Sunday, January 03, 2021

Kudos to GaysOverCOVID

 Gays can be so dumb sometimes.  I'm glad that there are plenty of gay men out there who is willing to shame others - just like they did do to many closeted ones.  

You can't say that it is their journey.  No fucking way.  

We have many gays who are attending large scale dinner parties, holiday parties, circuit parties and so on - knowing that we are in the midst of a deadly pandemic.  

I'm grateful for people who created gaysovercovid on Instagram.  Kudos to them for doing the right thing - Seeing the images where we saw many gay nurses and doctors attending these super spreader parties - then they came back to work and work with sick patients - passing the virus around just like that? 

Fuck them all, if they got exposed and lost their jobs, they deserved it and more.



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