Monday, November 01, 2021

Friday, October 29, 2021

How Cute

 Del Whetter is going to produce some shitola film about whatever. We need to call him out about one thing.  He had a grudge against an officer who was known as Chief Justice of Student Body Government ... Drago Renteria.  

This guy is homophobic. and evil.  

The end.



The formal letter to Student Body Government and The Buff and Blue.

 Aubrey Moorman, SBG President
Seth Leight, Executive Producer of The Buff and Blue Media Team
Lillian Berggoetz, Editor-In-Chief of The Buff And Blue newspaper


My name is Ricky Taylor, an alumni of Gallaudet. Beginning in 1995, I used to be a member of Lambda Society of Gallaudet University that later changed with 3 names: Rainbow Alliance of Gallaudet University, Rainbow Society of Gallaudet University and now, Rainbow Society.

Last Sunday during the LGBTIQA Reunion on Zoom hosted by GUAA, I had a brief conversation with the founder of LSGC (Lambda Society of Gallaudet College) who told me that dealing with SBG, Student Congress and The Buff and Blue in 1983-1984 was incredibly brutal. 

LSGC had been trying to form an organization beginning in 1976, the SBG stonewalled them for 8 years until 1984. With the help of Dr. Allen Sussman, the former Dean of Student Affairs who revised the bylaws of LSGC to meet the SBG's guidelines in order to qualify as an organization recognized by the SBG. It was sent to the Student Congress where it failed to pass by 1, 10-9. The Congress said there was one line that did not meet the SBG's guidelines and that they can revisit the next month after the spring break.  

By that time, The Buff and Blue published articles, guest editorial and editorials attacking LSGC repeatedly. It was obviously the case of blatant homophobia.  See the enclosed articles for further details. As you can see, there are too many articles.

At that time, the Editor-in-Chief of The Buff and Blue was William Hughes who is the current Executive Director of Contracts and Procurement at Gallaudet University.

The next month "after" the spring break, with the packed anti-gay crowd at Student Congress, LSGC lost the bid, 15-1 - thanks to William Hughes' anti-gay attacks using The Buff and Blue newspaper to create the climate of hostility against the LGBTs in 1984. 

You can go to Gallaudet website and check WRLC on the archives of The Buff and Blue back in 1983-1984, there are many articles, editorials, guest editorials where others slammed on LGBTs repeatedly. It was very ugly.

Thanks to the interference of Dr. Allen Sussman who ordered the SBG and the University to accept the LSGC as an organization. The Buff and Blue continue to attack the organization and with the SBG's shoulders turning back on LSGC. The words and actions by the SBG and The Buff and Blue has harmed LSGC for the next 20 years between 1980s to 2000s.

LSGC/LSGU/RAGU/RSGU/RS struggled to have more than 12 members per year. The organization was effectively the pariah from other organizations who declined to partner or network with each other. They won't partner with us to share the events together. No other organization wanted to work with us.

Between 1984 to 2000s, our reputation suffered, our funds suffered and our progress slowed to a still. Many members of the organization did not have good networking skills for their career goals, they did not get high paying, good jobs after they graduated from Gallaudet. Many could not get in fraternity or sorority until much later in the late 1990s. Many members would congregate together upstairs in the cafeteria away from the hostile anti-gay crowds who mingled downstairs.

In 1998 or 1999, I was the chairperson of an event for Rainbow Society - I decided to take the party off campus to a gay bar name Titan's Ramrod (now closed) which helped us to make over $2,000 which was the largest ever in the history of the organization. Slowly, Rainbow Society finally grew its membership roll and today, it is in good shape.  

But my focus is on 1980s-2000s. The homophobic attacks by The Buff and Blue newspaper, led by William Hughes, as well as the Student Body Government and Student Congress has left a huge mark and impact on the wellbeings of the organization and members for nearly 20 years. Their actions has left the organization weak and unable to have a proper nor decent relationship with other groups. Many members graduated and did not have good jobs while the ones who waged the attacks on us went on to have great careers. 

Last Sunday at the reunion, some alumni from the late 1970s-early 1980s said that they did not have any role model at Kendall Green and that their time at Gallaudet was traumatic. 

I was not there in 1984, but when I entered Gallaudet in 1991 - I saw how the students, staff, faculty, alumni and organizations ostracized the LSGU who kept on changing their names over the years. I had seen how the members of LSGU were mistreated by others for a long time. 

All of this was caused by The Buff and Blue, Student Body Government and Student Congress beginning in 1983-1984 - their attacks has left this ugly mark on the group for the next 20 years and harmed the members as well. 

Gallaudet is going through a lot of changes and today is supportive of diversity, equity and inclusion. Which is good thing but it also can mean nothing to some unless the SBG and The Buff and Blue come forward to acknowledge, recognize and perhaps, to make a formal apology for their actions in 1983-1984 to Rainbow Society and its former/current members.

I hope with this letter along with the evidence, you will take this into consideration to acknowledge and correct the mistakes committed by the Student Body Government and The Buff and Blue upon the organization and its members.

Thank you,

Ricky Taylor

P.S.  I already made a vlog to address this on my YouTube Channel under October 27, 2021 beginning at 28:11 titled, "The Tribunal" - here is the link: