Saturday, August 20, 2022

Kevin Newcomb Did Do Nothing Wrong

 Kevin Newcomb was fired as a firefighter in Miami, Florida for telling the truth about the idiotic police officers. Miami Fire Department and its union is trying to portray Kevin in bad light after the local police officers whined about what Kevin said. 

Kevin simply said he did not care whether if the cops die or not. These days, these corrupt cops refused to wear the masks or get vaccinated against the COVID19 and continue to risk the others with their arrogance. Not only that, we all knew the folks associated with law enforcement will always protect each other even if they did do wrong things to anyone else in particular. 

We all knew that the majority of cops are racists and they often berated the firefighters and EMTs (Remember the incident in Dallas and Louisville?) who were doing their jobs by saving people's lives whether if they were accused of something, their job is to save the lives but that does not matter to the cops. 

Not a long time ago, there was a video that clearly showed Miami Beach Police officers brutalizing not only one but several people who witnessed the assault. And guess what? The city was outraged but these officers? They banded together and supported each other. Even their union defended them. They deflected and put the blame on others for not "cooperating".

So when Kevin the firefighter told the truth about what's going on with the cops in Miami area, he did not tell a lie. He was 100% right on the target. What he said was not racist, homophobic or sexist, he simply told the truth. Police officers and its supporters were outraged by his truth so they raised a fuss enough to get him to lose his job as a firefighter. 

Oh, yeah, many cops are Conservatives & Republicans as well. Remember the Republicans cried about the cancel culture?  Now who's doing the cancel culture?  

Fuck the police, 'nuff said.



Monday, August 15, 2022

Fuck you Russkies!!

 Ukraine may lose the war but the world will destroy Russia. For eons, Russians has been brainwashing its people with the program I will call it:  Russification.

That so-called program that Russia has instituted for more than 1,000 years: They destroyed more than 300 languages and destroyed communities and all that shit. And you felt they are not that bad? Oh, really?

Ukraine may be in the losing cause but they're rightful thing - that is to fuck Russkies up as deserved.



P.S. Russians will never be friends or siblings with Ukraine.  Fuck you.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Wanna See Denny Voreck Being Drunk?

 Haha!  That's who he is.  Fuck him.



P.S.  Fuck you, Tuesday Apple and that  trashy Merle thing.

Friday, July 29, 2022

I Just Wanted To Remind You All

 ... cause fuck you. You folks need to be remembered about this at Gallaudet University.

