Monday, November 22, 2021

My Previous Post

My previous post has been unpublished due to the fact that Google received a compliant that my post was "harassing, threatening and bullying" someone when I mentioned of someone's arrest as well as his connections to a deaf school, a deaf university and a well known fraternity.  

I have requested the review of my post because none of my post is harassing, threatening nor bullying. I hadn't contacted these individuals that were accused of committing sexual assaults on many women. It is not my style to do such things like that. I simply reported what was being circulated in our communities along with the police report and image.  

Obviously someone is trying to conceal the truth out there trying to manipulate Google into silencing me and my report abilities.

I can guarantee that my report on a certain's sexual assault allegation will never be mentioned on The Daily Moth. 



UPDATE: I requested the review and the post has been reinserted as expected.