bay Area, California

I was in Bay Area.  I have to say one thing:  Bay Area is fucked up.  And you can thank Mark Zuckerberg and Peter Thiel for that.  They totally destroyed the region.  I absolutely cannot see how anyone can fix it up.

As for me, I'd prefer to stay put in Pocatello to ensure that no "little" Silicon Valley will fuck this town up. And you need to make sure that your town(s) does not allow these companies do the same thing.  Let San Francisco be an example to you all.



Thyst Bar on Zoom

After watching /the social dilemma_ on Netflix, I have decided to back away from Facebook for a long time.  Its algorithms are nothing but a troubling part of what is wrong with me, Silicon Valley and the Bay Area.

It is true that I went to Bay Area last weekend for 6 days.  What I have observed is quite horrifying thing to see. More on that later.  

But first things first, I want to re-start the blogging that will focus on my thoughts, interests and aspirations.

Every Wednesday, I host Thyst Bar on Zoom and it is primarily for LGBTIQA+ and its allies.  Feel free to join on Wednesdays.  Sometimes I get inebriated with friends on Wednesdays but that's alright, right?

Sometimes, upon request only by Mikey Krajnak, Thyst Bar would and did take over Deaf Bears on Thursdays if needed.



Monday, June 08, 2020

Here I Have The Uncensored One

This is it.

In your full glory - with all the names.

You're welcome.

